Title: Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department
1Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department
Volunteer Orientation PART 3 Volunteer Benefits
2Volunteer Benefits
- Free Hepatitis-B and tetanus/diphtheria
3Volunteer Benefits
- 2. Gear provided by RCFRD
4Volunteer Benefits
- 3. Training Opportunities
5Volunteer Benefits
- 4. Workers Compensation coverage
6Volunteer Benefits
7Volunteer Benefits
- 6. Free Roanoke County Personal Property Tax
Decal issued in April-expires May 31st of each
8by Roanoke County Fire Rescue Department
approved by the Roanoke County Board of
Volunteer Benefits
- 7. Volunteer Incentive Program
9VIP Brochure
This brochure goes over the rules and regulations
of the VIP program. Please keep it with your log
book and Point Record for easy reference
The inside cover lists the current LOSAP Board of
10Rules and Regulations of the VIP Program
- A. The VIP program is an incentive program that
rewards Roanoke County volunteer firefighters and
EMS providers with an annual bonus for meeting a
minimum service requirement.
11Rules and Regulations of the VIP Program
- The maximum benefit as of January 2006 is 500.00
per volunteer annually to be paid in April of the
following calendar year. - The V.I.P Plan Year is January 1st December
31st of each year with point records due by
January 15th of the following calendar year with
no exceptions. Incentive bonus checks are issued
in April. - You must earn a minimum of 80 points on the VIP
point record during the calendar year to be
eligible for this program.
12Rules and Regulations of the VIP Program
- E. Refer to the Roanoke County Fire and Rescue
VIP Point Record for criteria on how to earn
points. - F. To qualify for this program you must be a
Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department
Volunteer and you must be at least 16 years of
age and an active member of a Roanoke County
Fire and Rescue organization.
13Rules and Regulations of the VIP Program
- G. To remain eligible for this program volunteers
must be in good standing with Roanoke County as
of the last day of the incentive year. Any
disciplinary action involving a felony would
result in the volunteer being disqualified and
not eligible for the VIP benefit.
14Rules and Regulations of the VIP Program
- H. A VIP eligible member is defined as
- 1. A volunteer member who is at least 16 years
of age and has been approved by the Roanoke
County Fire and Rescue Department application
process as a Firefighter/Rescuer - 2. been accepted by a Roanoke County Volunteer
Fire/Rescue Organization as a Firefighter/Rescuer
- 3. meet Firefighter/Rescuer SOPs,
certifications, etc as indicated by Roanoke
County Fire Rescue Department and Fire/Rescue
15Rules and Regulations of the VIP Program
- 4. Firefighters/Rescuers must be certified at
minimum level within 18 months of acceptance into
organization. This means a Firefighter must have
Firefighter I within 18 months of acceptance into
organization and Rescuers must have EMT-B within
18 months of acceptance into an organization.
Prior to 18 months a volunteer may earn their 80
points and incentive if they are actively working
toward becoming certified. Additionally, a
volunteer must remain certified at the minimum
level to be eligible for the VIP program.
16Rules and Regulations of the VIP Program
- I. All policies, procedures and the point
system of this program are to be interpreted as a
whole, and individual statements shall not be
construed so as to undermine the overall intent
of the documents. - J. The VIP Point Sheet should be filled out
weekly or monthly in order to ensure its accuracy.
17Rules and Regulations of the VIP Program
- K. If a volunteer is a member of multiple
organizations, he/she must earn 80 points with
one organization and is only eligible to receive
one annual bonus per year. - L. No points will be awarded for any activity
performed for individual monetary compensation.
18Rules and Regulations of the VIP Program
- M. It is the responsibility of the volunteer
member to maintain an accurate record of your
points, which shall be verified by the leader of
your organization and authorized by their
signature at the end of the year. - N. The principle reason for a member being at the
station shall be used to determine in which
category points will be awarded. (i.e. training,
business meetings, station duty, running calls,
19Rules and Regulations of the VIP Program
- O. The VIP Board of Trustees recommends that the
leadership of each organization periodically
review the point records to assure that each
member is given due credit for active
participation. - P. A current roster of active members (as
defined above) must be maintained in the
Fire/Rescue Office. It is the responsibility of
the volunteer organization to update the county
roster as changes in membership and/or activity
status occurs.
