Title: Eben Hewitt
1XML-Based Technologies in SOAXML, Schema, SOAP,
2Presentation Goals
- Provide a quick introduction to the WS
technologies used to do SOA - XML, Schema, SOAP, WSDL, BPEL, and ESB
- Give users and participants head-start
- Foundation for next presentation
3Service-Oriented Review
- Platform agnostic
- Not procedural or OO
- Business Documents
- Loose coupling
- Law of Demeter
5XML Overview
- eXtensible Markup Language
- Describes data
- Invent your own tags
6Problem with Non-XML Data
- What is this?
- 1998070420071110hih053280142187
- A purchase order?
- We can make good guesses
- ltinvoicegt
- ltidgt19980704lt/idgt
- ltdategt20071110ltdategt
- ltstoregthih05lt/storegt
- ltterminalgt3lt/terminalgt
- ltprod-codegt28014lt/prod-codegt
- ltqtygt2ltqtygt
- lttotal-amtgt187lttotal-amtgt
- lt/invoicegt
- Self-describing
- Typed
8Working with XML
- XML does nothing
- So you have to write software to process it
- But you can do so in any language
- Thats why XML is used in our SOA to represent
business documents
9Doing Stuff With XML
- Can store it as plain text in a
- Flat file
- SQL Database database as text or XML type
- Native XML database
- Can transmit it over
10Common Uses
- Standard Enterprise Data
- Traverse the tree of nodes
- Transform it into another XML document
- new version
- vendor-specific
- Create new custom languages
- MathML
11XML Document Requirements
- Declaration
- lt?xml version"1.0" encodingUTF-8"?gt
- Attributes must be quoted
- Must include closing tag
- XML is case-sensitive
- Proper nesting. OK
- ltbgtltigtIts bold and italiclt/igtlt/bgt
12XML Constructs
- Elements lttaggtvaluelt/taggt
- Attributes lttag attributeNamevalue /gt
- Comments lt!-- my comment --gt
- Documents are Trees
13Use Attributes Sparingly
- attributes cannot contain multiple values
- child elements can
- attributes are not easily expandable
- consider future changes
- attributes cannot describe structures
- child elements can
14Well-Formed and Valid
- Well-Formed
- this XML document conforms to all syntax rules
- Valid
- this XML document is Valid AND conforms to a
15Parsing XML
- SAX is event-based parsing
- Every time a tag, attribute, text, comment,
whitespace or other XML item is encountered, a
call-back is fired. - Then your code can do something if its
interested in that event - Must implement certain interfaces
- DOM creates in-memory tree
- Not as fast as SAX, but makes sense when
- You need random access to your document
- You need access to sibling elements
- Not appropriate for huge documents
- New StAX pull-parser
- Like SAX, but you ask for the events youre
interested in. - Very fast
- Unlike SAX, can write
16XPath and XQuery
- XPath
- Navigate the elements and attributes in the tree
- /person/name/_at_title
- Not own file type, used within BPEL, Xquery, Java
APIs - Must know Xpath!
- XQuery
- To XML what SQL is to database tables
- Shares datatypes with Schema
- Advanced constructs
- FLOWR"For, Let, Order by, Where, Return
- Save in separate .xqy file
- Requires Implementation like Saxon-B
17XML Schema
18XML Schemas
- Describe the structure of XML documents!
- Written in XML themselves
- Support Reuse
- Do nothing on their own.
- Get a validating parser (later slide)
19Schemas Also...
