Title: Security Made Simple Series
1Security Made SimpleSeries
- Web Hackology
- A Primer in Web Hacking and Securing your Web
- Attack points
- Policy
- Architecture
- OS and web server configuration
- Tools
- Web content checks
- Web application programming hacks
3Attack Points
4Administrative Security Policy
- Network architecture
- OS configuration
- Web server configuration and components
- Frontpage permitted
- HTML admin interface
- Ports permitted
- Operational readiness procedures
- Remote administration procedures
- Change control and update procedures
- Security monitoring procedures
- Performance monitoring procedures
5Network Architecture
6Recommended Network Architecture
7Network Architecture
- Dumb down web attack rules
- Use connection-based rules
- ARP spoofing
- Port usage
- TCP any 102465535 ltgt web server 80
- TCP any 102465535 ltgt web server 443
- Updates (OS/Web server/AV)
- Security Monitoring (syslog or proprietary)
- Performance Monitoring
- Baseline (MD5-like)
- Remote Administration
- Access to web app and/or database
- Load Balancer
- Ensure that individual IPs cannot be accessed
from Internet
8Security Checklists
9OS Configuration
- Patches
- Lockdown procedures/local security policy
- AntiVirus
- Malware/spyware
- TCP wrappers/personal firewall
10Some Common Web Servers
- Microsoft IIS
- Apache
- Lotus Domino
- IBM Websphere
- Netscape/iPlanet/Sun One
- Mainframe
11Web Server Configuration
- Patches
- Lockdown procedures
- Admin Security Policy
- run as non-privileged user
- restrict files from web user/service
- use IIS lockdown (Microsoft)
- use URLScan (Microsoft)
12IIS lockdown What does it do?
- Disables 'Index Server Web Interface (.idq, .htw,
.ida)' script map - Disables 'Internet Data Connector (.idc)' script
map - Disables 'Server side includes (.shtml, .shtm,
.stm)' script map - Disables '.HTR scripting (.htr)' script map
- Disables 'Active Server Pages (.asp)' script map
- Disables 'Internet printing (.printer)' script
map - Removes the printer virtual directory
- Disables Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning
(WebDAV) - Sets file permissions to prevent anonymous IIS
users from writing to content directories - Sets file permissions to prevent anonymous IIS
users from running system utilities - Removes 'Scripts' virtual directory
- Removes 'MSADC' virtual directory
- Removes 'IIS Samples' virtual directory
- Removes 'IISAdmin' virtual directory
- Removes 'IISHelp' virtual directory
13IIS Lockdown
14URLScan What does it do?
- Controls allow/deny verbs
- Add TRACK and TRACE to list
- Controls allow/deny extensions
- Limits URL lengths
- Normalizes http pre-processor
- A must with IIS 5.5 and earlier
- Using URLScan w/ IIS 6.0
- RemoveServerHeader
- DenyUrlSequences
- Can be used to remove SQL tick()
15Ways to Identify Vulnerabilities
- Security Focus
- Bug Traq
- Vendor info
- Hacker web sites
- Internet searches
- Hacker tools
16Hacker and Commercial Tools
- Nikto
- N-Stealth
- Whisker
- Teleport Pro
- Brutus
- stunnel
- Nessus
- ISS Internet Scanner
- NAI CyberCop Scanner
- Retina
- latest version of IE
- Netscape 4.78
17How to identify the web host
- Telnet to port 80
- c\gttelnet www.website.net 80
- HTTP/1.0 501 Not Implemented
- Connection close
- Server zWeb-Host-VSE/1.7.0
- Content-Type text/html
- ltHTMLgtltHEADgtltTITLEgtERROR 501 - NOT
lt/H2gt - ltBRgtThe request can not be processed because
the requested facility is not implemented by
the web server.lt/BODYgtlt/HTMLgt - Sometimes you may need to enter
- HEAD / ltCRgt ltCRgt
18How to identify the web host
- Use stunnel to telnet to port 443
- C\stunnelgtstunnel -c -r www.website.com443 -d
443 - C\gttelnet 443
- HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
- Server Microsoft-IIS/4.0
- Date Tue, 22 Oct 2002 230241 GMT
- Content-Type text/html
- Content-Length 87
- lthtmlgtltheadgtlttitlegtErrorlt/titlegtlt/headgtltbodygtThe
parameter is incorrect. lt/bodygt - lt/htmlgt
- If using ASP, 95 chance it is IIS
- C\nikto-1.30gtperl nikto.pl -generic -host - - SSL support not available (see docs for
SSL install instructions) - --------------------------------------------------
------------------------- - - Nikto 1.30/1.09 - www.cirt.net
- Target IP
- Target Hostname www.mindyourownbiz.net
- Target Port 80
- Start Time Sun Jul 13 184541 2003
- --------------------------------------------------
------------------------- - Server Microsoft-IIS/5.0
- Allowed HTTP Methods OPTIONS, TRACE, GET,
- HTTP method 'PROPFIND' may indicate DAV/WebDAV
is installed. This may allow DA - V authorized users to consume system memory via
large requests or fill disk quot - as.
