Actual status of gender legislation in Austria - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Actual status of gender legislation in Austria


Costs/expenses during delivery. Costs of hospital ... Prohibition of work on sun- and holidays. Prohibition of overtime work. Protection of payment ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Actual status of gender legislation in Austria

  • Actual status of gender legislation in Austria
  • Mag.a Anna Kleissner
  • Presentation at the International Seminar on
    Methodological aspects 21 23 of January 2005,
    I H S, Vienna

International Agreements (I)
  • Agreement with the International Labour
    Organisation (ILO)
  • ILO-Agreement Nr. 100 refers to equal pay for
    equal work for male and female employees
  • ILO-Agreement Nr. 111 about the discrimination in
    employment and work
  • Convention for the abolishment of all forms of
    discrimination of women (CEDAW)
  • Treaty establishing the European Community
    principle of equality of payment
  • Art. 2 EGV
  • Art. 3 Abs. 2 EGV
  • Art. 13 EGV
  • Art. 137 Abs.1 lit. i EGV
  • Art. 141 EGV

International Agreements (II)
  • Council Directives
  • RL 75/117/EWG (equality of payment)
  • RL 76/207/EWG (equal opportunities)
  • RL 79/7/EWG (equal opportunities social
  • RL 86/378/EWG (company pension)
  • RL 96/97/EWG (modification of company pensions)
  • RL 86/613/EWG (equal treatment self-employed)
  • RL 92/85/EWG (maternity protection)
  • RL 96/34/EG (paid leave given to mother/father)
  • RL 97/80/EG (burden of proof)
  • RL 97/81/EG (part-time work)
  • RL 2000/43/EG (anti-racism)
  • RL 2000/78/EG (regulatory framework)
  • RL 2002/73/EG (modifications/alternatives for
    equal opportunities)

Constitutional Law (I)
  • Art. 2 StGG
  • All citizens are equal before the law.
  • Art. 7 B-VG
  • All citizens are equal before the law. Privileges
    of birth, gender, status, class and denomination
    are ruled out. Nobody may be discriminated
    because of a personal handicap. The Republic
    declares to ensure equal treatment of handicapped
    and non handicapped people in all aspects of
  • Federation, provinces and communities declare the
    equality of men and women. Measures supporting
    the equality of men and women are admissible, in
    particular measures taken to eliminate existing
  • Official titles can express the gender of the
    office-worker. The same can be applied to titles,
    academic degrees and job titles.
  • Civil servants including members of the Austrian
    Armed Forces are guaranteed their political
    rights without restriction.

Constitutional Law (II)
  • Article 14 European Convention on Human Rights
  • The benefits of the rights and privileges put
    down in the convention must be guaranteed,
    without discrimination particularly pertaining to
    gender, race, language, religion, political
    points of view, nationality, social background or
    status of birth..

Laws on equal opportunity and treatment of women
  • The Federal law on equal opportunity of women in
    civil service (Bundes-Gleichbehandlungsgesetz,
  • B-GlBG)
  • The Equal Opportunity/Treamtment Law for the
    private sector (Gleichbehandlungsgesetz, GlBG)
  • State law on the commission for equal opportunity
    and treatment (Bundesgesetz über die
    Gleichbehandlungskommission und die
    Gleichbehandlungsanwaltschaft, GBK/GAW-Gesetz)
  • State law on equal treatment and opportunity
    (Bundesgesetz über die Gleichbehandlung, GlBG)
  • Provincial laws for equal opportunity and

The Federal law on equal opportunity/treatment
of women in civil services (I)
  • Refers to equal treatment of women and men
  • Since March 1993
  • Applies to
  • Employees with a Federal contract under public or
    private law
  • trainees
  • Women in training with the Austrian Armed Forces
  • Other types of trainees
  • Applies to
  • Establishing and termination of employment or
  • Determination of payment
  • The granting of voluntary social benefits
  • Departmental measures for internal and external
    human resources development
  • Career prospects
  • Other working conditions

The Federal law on equal opportunity/treatment
of women in civil services (II)
  • Discrimination
  • a differentiation that has no factual
    justification and puts a person at a disadvantage
  • Sexual harassment discrimination because of
  • Gender-related harassment discrimination
    related to gender, but without sexual connotation
    (manifestation mobbing, emotional abuse at the

The Federal law on equal opportunity/treatment
of women in civil services (III)
  • The law includes
  • Direct discrimination
  • Direct discrimination women and men are clearly
    treated differently because of their gender
    without factual justification
  • Indirect discrimination
  • Indirect discrimination measures and actions
    taken by the employer resulting in a person of
    either gender being put at a disadvantage

