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... long term impact of the Celtic Tiger have not been translated into increased ... National average in 2006 was 20,678 up 21% from 2002. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


WORKSHOP 11/03/2009
" The implementation of an integrated,
achievable and sustainable county-wide strategy
which will improve the economic, social and
cultural quality of life for the people of
Baseline Data Update
Baseline data Update - Constraints
  • Designed to support the review of Priority
    Actions for 2009-2012
  • 2006 Census statistics Supplemented with up to
    date information
  • Need for more up-to-date information
  • Difficult to track down info
  • Agencies sometimes didnt know what they had or
    unwilling to assist
  • Need for uniformity in presentation of data
  • Different timescales
  • Mostly regional little county breakdown
  • These stats are provisional
  • If you have other data, please forward it
  • Support the ongoing need for up to data

  • Monaghans population increased by 6.5 from
    2002 to 2006 to 55,997
  • 2-3 less of an increase compared to BMW region
    and nationally in same period.
  • Process of de urbanisation ongoing - Population
    density of urban centres rapidly decreasing

Monaghan Urban ED 2947 pp sq km to 1143 from
1996 to 2006 (-61) Castleblayney Urban ED 2479
pp sq km to 1211 (-51) Corresponding Rural EDs
population density rising by 365 (M) and 69 (C).
  • Traditionally had an age dependency rate 3
    higher than national average.

Patterns of increasing longevity across Ireland
along with a marginally decreasing birth
rate Birth rate Monaghan and increases in life
expectancy DOWN
Population Projections Central Statistics Office
  • Total increases vary from 53,000 to 181,000.
  • CSO Outlook MOF1 Increase between 53k and
    105k depending on strength of internal movements.

Border Regional Authority Projections
  • Revision of National Spatial Strategy targets
    due to changes in inward migration
  • Projected increase for Monaghan Hub 83k by 2020
  • Lack of pace with other Hubs
  • Transportation links vital
  • Area of concentrated economic activity
  • Physical remoteness and poor
    connectivity must be addressed.

Ethnic Composition
  • Concentration of Irish nationals in Monaghan
    declined from 94.8 to 89.8 from 2002 to 2006
    higher than national average by 2.
  • Situation known to be reversing at an increasing
  • Issuance of PPS numbers nationally down
    significantly in last year to Dec 2008
  • Polish down 47,000 or 47
  • Romanian, Slovak and Lithuanians also down
    between 40 and 53 in 2008

Asylum Seekers
  • Reception and Integration Agency figures for 2008
  • Current population in Monaghan 209, capacity
    of 223.
  • 0.37 of county population higher than
    national average of 0.17
  • Intention of integrating a further 78 in 2009

Lone Parents Isolated
  • Monaghan has over 10 of its population over 65
    living alone compared to 8 of the state
    Situation has remained unchanged in recent years.
  • Lone Parent households are a characteristic of
    both urban and more deprived areas of the country
    as a whole
  • Almost doubled from 11.7 in 2002 to 22.2 in
    2006 a picture almost matched on a national

  • Haase and Pratschke Report

Demographic Profile - Population shifts,
educational attainment and lone parents
Social Class Composition Educational
attainment, social ranking, density
Labour Market Situation Skills base,
standardised unemployment
  • Monaghan Absolute index score 6.7 compared to
    National score of 10.4
  • Relative index score of -3.0 compared to
    national average of 2.1
  • Both represent a marginally below average level
    of affluence and deprivation - Situation has
    remained unchanged from 1996
  • Demonstrating that the long term impact of the
    Celtic Tiger have not been translated into
    increased levels of affluence or standards of

  • Total assisted by Local Authority housing has
    increased marginally year on year since 2005,
    from 86 families to 93 in 2007.
  • Assisted by the introduction of the facility at
  • Population estimated at 110 families in
    Monaghan, having increased from approximately 83
    in 2003.

Economic Profile
  • The national outlook as projected by the ESRI
    (Economic Social Research Institute)
  • Dramatic falls in productivity on a national
  • Imports showing negative growth for 2008
  • Inflation fallen sharply with a period of
    deflation ensuing for various reasons.
  • Zero net employment growth for 2008 with no
    formal projections for standardised unemployment

  • Volume of inward investment projected to fall by
    almost 20 in 2009
  • Prediction of a further 117,00 job losses in
  • Government deficit expected to reach 47.5 of
    GDP in 2009
  • Zero wage growth nationally in 2009.