- HTTP method 'TRACE' may allow client XSS or
credential theft. See http//www. - cgisecurity.com/whitehat-mirror/WhitePaper_screen.
pdf for details. - Microsoft-IIS/5.0 is outdated if server is
Win2000 (4.0 is current for NT 4) - / - TRACE option appears to allow XSS or
credential theft. See http//www.cgi
25Information Accessibility
- Indexing
- Access outside root
- ../../
- Hidden information
- Links
26Client Vulnerability Checks
- Account info in history file
- Disk cache
27Various Server Vulnerabilities
- Modify web data
- WebDAV
- SSL cipher
- SSLv2 vs. SSLv3
- Encryption strength
- Client certificates
- Time synchronization
28Lotus Domino Files to Protect
- setup.nsf
- catalog.nsf
- admin4.nsf
- webadmin.nsf
- certlog.nsf
- log.nsf
- names.nsf
- domcfg.nsf
- domlog.nsf
29User Account/Login Security Issues
- Login credential check
- Login timeout
- Report last good/failed login
- Account lockout
- Concurrent logins
- Warning banner
- Ability to logout
- Password rules
- Default usernames/passwords in use
30Poor Logon Credential Check
Valid account Invalid password
Invalid account Invalid password
A web site should not differentiate between a
non-existent account and an invalid
username/password combination. Ensure that the
responses for an invalid account or a valid
account with an incorrect password are the same.
31Report last good/failed login
Web sites should report previous login
information and failed login attempts back to the
32Concurrent Logins
An account in use message should be issued.
33Account Lockout
An account lockout mechanism should be enabled
34Sample Warning Banner
- This system is for the use of authorized users
only. These systems and equipment are subject to
monitoring to ensure proper functioning, to
protect against improper or unauthorized use or
access, and to verify the presence or performance
of applicable security features or procedures,
and for other like purposes. Such monitoring may
result in the acquisition, recording, and
analysis of all data being communicated,
transmitted, processed or stored in this system
by a user. If monitoring reveals evidence of
possible criminal activity, such evidence may be
provided to law enforcement personnel. Use of
this system constitutes consent to such
35Sample Password Rules
- The password shall contain a combination of at
least six alphanumeric characters, including at
least one alphabetic, one numeric, and one
special (e.g. punctuation) character. - The password shall not contain the associated
user ID. - As an option, dictionary words can be restricted.
- No more than two repeating characters.
- No sequencing of characters and/or numbers.
- Password aging and history should be maintained.