The Federal law on equal opportunity/treatment
of women in civil services (IV)
  • In addition to the
  • Principle of equal opportunity
  • there is also the
  • Principle of promotion of women
  • Elimination of existing under representation of
    women compared to the total number of permanent
  • Elimination of discrimination of women in
    connection with the contract of employment
  • Measures to be taken to serve this purpose
  • Development of measures for the promotion of
  • Women have priority when taking part in
    vocational training schemes and when qualifying
    to take over higher-value positions
  • Women have priority in employment and promotion
    if they are underrepresented

The Federal law on equal opportunity/treatment
of women in civil services (V)
  • Consequences provided by the law
  • Compensation for material damage
  • Compensation for immaterial damage
  • Period of time for commencement of action 12
  • Persons affected have to present plausible facts
    that discrimination has taken place
  • The defendant has to provide proof that
    discrimination has not taken place

The Federal law on equal opportunity/treatment
of women in civil services (VI)
  • Concerned with implementation
  • Federal Commission for equal rights
  • Representative for equal rights (for each
  • Working groups dealing with questions concerning
    equal rights (at universities, art colleges,
  • Other working groups dealing with questions
    concerning equal rights
  • Working groups consisting of representatives of
    different ministries/departments
  • Contact women

Equal treatment law / Private Sector
  • Since 1979
  • Supplemented and amended within the framework of
  • Since 1.7.2004 regulated by 2 laws
  • Federal law concerning equal opportunity
    (Bundesgesetz über die Gleichbehandlung, GlBG)
  • Federal law concerning the equal rights
    commission (Bundesgesetz über die
    Gleichbehandlungskommission und die
    Gleichbehandlungsanwaltschaft (GBK/GAW-Gesetz)
  • Objective workplace should be free of
  • Additionally establishment of regional offices
  • Advise and support for people who are
    discriminated against because of their gender
  • Investigate discrimination in companies
  • Demand written statements and information

Provincial laws on equal opportunity
  • Within the purview of the laws
  • Female and male provincial and municipial
  • Implementation of the following laws
  • Burgenländisches Landes-Gleichbehandlungsgesetz
  • Kärntner Landes-Gleichbehandlungsgesetz
  • Niederösterreichisches Landes-Gleichbehandlungsge
    setz (Lower Austria)
  • Oberösterreichisches Gemeinde-Gleichbehandlungsge
    setz (Upper Austria)
  • Oberösterreichisches Landes-Gleichbehandlungsgese
    tz (Upper Austria)
  • Salzburger Gemeinde-Gleichbehandlungsgesetz
  • Salzburger Landes-Gleichbehandlungsgesetz
  • Steiermärkisches Landes-Gleichbehandlungsgesetz
  • Tiroler Gemeinde-Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (Tyrol)
  • Tiroler Landes-Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (Tyrol)
  • Vorarlberger Gemeindebedienstetengesetz
  • Vorarlberger Landesbedienstetengesetz
  • Vorarlberger Landes-Frauenförderungsgesetz
  • Wiener Landes-Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (Vienna)

Law governing the universities organisation
  • Equal treatment and opportunity for women and
    men in universities anchored in the leading
    principles ( 1 (2) UOG)
  • Schemes for the status upgrading
  • Upgrading of qualification for women
  • Promotion of women's status as far as
    scholarships and means for research and teaching
    are concerned
  • Coordination office for research on womens
    issues and gender studies
  • Steps taken to provide substitute employees for
    female/male clerks and university assistants
    during maternity leave
  • Incentives and sanctions (to achieve success)

Sexual harassment at workplace (I)
  • Regulated in
  • 2 Abs. 1a Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (law on equal
    opportunity for women)
  • 8 Abs. 1 Bundes-Gleichbehandlungsgesetz
    (Federal law on equal opportunity for women)
  • The discrimination ban is addressed to
  • employer
  • and representatives of the employer
  • and refers to sexual harassment
  • Committed by the employer and
  • if no measures are taken against harassment by a
    third party (colleagues, superiors,
  • 3 elements in an offence
  • Behaviour belonging to sexual sphere
  • Damage of a persons reputation
  • Behaviour which is unwelcome, misplaced,
    inappropriate and/or offensive and thus
    recognizable as sexual harrasment

Sexual harassment at workplace (II)
  • Legal consequences pertaining to sexual
  • Claims to adequate compensation of at least 720
  • From the molester as well as
  • The employer if remedy has not been taken
  • Proof of discrimination
  • Person affected must present believable facts
    that show discrimination
  • Defendant must give evidence that there was no
  • Annoyance (? sexual harassment) takes place
    without sexual
  • connotation

