Child Care Management System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Child Care Management System


Payments processed by DEEWR and sent to services' bank account ... days per financial year this includes public holidays (no evidence is required) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Child Care Management System

Child Care Management System
PSCQ is a project of the Health and Community
Services Workforce Council Inc.  The Australian
Government funds the Professional Support
Coordinator initiative as part of the Inclusion
and Professional Support Program.
Session 4
  • At the end of this session participants will
    have knowledge of
  • What is CCMS?
  • How the changes may affect your service
  • How will CCMS affect parents
  • Creating and ending enrolments
  • Claiming enrolment advances and CCB payments
  • Recording attendance and absences
  • Organising billing cycle and managing cash flow
  • Finishing off under COS
  • Transition payments and how to claim them
  • Computer, internet and software requirements

What is CCMS
  • What is the Child Care Management System
  • A way of moving information between services,
    DEEWR and Centrelink over the internet
  • New way that CCB fee reductions will be managed
  • Improve the information on child care supply and

What is CCMS
  • How will it work
  • Services will send information about all children
    in their care over the internet weekly or
    fortnightly to DEEWR
  • Payments processed by DEEWR and sent to services
    bank account
  • Calculation of CCB will be undertaken by the FAO
    (Family Assistance Office)

  • The CCMS is being progressively implemented
    across over 11 000 child care services
  • Services started transitioning from February
  • will be completed by July 2009
  • All types of child care services need to
  • Services are contacted by DEEWR and are
    provided with a date for transition
  • Letters are sent to the service 60 days and 30
    days prior to transition or geographical roll
  • Services that provide other service types may
    choose to transition at the same time

Key Changes
  • Services will
  • Now deal with DEEWR rather than the FAO
  • Move from quarterly in advance payments to
    payments in arrears
  • No longer be required to calculate reduction
    amounts FAO will do this
  • Payments made weekly (or fortnightly) once
    information on attendance is received
  • Create an enrolment for each child in care

Admin Changes
  • Services will no longer have to
  • Bulk listings
  • Statement of Child Care Usage reports to FAO
  • Backdating CCB entitlements
  • Supplementary claims
  • FAO call centre
  • Calculating CCB from families
  • Allowable and approved absences
  • Reporting vacancies to the Hotline/DEEWR

How will CCMS affect parents
  • Parents still deal with FAO
  • Eligibility for CCB remains the same
  • Still elect to receive CCB as fee reductions or
    lump sum
  • Online statement from Centrelink called View
    Child Care Attendance Online Service Facility
    which includes details of CCB payments

How will CCMS affect parents
  • No longer have to tell FAO which service their
    child is using
  • Provide date of birth
  • Nominate hours at each service
  • Aware of absences
  • Need to advise FAO when a child starts school
    before six years of age

  • You must create an enrolment for each child in
    your service.
  • Three types of enrolments
  • Formal
  • Informal
  • AMEP/Other
  • The types of enrolment relate to
  • Who is responsible for the child's fees
  • Information parents supply to the service (CRNs
  • Multiple enrolments may need to be created for
    the same child in certain situations.
  • CCMS Reference Manual page 25

Types of Enrolments
  • What information do you need
  • Formal Enrolment
  • Childs DOB
  • Childs CRN
  • Parent/Guardian DOB
  • Parent/Guardian CRN (for that child parent
  • Informal Enrolment
  • No CRNs but
  • Childs DOB and parent/Guardian DOB
  • Can be formalised
  • AMEP/Other
  • Childs DOB and parent/Guardian DOB

Enrolment Information
  • Remind parents that CCB will only be paid on a
    formal enrolment that has been confirmed
  • Change enrolment forms to ask for birthdates of
    parent (the one that has the CRN)
  • Collect new information from current families
  • Enrolments are classified as parent/child
  • Enrolments will need to be created for every
    child currently at the service prior to

Enrolment Scenario
  • Maree and Andrew have shared care of their
    daughter Rebecca.
  • Both Maree and Andrew use your service to
    provide child care for Rebecca at different times
    each week and each pays separately for the
    sessions of care used. Andrew has contacted the
    FAO and is eligible for CCB and has received a
    CRN for both himself and Rebecca. Maree has not
    contacted the FAO to test her eligibility for
  • How many enrolments do you need to create
    for Rebecca?
  • What type of enrolment needs to be created
    for Rebecca and Maree?
  • What type of enrolment needs to be created
    for Rebecca and Andrew?