- Dictate data constraints
- Default values
- Fixed values (enums)
- Regular Expressions
- Order of elements
- Define datatypes
- Built-in
- Custom
- Support namespaces
20Schema Example Store.xsd
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- ltschema xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
- xmlnsdte"http//schemas.dte.com/dte/general"
- targetNamespace"http//schemas.dte.com/dte/gener
al"gt - ltannotationgt
- ltdocumentation xmllang"engtA standard DTC
Store.lt/documentationgt - lt/annotationgt
- ltinclude schemaLocation"Address.xsd"/gt
- ltelement name"store" type"dteStore"/gt
- ltcomplexType name"Store"gt
- ltsequencegt
- ltelement name"storeCode"gt
- ltsimpleTypegt
- ltrestriction base"string"gt
- ltpattern value"A-Z3A-Z_\s
\d2"/gt - lt/restrictiongt
- lt/simpleTypegt
- lt/elementgt
- ltelement name"address"
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- ltdtestore xmlnsdte"http//schemas.dte.com/dte/g
eneral" - xmlnsxsi"http//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-in
stance" - xsischemaLocation"http//schemas.dte.com/dte
/general -
home/ehewitt/schemas/dte/general/Store.xsd"gt - ltstoreCodegtAZP 23lt/storeCodegt
- ltaddressgt
- ltstreetgt555 Some Streetlt/streetgt
- ltcitygtPhoenixlt/citygt
- ltstategtAZlt/stategt
- ltzipgt86001lt/zipgt
- lt/addressgt
- lt/dtestoregt
- Note that Store.xsd reuses Address.xsd
22The Importance of Built-in DataTypes
- Programs or locales can use data differently.
- When is 07-11-2007?
- The XML built-in data type "date" requires the
format "YYYY-MM-DD". - ltdate type"date"gt2007-07-11lt/dategt
- Important datatypes include
- String and Token
- Date and Time, Duration
- Signed and Unsigned Decimal, Integer, byte, short
- Boolean
- Binary data in hex and base64
23Using XML on iSeries
- Built-in SAX Parser built into COBOL
- XML Toolkit for iSeries
- contains DOM and SAX parsers
- See www.mowyourlawn.com and www.web400.com for
easier wrappers - XML Parser QSYS/QXML4PR310
- See API spec in library/file/memberQSYSINC/QCBLLE
SRC/QXML4PR310 - The linkage file to facilitate your COBOL
application code is library/file/member - QSYSINC/QCBLLESRC/QXML4PRLNK
- For the COBOL ILE compiler, use the CL command
Create COBOL Module (CRTCBLMOD. - Use one of the following commands, specifying the
parser service program on the bind - CRTPGM PGM(ltyour_librarygt/ltyour_programgt)
MODULE(ltyour_librarygt/ltyour_modulesgt) - BNDSRVPGM(QSYS/QXML4PR310)
- See http//publib.boulder.ibm.com/iseries/v5r1/ic2
24Schema Conclusion
- Schemas are very flexible, but very complex
- There are entire books written on schemas
- Schemas describe the valid structure of XML
documents, which includes - SOAP documents
- Our custom business objects
- We use Schemas to perform validation at runtime
- You must understand schemas!
- Simple Object Access Protocol
- Reuses HTTP
- Stateless
- Request-Response
- One way
- Or other bindings (SMTP, RMI, JMS)
- Transfer XML documents between disparate apps
- Requires SOAP implementation
27SOAP Basic Unit The Envelope
- ltsoapenvelopegt
- Header
- directives
- meta-data
- Body
- required
- contains payload
- Attachments
- just like in email, usually for binary data
- Fault
28SOAP Message
- ltsoapenvEnvelope xsischemaLocation"http//schem
as.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ http//schemas.xmlso
ap.org/soap/envelope/" - xmlnsxsi"http//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instan
ce" - xmlnsxsd"http//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
- xmlnssoapenv"http//schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/env
elope/" - xmlnsqs"http//ns.dte.com/dtc/quickscreen"gt
- ltsoapenvBodygt
- ltqscc1PreApproveApplicationgt
- ltpersongt
- ltnamegt
- ltfirstNamegtEbenlt/firstName
gt - ltmiddleInitialgtMlt/middleIn
itialgt - ltlastNamegtHewittlt/lastName
gt - lt/namegt
- ltusAddressgt
- ltstreetgt20225 N
SCOTTSDALElt/streetgt - ltstreet2gtSTE
305lt/street2gt - ltcitygtSCOTTSDALElt/citygt
- ltstategtAZlt/stategt
- ltpostalCodegt85255lt/postalC
29SOAP Faults
- ltenvEnvelope xmlnsenv"http//www.w3.org/2003/05
/soap-envelope" - xmlnsm"http//www.example.org/time
outs" - xmlnsxml"http//www.w3.org/XML/199
8/namespace"gt - ltenvBodygt
- ltenvFaultgt
- ltenvCodegt
- ltenvValuegtenvSenderlt/envValuegt
- ltenvSubcodegt
- ltenvValuegtmMessageTimeoutlt/envValuegt
- lt/envSubcodegt
- lt/envCodegt
- ltenvReasongt
- ltenvText xmllang"en"gtSender
Timeoutlt/envTextgt - lt/envReasongt
- ltenvDetailgt
- ltmMaxTimegtP5Mlt/mMaxTimegt
- lt/envDetailgt
- lt/envFaultgt
- lt/envBodygt
30Using SOAP
- Requires a host language API
- Java using GlassFish, WebLogic
- On mainframes IBM has SupportPac for CICS
- On iSeries COBOL, use Java wrappers and WebSphere
- Next presentation...
