Title: Franklin County Family Emergency Shelter System
1Franklin County Family Emergency Shelter System
Diversion Helping families stay in the housing
theyre in, with support from community programs,
social service agencies, family and friends, and
other community agencies.
- First contact between YWCA Family Center and
family - Triage
- Referral
- Assessment
- Services
- Guidance
Permanent housing, usually with Transition
assistance (CSB)
Permanent housing
Welcome to the Family Center
Referral to direct housing Family Housing
Collaborative (Salvation Army, CSB)
Referral to Tier II shelter (Homeless Families
Foundation, Volunteers of America)
Referral to transitional housing (Amethyst)
Referral to permanent supportive housing (2
years - permanent) (Community Housing Network,
Amethyst, Volunteers of America, Maryhaven/NCR)
Treatment programs for severe issues (ADAMH
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2Franklin County Adult Emergency Shelter System
Contact between an Adult Shelter and client
Permanent housing, usually with Transition
assistance (CSB)
Unsuccessful Exit
Permanent housing
Admission to FM on 8th, FM on 6th, FM Nancys
Place, FoH Mens Shelter, FoH Rebeccas Place,
VOA Mens Shelter.
Referral to permanent supportive housing (2
years - permanent) (Amethyst, Columbus AIDS Task
Force, Community Housing Network, Maryhaven,
National Church Residences, Southeast, YMCA, YWCA)
- Screening
- Intake
- OR
- Referral to other shelter
Referral to transitional housing (Amethyst,
Friends of the Homeless, Pater Noster House,
Volunteers of America)
Referral to inebriate shelter (Maryhaven
Engagement Center)
Referral to treatment programs for severe
issues (ADAMH agencies)
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