Enrolment Scenario 2
  • Peta and her daughter Tara arrive at your
    service wishing to enroll.
  • Peta wishes to have care for Tara every
    Monday, while she attends a language class funded
    by the AMEP, and on Tuesday when she works part
    time. Peta has not been to FAO.
  • How many and what types of enrolments do you
    need to create for Tara?
  • What information will you need from Peta?
  • Tara has been attending your service for 3
    weeks now when Peta arrives with CRNs for both
    her and Tara and is eligible for fee reduction.
  • What will you do ?
  • Will you need to calculate back payments for
    fee reduction for the last 3 weeks?

Which Enrolment?
  • 1 If a family is paying for child care through
    salary sacrifice, which type of enrolment should
    be created for the child?
  • 2 Where a child attending a service whose fees
    are paid in full by an agency (eg State
    Government Welfare Agency) what type of enrolment
    is used?
  • 3 A child attending a service has part of their
    fees/the gap fee paid by an Agency (eg a Welfare
    Agency) what type of enrolment is used?
  • 4 A child attending a service has part of their
    fee paid by their parent, and the remaining fee
    paid by a third party (a welfare agency). The
    parent is invoiced for part of the fee they are
    responsible for, and invoice the welfare agency
    for the remaining fee.

Enrolment Advances
  • A payment your service can elect to be paid when
    a formal enrolment is established (on a case by
    case basis)
  • Available for all service types except occasional
  • Can only be paid when creating a formal enrolment
    or formalising and informal enrolment
  • CCMS Reference Manual page 45

Enrolment Advances
  • Once you have entered onto your software yes or
    no to an enrolment advance you can not change
    your mind
  • Can be used to support your service's cash flow
    requirements prior to the payment of the first
    weeks CCB
  • Where a child attends two services, each service
    will be able to claim an Enrolment Advance (on a
    formal enrolment)
  • CCMS Reference Manual page 45

Enrolment Advances continued
  • Where children have shared care arrangements
    and both parents have a CRN. A formal enrolment
    is established for each and the service would be
    able to claim two enrolment advances
  • Enrolment advances will be recovered once an
    enrolment has ended or has been deemed exited.
  • CCMS Reference Manual page 45

Enrolment Advances continued
  • Enrolment advance amounts per service
  • Amounts are increased annually with the consumer
    price index

Do the Math on Advanced Payments
  • If you are a 75 place LDC service with 180
    enrolments occupying the 75 places and 130 of
    these are formal enrolments then your enrolment
    advance would be 16,737.50

Ending Enrolments
Ending Enrolments
  • An enrolment must be ended when the arrangement
    to provide care ceases
  • When care ceases an end date will need to be
    added to the childs enrolment

Deemed Exit of Enrolment
Deemed Exit for Enrolment
  • A Deemed exit of an enrolment occurs where
    their has been no attendance received for a
    designated period.
  • Deemed exit timeframes depend on
  • Type of care
  • Whether and enrolment advance was paid

Deemed exit provisions
Attendance Records
  • Services must record details of the attendance
    (including any absences and fees charged) for all
    children at their service.
  • Attendance records will be submitted over the
    internet to DEEWR
  • Attendance records can be submitted individually
    or in bulk
  • Attendance records can be submitted weekly or

Attendance Records
  • If a mistake is made then the attendance record
    must be cancelled and a new one created
  • Attendance records must be submitted no later
    then14 days after the end of the week which the
    attendance relates to
  • Your service will be required to report actual
    in and out times and attended hours for each
    child for a 4 week period during the year
  • CCMS Reference Manual pages 49 - 55

Attendance Records
  • When attendance records are processed the
    following information will be updated on your
  • CCB payment status
  • CCB total fee reduction
  • Any CCB adjustment
  • CCB method (fee reduction or lump sum)
  • CCB
  • CCB ineligible and the reason
  • Number of absences

Nominated hours
  • Parents/guardians may nominate how they would
    like their CCB eligible hours to be split between
    two or more services during a CCB week.
  • Parents to complete Nomination of eligible
    hours form (located on the DEEWR website)
  • It would be useful to add this to your enrolment
    information to ensure families and your service
    are not disadvantaged.
  • CCMS Reference Manual page 54