31WSDL 2.0
32WSDL 2.0
- Stands for Web Services Description Language
- Written in XML
- WSDLs define the interface or contract of a Web
Service - ContractWhat must be done, not how it must be
done. - Because no implementation is given, the client
and the service can be written in any language. - (Client in Python, Service in .NET, Client in
COBOL, Service in Java, etc) - Like an interface or an abstract class
- Tells you only what the services API is
33Using WSDL
- A client program connecting to a web service can
read the WSDL to determine what functions are
available on the server. - Any custom datatypes used ("DTC Store") are
embedded in the WSDL file in the form of XML
Schema. - The client can then use SOAP to invoke one of the
functions listed in the WSDL. - That process can be automated with tools.
34WSDL Document Overview
35WSDL Elements (3 of 5)
- lttypesgt
- Describes all data types used by the web service,
defined as Schemas (default). - When a WSDL file specifies a targetNamespace of
'X', all the things defined within that WSDL file
are considered defined under the namespace 'X'. - Not necessary if you only use built-in data types
(string, integer, boolean, etc) - ltmessagegt
- Defines the SOAP messages exchanged in using this
Web Service. - Each is a one-way SOAP message, either a request
or response. - Child element is ltpartgt.
- ltportTypegt
- Defines the operations performed by the web
service. - Like a class with a collection of methods.
- Combines multiple ltmessagegt elements.
36WSDL Elements cont.
- ltservicegt
- What is the actual address (URL) of the service?
- Points to a ltportTypegt.
- Nothing at that URL if you merely pull it up in a
browser. - You can specify multiple ltservicegt types for the
same binding (ie, for a mirror). - ltbindinggt
- How will the physical transportation of the
messages occur? What protocol details do we need
to know? - transport"http//schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"
means "use SOAP over HTTP"
37WSDL SOAP Binding
- ltbinding name"CustomerManagementPortBinding"
type"tnsCustomerManagement"gt - ltsoapbinding transport"http//schemas.xmlsoap.or
g/soap/http" style"document" /gt - ltoperation name"lookupCustomer"gt
- ltsoapoperation soapAction"" /gt
- ltinputgtltsoapbody use"literal" /gtlt/inputgt
- ltoutputgtltsoapbody use"literal" /gtlt/outputgt
- lt/operationgt
- lt/bindinggt
- How many namespaces are going on here?
- Why are some names NS-qualified?
- Is the output required?
38WSDL RPC and Document
- The SOAP request will include a wrapper XML
element indicating the function name. - The name of the element taken from the operation
name attribute and the namespace taken from the
operation namespace attribute. - Document
- Request and response messages will consist simply
of XML documents, which is flatter. - Client should use pass-through documents defined
with XML schemas rather than RPC calling
conventions. - The message is placed directly into the body
portion of the SOAP envelope, either as-is or
39Debate RPC vs Document Style
- Document Style
- Allows full use of XML, described in an open
format that is human readable, self-describing,
and self-validating. - does not require a rigid contract
- RPC Style
- requires that the structure of the SOAP request
body contain both the operation name and the set
of method parameters. - Use document style for
- asynchronous processing
- maintaining application state
- publishing services for outside partners
- easier validation and use of complex documents
- minimize in-memory processing (can choose
DOM/SAX/StAX) - We use document
40Encoding Use Models Literal or Encoded
- Dictates how to translate a WSDL binding to a
SOAP message - Literal
- The body contents should conform to a
user-defined XML Schema structure. - Advantages
- you can validate the message body with the
user-defined XML Schema - you can transform the message using a
transformation language like XSLT. - Encoded
- The message has to use Schema datatypes, BUT the
message structure need not conform to any
user-defined XML schema. - This makes it difficult to validate the message
body or use XSLT based transformations on the
message body. - We use literal.
