Title: www.investincanada.gc.ca
1- www.investincanada.gc.ca
- Norma LambrosInvest In Canada BureauSeptember
25th, 2006
- Advantages of Internet Marketing
- Components of our Internet Marketing Program
- Our Current Initiatives
- Our Recent Achievements
- Going Forward
3Advantages of Internet Marketing
- Global reach at minimum cost
- Two-way medium of excellence
- Frequent updates to online content
- Most efficient targeting capabilities
The characteristics of online marketing that
make it compelling are that it is targetable,
actionable, and trackable - all in real-time.
Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO
4Components of Our Internet Marketing Program
- Search engine marketing
- Direct email campaign
- Promotional editorials online
- Newsletter subscriptions
- Banner ads
5Current Initiatives
- Google Adwords
- Most effective SEM technique
- Relevant keyword strategy improved results.
- AdWords is a web marketer's dream come true. In
fact I believe history will show it to be the
most important development in advertising this
decade. - Travis Greenlee - Master Business Design and
Development Consultant
6Current Initiatives contd
- Email campaign to fortune 1000 companies
- 6 month advertorial campaign
- Directory listings
- Targeted banner ad placement
7Recent Achievements
- Visits increased by 44 in 2005
- Improved search engine rankings by SEO
- Reaching a broader international audience
- 4100 subscribers to posts e-newsletters since
August 2005 - Half million downloaded files
8Going Forward
- Blogs (weblogs)
- RSS Feeds (really simple syndication)
Blogs and RSS feeds are indicators (not drivers)
of a much larger change in the information
ecology. The technology that explodes is not a
technology that causes changes, a technology that
explodes, is a technology that is meeting an
unmet need. George Siemens, University of
Manitoba Professor
- Norma Lambros
- (613) 944-3148
- norma.lambros_at_international.gc.ca
- www.investincanda.gc.ca