Multiple-child Percentage
  • The CCB percentage provided to services will be
    the one child percentage
  • Families may provide their CCB assessment notices
    from FAO with two and three child percentage OR
  • Services may choose to use the CCB Ready Reckoner
    to work out percentages for more than one child
  • CCMS Reference Manual page 69

Multiple-child Percentage
  • Services will report a multiple child count when
    submitting attendance records
  • Therefore, you will need to ask parents how many
    children they have attending the same type of
    care in the week (similar to current
  • The FAO will use either the multiple-child count
    or the count of CCB eligible children on the
    familys record (whichever is the lowest)
  • CCMS Reference Manual page 69

  • A family has 3 CCB eligible children during a
    care week 2 children attend service A, and
    service A (who is only aware of 2 eligible
    children) reports 2 children for the multiple
    child count. During the same care week, 1 child
    attends Service B, and that service (who is aware
    of the 3 eligible children attending) submits
    their attendance reports a week later, showing 3
    children for the multiple child count. Does the
    family receive CCB at the 3 child rate? If so,

  • Each child has 42 days per financial year this
    includes public holidays (no evidence is
  • Additional absences may be claimed in certain
  • FAO will maintain a count of absences for each
  • Services are responsible for keeping parents
    informed about absence days taken
  • Absences are claimed by recording absent day/s on
    the childs attendance records
  • CCMS Reference Manual pages 57 - 60

Additional Absences
  • Available after the first 42 absences
  • Only absences that the meet the additional
    absence reasons will attract CCB after the 42
  • If parents are claiming additional absences in
    exceptional circumstances they must meet certain

Absence Scenario
  • Astrid normally attends your service on a
    Monday and Thursday. Astrids father, Giovanni,
    rings on a Friday morning advising that Astrid
    has the flu and that she wont be attending care
    the following week. Monday of that week is a
    public holiday. After checking Astrids
    enrolment you see that she has used 46 absences
    so far this year. Giovanni normally receives CCB
    fee reductions through your service.
  • Can you record additional absences for both
    Monday and Thursday for Astrid?
  • Giovanni provides you with suitable evidence
    of Astrids illness when he drops her off for
    care the following week.
  • If you had already submitted the attendance for
    the previous week and charged Giovanni full fee,
    what action would you take?

Billing Cycles
  • How will you bill families?
  • Will you bill in advance?
  • Will you bill in arrears with a bond?

Finishing off COS
  • You must keep old records for 3 years from the
    end of the financial year after a child leaves.
  • Once you have transitioned to CCMS you will need
    to submit a final statement of usage to FAO via
    existing methods.
  • Final usage statement needs to be submitted by
    the end of the quarter following the quarter to
    which the statement applies.

  • Jan Mar June
  • Transition Date
    Statement of Child Care

  • usage due
    for the period

  • between Jan
    and your

  • transition

Debts and Acquittals
  • FAO will identify any over or under payment of
    CCB and pass this information on to DEEWR
  • DEEWR will assume responsibility for recovering
    any debt or paying any money owing (if you had an
  • Debts will be recovered from future payments
  • If you do not submit your final return to the
    Government they will class the last quarters
    advances as a debt and recover the entire amount.

Debts and Acquittals continued
  • Debts
  • Nonoffsetting debts recovered by lump sum
  • Offsetting debts recovered through a reduction
    in payments due to your service under CCMS.

Recovery of Offsetting Debts
  • Standard recovery period is 13 weeks
  • Recovery will start 2 weeks following DEEWR
    receiving the over-advance advise from FAO.
  • DEEWR will notify services of the debt and the
    payment plan before it starts.
  • Installments will be automatically deducted from
    future payment to your service.
  • You can request changes to the recovery period if
    you can demonstrate financial hardship

Managing your Cash Flow
  • Some services may experience cash flow problems
  • Just after they transition to CCMS
  • At the beginning of each month when they use to
    get a large monthly CCB payment
  • If parents are slow paying
  • At any stage when is a problem with submitting
    CCMS data to DEEWR or there is any hold up in
    DEEWR payments

  • A Service normally gets a CCB payment of 40,000
    in the first month of the quarter, then 30,00 at
    the beginning of the next two months.
  • Jan Feb
    Mar Apr
  • 40k 30k
    30k 7,700

  • Transition Day

Example continued
  • At the beginning of May the service submits their
    final statement of usage for the previous quarter
    to FAO. DEEWR have been notified of an over
    payment of CCB.
  • The Service receives notification from DEEWR
    that the debt will be recovered over the next 13
    weeks with a reduction in payment each week.

