Title: Eagle Rule Based Runtime Verification
1EagleRule Based Runtime Verification
Joint Work with Howard Barringer, Allen Goldberg,
Klaus Havelund at NASA Ames Research Center.
2Increasing Software Reliability
- Model checking and Theorem Proving are rigorous
- Not scalable
- Complex
- Testing is scalable and widely used
- Ad hoc
- Lack of coverage
- Can we combine Formal Methods and Testing ?
- To get the benefits of both the approaches.
- To avoid the pitfalls of ad hoc testing.
- To avoid the complexity of full-blown theorem
proving and model checking.
3Runtime Verification
- Merge testing and temporal logic specification
- Specify safety properties in some temporal logic.
- Instrument program to generate events.
- Monitor safety properties against a trace of
event emitted by the running program. - Pros Scalable
- Cons Lack of Coverage
4Existing Systems
- MaC Tool (UPenn) uses past-time interval logic
- Temporal Rover commercial tool
- Java PathExplorer (NASA Ames) past-time logic
or future time logic - Java MultiPathExplorer past-time logic with
extended coverage. - Statistics Collection by Finkbeiner et al.
- Debugging Distributed Autonomous Systems by
Simmons et al. (CMU)
- Do we really need different logics?
- What is the most basic, yet, general
specification language suitable for monitoring? - Eagle Rule Based Verification Framework is an
attempt to unify the existing logics into a
single framework.
6Features of Eagle
- Parameterized recursive equations.
- Minimal/maximal fix-point semantics.
- Three primitive temporal operators
- Next
- Yesterday
- Concatenation
- Can encode future time temporal logic, past-time
logic, µ-calculus, real-time, data-binding, state
machines, alternating automata over finite
traces, statistics. - Even suitable for Aspect-Oriented Programming.
7Recursive Formulas
- One can state a property whenever x is positive
then eventually y becomes positive. - This can be written as
- ?(x gt 0 ? ?(y gt 0))
- The formulas ?F and ?F satisfies the equations
- ?F F ? ?(? F) maximal solution
- ?F F ? ?(? F) minimal solution
8What does Eagle look like?
- max Always(Formula F) F /\ ? Always(F) .
- min Eventually(Formula F) F \/ ? Eventually(F)
. - min Eventually_(Formula F) F \/ ?
Eventually_(F) . - The formula ?((xgt0) ? ? (y3)) can be written as
- monitor M1 Always((x gt 0) -gt Eventually_(y3))
9Generic Rules for Past-time Temporal Logic
- max Always_(Formula F) F /\ ? Always_(F) .
- min Eventually_(Formula F) F \/ ?
Eventually_(F) . - min Since(Formula F1, Formula F2)
- F2 \/ (F1 /\ ? Since(F1,F2)) .
- max Zince(Formula F1, Formula F2)
- F2 \/ (F1 /\ ? Zince(F1,F2)) .
10Generic Rules for Future-time Temporal Logic
- max Always(Formula F) F /\ ? Always_(F) .
- min Eventually(Formula F) F \/ ? Eventually(F)
. - min Until(Formula F1, Formula F2)
- F2 \/ (F1 /\ ? Until(F1,F2)) .
- max Unless(Formula F1, Formula F2)
- F2 \/ (F1 /\ ? Unless(F1,F2)) .
11Mixture of Past-time and Future-time
- Using primitive operators
- min R1(Formula F1, Formula F2)
- F1 /\ ? R1(F1,F2) /\ ? F2.
- Using already defined Rules
- min R2(Formula F1, Formula F2, Formula F3)
- Always(F1 -gt Eventually_(F2 /\
Eventually(F3))) .
12Data Binding
- ?((x gt 0) ? k x ? (y k ))
- ?((login userid) ? k userid ? (logout k
)) - monitor M1
- Always((xgt0) -gt let k x in
Eventually((yk))). - which is rewritten into the following two rules
- min R(int k) Eventually(yk) .
- monitor M2 Always((xgt0) -gt R(x)) .
13Real-time Special Case of Data Binding
- Want to define ?t1,t2 F
- min TEventually(Formula F, long t1, long t2)
- TEventuallyAbs(F,(t1time()),(t2s.time())) .
- min TEventuallyAbs(Formula F, long t1, long t2)
- (time() lt t2) /\
- (F -gt (t1 lt time())) /\
- ( F -gt ? TEventuallyAbs(F,t1,t2)) .
14Extended Regular Expressions (ERE)
- Tr(ø) False
- Tr(a) a ? ? Empty()
- Tr(R1 R2) Tr(R1) ? Tr(R2)
- Tr(R1) Tr(R1)
Tr(e) Empty() Tr(R1.R2) Tr(R1).Tr(R2) Tr(R1
n R2) Tr(R1) ? Tr(R2)
Tr(R) X(R) where max X(Formula R) Empty() ?