42BPEL 2.0 Overview
- Business Process Execution Language
- Standard that defines State Transitions
- Executable XML-based language for Business
Process Modeling - Requires a BPEL Engine to execute
- Allows "orchestration" of Web Services via WSDL
- Individual Services are built to last a long
time. - Orchestrations composed of services are built for
change. - This is where you get agility.
- Just like WSDL defines the contract for a Web
Service, BPEL defines the contract for service
44Three BPEL Constructs
- Programming logic - BPEL
- Data types - XSD
- Input/Output (I/O) - WSDL
- The BPEL is responsible for invoking services as
defined here
45Using Compositions
- Four Individual Services
- CreateEmployee (HR)
- CreateAccount (Payroll)
- CreateEmailAccount
- ProvisionWorkstation
- One Service Composition
- NewHire
- CreateEmployee (HR)
- CreateAccount (Payroll)
- CreateEmailAccount
- ProvisionWorkstation
46BPEL ltProcessgt
1.) Declare namespaces (reuse) ltprocess
xmlnsemesb"http//ns.dte.com/dtc/esb/email . .
. xmlnsemailws"http//ns.dte.com/dtc/ws/email"gt
ltimport namespace"http//ns.dte.com/dtc/general
" location"commonsvc/EmailService/Email.xs
d importType"http//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchem
a"/gt 2.) Define inputs and outputs
(reuse) ltpartnerLinksgt ltpartnerLink
partnerRole"EmailRole"/gt ltpartnerLink
name"EmailEsb partnerLinkTypeemesbEmai
lPL" myRole"EmailEsbPortTypeRole"/gt lt/partnerLink
sgt Maps to a WSDL ltportTypegt 3.) Declare
variables (local and temporary) ltvariable
name"SendEmailIn" messageType"emailwssendEmail"
/gt Used to pass data to services and to BPEL
constructs 4.) Define the workflow using
47Partner Links
- ltpartnerLinksgt
- ltpartnerLink name"EmailEsb
partnerLinkTypeemesbEmailPL - myRole"EmailEsbPortTypeRole"/gt
- ltpartnerLink name"EmailPartner
partnerLinkType"ns1EmailLink" - partnerRole"EmailRole"/gt
- lt/partnerLinksgt
- All services are Partners
- EmailEsb uses myRole because thats what the
BPELs own clients invoke in the ESB - EmailPartner uses partnerRole because that
represents the invocation of the service - The ESB is acting as the service
48BPEL ltsequencegt
- ltsequencegt
- ltreceive name"ReceiveEmail" createInstance"yes"
- partnerLink"EmailEsb operation"EmailOperatio
n - portTypeemesbEmailPortType
- variable"EmailOpIn"/gt
- ltassign name"Assign1"gt
- ltcopygt
- ltfrom variable"EmailOpIn part"emailMsg"/gt
- ltto variable"SendMe" part"emailMsg/gt
- lt/copygt
- lt/assigngt
- ltinvoke name"InvokeEmailSendingService"
- partnerLink"EmailPartner"
- operation"sendEmail" portType"emailwsEmail"
- inputVariable"SendMe /gt
- lt/sequencegt
49BPEL Design View
50What Can You Do in BPEL?
- Invoke Services
- Variables
- Create local variables
- XML and WSDL typed variables
- Access with XPath
- Transform with XSLT
- Structured Programming Constructs
- If-then-elseif-else
- while, forEach
- Life Cycle
- sequences, processes
- repeatUntil
- Fault handlers
- Bindings for Given Protocol
- HTTP External support for SOAP over HTTP
- File Transport service to a file system
51Next Presentation
- SOA III Working with Web Services Technologies
in Java - ESB JAX WS 2.0
- SOAP APIs including SAAJ, JAXB
- Ant tools
- GlassFish v2
- Common Dispatcher and client libraries