36Application Programming Hacks
- Common Gateway Interface (CGI) Scripts
- Buffer underflow/overflow
- URL Manipulation
- SQL Injection
- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
- Persistent cookie manipulation
- Session cookie manipulation
- Variable manipulation
37Use of Basic Authentication Base64 decode
- root_at_localhost /tools ./websniff -v
- 2234 gt
- GET /acid/acid_main.php HTTP/1.1
- Accept image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg,
image/pjpeg, application/vnd.ms-excel,
application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword,
/ - Accept-Language en-us
- Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate
- User-Agent Mozilla/4.0 (compatible MSIE 6.0
Windows NT 5.0) - Host
- Connection Keep-Alive
- Cookie PHPSESSID531d9931581ac33d69d1ca917f206d5d
- Authorization Basic c25vcnQ6dGVzdA
- ---------- USER snort PASS test
38URL Manipulation
- Original URL
- http//www.website.com/JSP/Welcome.jsp?CustomerNu
nistratorDSUserPasswordabc123 - Changed URL
- http//www.website.com/JSP/Welcome.jsp?CustomerNu
39URL Manipulation
40SQL Injection Case 1
- The exploit uses a SQL statement to bypass the
password requirement. - The following is an example of the exploit
- Customer ID 0003
- User ID user99
- Password x' OR 1 1 --
- The reason this attack works is because it
changes the SQL select statement such that any
query will always return true. For example - SELECT FROM AUTHENTICATION_TABLE WHERE
Username 'username' and Password 'Correct
password' - Is changed to
Username 'username' and Password 'x' OR 1 1
-- ' - The use of "OR 1 1" will always be true,
therefore the password request will always be
41SQL Injection
42SQL Injection Case 2
- The web page was modified with the following code
snippets to protect against the SQL injection
vulnerability previously discovered - // Verify password
- function verifyPsw(field)
- if (field.search(/(\s"')/) ! -1)
- return false
- else
- return true
- //validate the form and submit it
- function submitForm
- if (ie)
- entryForm.BROWSER.value "MSN"
- else
- if (ns)
- entryForm.BROWSER.value "NET"
43Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
- ltSCRIPT Language"Javascript"gtalert("Hello")lt/SCR
44Variable Manipulation Case 1
- By changing the UserID from 17 to 18, the
user assumes the privileges of another
45Variable Manipulation Case 2
- I used Achilles to intercept the web pages coming
back from the web server
- lt!-- Only what they have access to... --gt
- lttdgtlta href"JavaScript SystemAdmin()"gtltimg
min.gif" width"93" height"100" alt"Admin"
border"0"gtlt/agtlt/tdgt - lttdgtlta href"JavaScriptFileControl()"gtltimg
rol.gif" width"93" height"100" alt"File
Control" border"0"gtlt/agtlt/tdgt - lttdgtlta href"JavaScriptApplications()"gtltimg
ions.gif" width"93" height"100"
alt"Applications" border"0"gtlt/agtlt/tdgt - lttdgtlta href"JavaScriptReports()"gtltimg
tion.gif" width"93" height"100"
alt"Verification" border"0"gtlt/agtlt/tdgt - lttdgtlta href"JavaScriptReports()"gtltimg
gif" width"93" height"100" alt"Reports"
border"0"gtlt/agtlt/tdgt - lt/trgt
- lttrgt
- lt!-- Only what they have access to... --gt
- lttd valign"baseline" align"center"gt lta
lt/tdgt - lttd valign"baseline" align"center"gt lta
href"JavaScriptFileControl()"gtFile Controllt/agt
lt/tdgt - lttd valign"baseline" align"center"gt lta
lt/tdgt - lttd valign"baseline" align"center"gt lta
lt/tdgt - lttd valign"baseline" align"center"gt lta
href"JavaScriptReports()"gtReportslt/agt lt/tdgt
46Variable Manipulation
47Other ESS Presentations and Documentation
- Free and Economical Security and Performance
Monitoring Tools - www.EnterpriseSecuritySolutions.net/files/Tools_Pr
esentation.ppt - Snort IDS
- www.EnterpriseSecuritySolutions.net/files/ESS_snor
t.doc - Centralized Syslog with Exception Reporting
- www.EnterpriseSecuritySolutions.net/files/ESS_sysl
og.doc - MD5 Baselining
- www.EnterpriseSecuritySolutions.net/files/ESS_MD5.
doc -
48- Michael Esposito
- Principal Consultant
- ( 908-508-9825 office
- ( 908-553-6966 mobile
- ( 786-549-0752 fax
- Esposito_at_EnterpriseSecuritySolutions.net
- PGP C3F8 B10B 6D1D 83F2 3817 0B2D A281 7E19
D69D CEA5 - www.EnterpriseSecuritySolutions.net/files/Web_Hack