  • Under CCMS all payments and recoveries that need
    to be made to/from your service will be totaled
    up and determine the amount of any payment due to
    your service.

Payments continued
  • When calculating payments the following items
    will be considered

Payment Example
  • On Friday night your LDC service submits the
    attendance records for all 60 children in your
    care. On Friday the following events have
  • 10 children have formally enrolled and you have
    elected to receive the Enrolment Advance for all
    of them (10x 125)
  • 15 children have ceased care at your service,
    your service received an Enrolment Advance for
    all of them.
  • No attendance records have been cancelled
  • Your service currently has a debt and on Monday
    DEEWR generates a debt recovery installment of
    100 for the current week.

Payments Continued
  • The payment amount for your service is calculated
    as follows

Be Prepared Financially
  • Identify when your cash flow gap might be and
    prepare your service financially
  • Consider taking up the enrolment advance option
  • Review payment timing for major expenses

Money always helps
  • Financial Assistance for Transition
  • Set Transition Payment
  • Additional Funding
  • CCMS Reference Manual page 19

Set Transition Payment
  • Grant of 1000 (capped at 15000 for
    organisations who operate more then 15 services)
  • Available to all services
  • Must be used to support your transition to CCMS
  • Keep a record of how this money is spent
  • If you fail to transition money will be recovered
    by DEEWR
  • CCMS Reference Manual page 20

Additional Assistance Payment
  • An additional payment of up to 2100 is available
  • Funds must be spent on costs associated with your
  • Keep receipts of how you spent this money
    (including the initial set payment)
  • Any used funds will need to be returned to DEEWR
  • CCMS Reference Manual page 20

Additional Assistance Payment
  • What can you spend it on
  • computer (up to 1000)
  • Internet connection (up to 300)
  • New software (up to 800)
  • Training
  • Other costs associated with operating in remote
  • What you cant spend it on
  • ongoing resources or administrative costs
  • non-essential computer upgrades
  • ongoing cost such as monthly broadband fees
  • other costs not directly related to transition to
    the CCMS

Computer and Internet requirements
  • Services may need to
  • purchase new computer hardware or upgrade
  • Arrange for internet access broadband/satellite/
    dial up
  • Purchase a new modem

Computer and Internet requirements
  • Is there support if your computer crashes
  • Setting up your computer who does this?
  • Apply for transition payments

Software Selection
  • Check the software providers are registered with
    DEEWR list is available on the DEEWR website.
  • Consider the support provided initial and
  • What training is available
  • Cost of training
  • Will you be able to transfer data from your
    current system?

Software Selection continued
  • Ask for a demonstration copy of the program to
  • Shop around and ask other services what they are
  • Form a support network of local services that use
    the same program

Contact / Enquiry
  • Family enquiries or problems regarding the
    following area-
  • CCB, GCCB and JETCCFA eligibility and
    entitlements for Families
  • Requests for CRNs for parent/guardian and/or
  • Parents wishing to have access to the View
    Child Care Details Online Service
  • Family to contact the Family Assistance Office
  • (13 61 50)

Contact / Enquiry
  • Child care service enquiries or problems
  • Approval for 24 hour care
  • SCCB and extra hours
  • Service to contact the Family Assistance Office
  • (1800 050 021)

Contact / Enquiry
  • For enquiries or problems regarding the following
  • How to enter data into your child care software
  • How to use your child care software
  • Child care software has frozen or it appears to
    have lost data
  • Contact your specific software providers
  • Helpdesk or support person

Contact / Enquiry
  • For enquiries or issues regarding the following
  • Internet connectivity
  • Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP)

Contact / Enquiry
  • For enquiries or problems regarding the following
  • CCB policy questions
  • CCMS processes
  • Other enquiries regarding SCCB for services,
    service approvals, data or information transfer
    errors and payment issues.
  • Contact the CCMS Helpdesk
  • 1300 667
    276 phone
  • 1300 663
    429 fax

    and follow the links
  • Helpdesk hours
    800am 8.30pm AEST

  • References-
  • Child Care Management System (CCMS) Reference
  • CCMS Child Care Servide Handbook 2007-2008
  • CCMS Briefing Sessions, Childrens Services
  • Child Care Management System (CCMS), DEEWR
    powerpoint 2008
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