20Rules and Regulations of the VIP Program
- Q. VIP Point Records are subject to random annual
independent audits. - R. The VIP Board of Trustees reserves the right
to modify all policies, procedures and the point
criteria, with adequate notice to the
participants, in order to maintain an effective
21Rules and Regulations of the VIP Program
- S. The VIP Board of Trustees shall be the
ultimate authority on management, policy making
decisions and eligibility in the program. - T. All concerns with the program shall be
handled through the VIP Board of Trustees. A
volunteer must put their concern in writing and
send it to the Official Board address listed on
the VIP brochure.
22VIP Point Record
23You must complete this personal information
section completely in order to get your credit.
Your Social Security Number is how we track you
and we need it for benefit/tax purposes.
24- This is where you record your points earned.
- You must have the documentation to support each
point that you record on this record
25- You must be certified if you have been
volunteering for 18 months or more to be eligible
for this incentive - If with RCFRD for less then 18 months you must
show you are actively working towards becoming
certified. (enrolled in class) - You and your Chief MUST affirm that the points
are accurate and that you have documentation to
support each point - A industry standard percentage will be randomly
selected each year and audited by the Roanoke
County Finance Department. This is a standard
practice of any Finance Department. Be prepared
for an audit each year.
26- The back of the VIP Point Record covers the
criteria you must meet to earn each point you
list on the front. - The VIP board recommends that you keep a log book
of all service time you provide for RCFRD for
your supporting documentation. - Even if your organization keeps records, you
should keep your own so that you have a back up
plan in case information is misplaced, computers
crash, etc.
27VIP Record Sheet Categories and Criteria
- A. Compliance with Organization By-Laws and
County Policy - 12 points maximum for this
category - Each member must comply with Volunteer
Organization By-Laws and policies while meeting
all requirements of Roanoke County Fire Rescue
Department Policies on a monthly basis. 1 point
per month. If a member fails to earn their point
for any one month- their points in this category
for the entire year are forfeited.
28VIP Record Sheet Categories and Criteria
- B. Alarm Response and/or Duty - 50 points
maximum for this category - Response on calls 1 point per call you respond
to (40 points maximum for this sub-category) - Station Duty -1 point per 4 hours of duty time.
4 hour minimum for duty shift (40 points maximum
for this sub-category)
29VIP Record Sheet Categories and Criteria
- C. Training / Drills - 40 points maximum for this
category - 1 point per hour of training. Must have at
least 20 hours of training per year to receive
points in this Training Category (40 points
maximum for this sub-category) - 1 time 20 point allowance for state or federal
certification course upgrade (20 point maximum
for this sub-category)
30VIP Record Sheet Categories and Criteria
- This 20 point upgrade bonus is awarded to those
who become certified in the following state/
federal certification courses Firefighter/EMS
level upgrade, for approved certification in
course sponsored by FEMA, VDFP, VAVRS, VDEM,
National Registry of EMTs, and other courses as
approved by the Board of Trustees. If you have
any questions about a course meeting the
requirements to earn the 20 point upgrade you
should call 561-8060 prior to taking the course
to verify if your certification meets these
31VIP Record Sheet Categories and Criteria
- D. Administrative Functions 30 points maximum
for this category - 1 point per business or administrative meeting
(20 points maximum for this sub-category) - Elected or appointed officer or chairperson
receives 20 points for the calendar year - Organization representative on a committee such
as Training, Recruitment, LOSAP/VIP receives 1
point per meeting (10 points maximum points in
this sub-category) - Points should be pro-rated if position held less
than one year
32VIP Record Sheet Categories and Criteria
- E. Special Activities 20 points maximum for
this category - 1 point per 2 hours of time spent assisting with
a fund raiser, public service event, education or
recruitment event, demonstration, parade, or
speaking engagement.
33- We are finished with Part 3
- Any questions? If you have any questions please
call the RCFRD Volunteer Office at 561-8060. - Now you may move on to Part 4- the Quiz