Equality in family life
  • 1975 Reform Act of Family Law
  • Federal law on the legal consequences of marriage
  • Elimination of patriarchal model of marriage
  • Obligation of the spouses to arrange housekeeping
    and gainful employment by mutual agreement
  • 1978 further reforms concerning paternal
    authority and the representation of children
  • Further regulations (by law)
  • Civil law (ABGB) equal rights and obligations
    for the spouses, respectively father and mother
  • Civil law (ABGB) 139 in the case of different
    family names the child holds the agreed name if
    there is no agreement the child is given the
    fahters name (still direct discrimination!)
  • Law on the right to the use of a name spouses my
    keep their own family name (step towards

Protection against family violence (I)
  • Different forms of violence
  • personal violence (committed by a offender)
  • socially induced violence (inherent in the
    social structure)
  • Unequal balance of power
  • Unequal opportunities
  • Legal basis
  • Law on protection against violence
    (Gewaltschutzgesetz, 1997)
  • Amendment to the involvement of the law/police
  • Novelle, 1999)
  • Exekutionsordnungs-Novelle, 2003)
  • Measures
  • 1. Order to leave the shared dwelling
  • 2. Ban from entering
  • 3. Long-term order to vacate the premises

Protection against family violence(II)
  • Temporary order to leave the shared dwelling /
    ban from entering
  • It is to be assumed that a threat to life, health
    or freedom is intended
  • Protected persons anyone residing in the
  • Regardless of ownership
  • The keys of the person are taken away who
    constitutes danger
  • Protection area dwelling and surrounding
  • Period of time maximum of 10 days
  • Long-term standing order
  • Further living together with the victim means
    unreasonable hardship but there is urgent need of
  • Court can order the adverse party to leave and
    not enter dwelling
  • Period of time maximum of 3 months (possibility
    longer if legal proceedings (family law) have
    been started)
  • Other measures
  • Womens refuges
  • Advice centres

Health Insurance
  • Working women
  • Health insurance based on employment
  • Payments/benefits in the case of motherhood
  • Costs/expenses during delivery
  • Costs of hospital
  • Maternity grant as substitute income for the time
    of prohibition of employment according to the
    maternity protection act
  • Not working women
  • Co-insurance family members of a compulsorily
    insured person are entitled to benefits (wife,
    common law spouse, daughter)
  • Voluntary insurance
  • Payments/benefits in case of motherhood
  • Costs/expenses during delivery
  • Costs of hospital
  • NO payment of maternity grant

Old Age Benefits
  • Includes
  • Retirement pension / Retirement pay
  • explicit legal difference between men and women
    concerning age
  • Men 65 years (early retirement 60 years)
  • Women 60 years (early retirement 55 years)
  • Pension because of ones inability to practise
    ones profession
  • After the death of the husband his wife is also
    entitled to the pension, if the writing period
    has been covered and she is 55 years of age and
    has 4 children (live birth)
  • Surviving dependants pension

Accident Insurance
  • No differences concerning gender in this field
  • Demands
  • Inclusion of household as source of danger to be
    covered by accident insurance
  • Acknowledgement of family work as being of public
    interest for the national economy (combined with
    claims to social security)

Pregnancy/Maternity Protection
  • central part of the special labour protection
    law for women
  • Protection against dangers
  • Prohibition of employment for expectant and young
  • Absolute prohibition of employment during period
    of protection
  • Individual prohibition of employment and work
    (depending on the fitness to work)
  • Prohibition of night work
  • Prohibition of work on sun- and holidays
  • Prohibition of overtime work
  • Protection of payment
  • Claim to maternity grant
  • Excessive/large financial disadvantages should be
  • Protection against dismissal
  • Particular protection against dismissal
  • Complete list of reasons that justify dismissal

Maternity leave for both parents /child care
  • Maternity leave also possible for granted to
  • Maximum length of maternity leave (as desired by
    father or mother) extended to the second
    birthday of the child
  • Parents may change once in taking the maternity
  • Part time work up to the 4th birthday of the
    child on agreement with the employer
  • The introduction of the child care benefit was
    another step towards compatibility of work and
  • Child care benefit 14,53 Euro daily
  • Maximum period of 3 years
  • Limit of additional earnings 14.600 a year

Contact Mag.a Anna Kleissner ESCE, Economic and
Social Research Center Marktstrasse 3, A-7000
Eisenstadt Phone 0043/650/6213238 Mail
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