(Tr(R) . X() ) max Empty() ? True
15µTL Example
- The fix-point formula
- ?x.p ? ??x ? µy.q ? ?x ? ?y
- can be written as
- max X() p ? ??X() ? Y()
- min Y() q ? ?X() ? ? Y()
16Collecting Statistics
- min Stat(Formula F,int count)
- (F -gt Stat(F,(count1))) /\ ( F -gt
Stat(F,count)) .
Count 5
17Algorithm for Monitoring Functional Style
- Evaluation of a formula F on a state s ?(i)
results in another formula eval(F,s) - ?,i ? F iff ?,i1 ? eval(F,s)
- The function update(F,s) updates a formula
properly in presence of previous operator - The value of a formula at the end of a trace is
given by value(F)
18Monitoring a Formula
?((xgt0) ? k x ?((z2) ? (yk)))
?((xgt0) ? k x ((4k) ? ?((z2) ? (yk))))
((3gt0) ? (43)) ? ?((xgt0) ? k x ((4k) ?
?((z2) ? (yk))))
19Eagle Calculus Internals of Rules
- eval(exp,s) value of exp in s
- eval(F1 op F2,s) eval(F1,s) op eval(F2,s) where
op is ?,?,? - eval(F,s) eval(F,s)
- eval(?F,s) update(F,s)
- update(exp,s) exp
- update(F1 op F2,s) update(F1,s) op update(F2,s)
- update(F,s) update(F,s)
- update(?F,s) ?update(F,s)
20Eagle calculus
- value(exp) False
- value(F1 op F2) value(F1) op value(F2) where op
is ?,?,? - value(F) value(F)
- value(?F) False
- value(R(F1,,Fn)) True if R is max
- value(R(F1,,Fn)) False if R is min
21Calculus for Rules Simple Future
- max Always(Formula F) F ? ?Always(F)
- eval(Always(F),s) eval(F ? ?Always(F),s)
- update(Always(F),s) update(F ? ?Always(F),s)
- update(F,s) ? ?update(Always(F),s)
- update(Always(F),s) Always(update(F,s))
22Previous Operator
- In a rule if F is guarded by ?
- Evaluate F at every state of trace
- Store the evaluation F in some temporary
storeholder - Use it in the next state
- To allocate storeholder
- Introduce an argument in the rule for every F
guarded by ?
23Calculus with Previous Operator
- max Foo(Formula F) F ? ?Foo(F)
- Foo(Formula F) Foo(Formula F,Formula past1)
- Foo(F) Foo(F,value(Foo(F)))
- eval(Foo(F,past1),s) eval(F ? past1,s)
- update(Foo(F,past1),s)
24Rules on Right Hand Side
- max Bar(Formula F) Foo(F) ? ?Bar(F)
- eval(Bar(F),s) eval(Foo(F) ? ?Bar(F),s)
- update(Bar(F),s) Bar(update(F,s))
- update(Bar(F),s) update(Foo(F) ? ?Bar(F),s)
- Introduce additional argument as in case of
previous - Bar(F) Bar(F,Foo(F))
- eval(Bar(F,inner1),s) eval(inner1 ?
?Bar(F,inner1),s) - update(Bar(F,inner1),s) Bar(update(F,s),update
25Data Values Partial Evaluation
- ?((x gt 0) ? k x ? (y k ))
- (x 5,y3)
- ? (y 5 ) ? ?((x gt 0) ? k x ? (y k ))
26Calculus with Data Values
- max Pub(int k) (x k) ? ?Pub(yk)
- eval(Pub(arg1),s) let k eval(arg1,s) in
- eval((xk) ? ?Pub(yk),s)
- update(Pub(arg1),s) Pub(arg1)
- Note eval(arg1,s) may be partially evaluated if
it refers to some variable in arg1 have partial
value. - Expression gets fully evaluated once all
expressions referred by variables are fully
- We have an implementation in Java
- Each Rule gets converted into a Java class
- Partial evaluation of Java expressions is
implemented by wrapping each possible expression
in a Java object - The package is available on request
28Observer and State
class State int x,y update(Event e)
x e.x y e.y
class Observer Monitors mons State state
eventHandler(Event e) state.update(e)
e1 e2 e3
class Monitor Formula M1, M2 apply(State
s) M1.apply(s) M2.apply(s)
class Event int x,y
29Case Study
- Real-time properties have been monitored on
Spacecraft Controller K9-Rover. - 35,000 lines of C code,
- executes action plans.
- The test-case generator automatically generates
input plans for the controller. - For each input plan a set of temporal formulas is
generated that the plan execution should satisfy.
- A previously unknown error was detected in the
first run, demonstrating that a certain task did
not recognize the too early termination of some
other task.
- A generic framework for defining temporal logics
modularly. - Algorithm to monitor mixed past-time and
future-time temporal formulas - Algorithm to handle Data Values
- An efficient Implementation of the monitoring
framework in Java
31Future Work
- Encode other temporal logics in Eagle.
- Improve Eagle by adding necessary primitive
operators. - Port it to C to increase speed.
- Integrate with Aspect Oriented Programming
paradigm - Temporal Aspects
- Extend Eagle to Partial Orders in Distributed