ESRI - Advice
  • A focus on policy changes that will ensure that
    Ireland will be on the best footing possible for
    a subsequent global upturn.
  • A need to ensure that public finances do not
    become a constraint on growth and more of an
    emphasis put on quality in terms of public
  • A further realisation that wage reduction may
    well be considered preferable as a means of
    maintaining quality service provision across

  • Figures from National
    organisation for the unemployed.
  • Recent trends in female unemployment shows a
    convergence with males
  • New persons on the live register have eased from
    713 in January to 411 in February for Monaghan
  • Monaghan and Castleblayney towns continue to see
    the largest increases

Disposable Income
  • Average disposable income in Monaghan 18,978
    in 2006, up 26 from 2002.
  • National average in 2006 was 20,678 up 21
    from 2002.
  • Monaghan county shown to have improved but still
    lagging behind the national average, all be it at
    a lessening rate.
  • Key indicators from the CSO indicate that those
    likely to experience consistent poverty in
    Ireland is now increasing contrary to NAPS 2007

  • Percentage of population with 3rd level
    education in Monaghan 22 compared to 31
  • This differential of 9 has increased from 8 in
    2002 and 6 in 1996 Slight improvements however
    year on year falls on the national figure.
  • Border Regional Authority Regional
    Competitiveness 2009 states the following -
  • In terms of early school leavers The Border
    region shows the 2nd highest level in Ireland,
    posing a particular problem as unemployment rises
    and the economy contracts.
  • The CSO Quality of Life Survey 2008 states the
    following -
  • The Border had the highest level of persons with
    only primary or no formal education (24.1)
    compared to the national average of 18.

  • The Department of Education
  • Dublin will always have an infrastructural
  • Louth showing a much higher rate of uptake of
    Monaghan young people
  • Should be viewed as the opportunity for Monaghan
    going forward

Industry Analysis Monaghan 2002/2006
  • Should be viewed as an indicator of trends - In
    light of current economic climate
  • Agriculture has declined by 3 in Monaghan, but
    to a lesser extent nationally.
  • The boom that carried the construction trade
    expected to have fallen back to figures seen in
    2002 as a result of the house market crash.
  • Further evidence of the decline in the
    manufacturing sector but can also be seen
    across the Border and nationally.

  • Transport has seen marginal increases in terms
    of employment possible links with rural
    transport improvements.
  • Levels within Public administration have
    marginally decreased as have those employed in
    the professional services sector in Monaghan.
  • Other section likely to include the large
    remainder of the services industry which accounts
    for a large proportion of employment.

Agriculture National Farm Survey 2007
  • National Family Farm Income (FFI) increased from
    16,680 per farm in 2006 to 19,687 in 2007 an
    increase of 18
  • Following a decline of 26 in 2006 and an
    increase of 44 in 2005 show the volatility in
    farm incomes following decoupling of
  • direct payments in 2005
  • The Border region however falls below the
    average 11,463
  • Lowest level of subsidies of all regions
  • Need for extra support to avoid extremes of

Kompas Business Directory Monaghan County
  • Service and Retail sectors combined account for
    627 businesses in the county or 46.
  • Construction and Manufacturing make up 153

County Enterprise Board List of Clients by
  • Retail and services not traditionally targeted
    by government or enterprise, as opposed to
    primary industry where there is a tangible end
    product Need for this not to be overlooked in

  • Proportion of net output paid to workers -
  • Louth 8.5
  • Monaghan 35.9
  • Cavan 40.5
  • This would indicate that Louth has in comparison
    to Monaghan a higher industrial based where
    goods manufactured have a much higher value added
    component e.g. computer parts etc
  • Hence the flip side tells us that per unit sold
    in Monaghan, margins are a lot tighter, as the
    value added component is significantly lower per
    unit of production e.g., Mushrooms, furniture.
  • The levels of profitability are affected more so
    as a result of a downturn in the economy, leading
    to job losses.

Largest individual employers Monaghan
  • Rye Valley Foods - 600
  • Kerry Foods - 400
  • Century Homes - 350
  • Four Seasons Hotel Group - 300
  • Monaghan Mushrooms - 250
  • Dunnes Stores - 180
  • Silver Hill Foods - 170
  • Of the top 20 largest employers in the county
    (Dec 2008) 49 of employment came from Food
  • 20 of employment from the top 20 largest
    employers came from wood or timber related forms
    of business.

All Sectors in Monaghan Total Employment
  • Highlights the dependence on manufacturers and
    food suppliers in the county.
  • Service and retail sectors also features as next
    highest employers overall. Need for these
    groups to support each other.

Connectivity National Broadband Scheme
  • Armagh - Monaghan link As part of the Armagh
    Monaghan Digital Corridor a 1Gb fibre link has
    been constructed between Armagh and Monaghan with
    backhaul provided through Belfast to the rest of
    the UK and to Dublin.
  • Linking business centres ATek and MTek
  • MTek should be further promoted as excellent
    business start up or base for existing high tech

Kelvin Project
  • Direct telecommunications link to North America,
    Belfast, Dublin and mainland UK
  • Major emphasis should be put on attracting
    foreign investment through this venture.

This is a journey not a destination..
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