Title: Fall 2003
1State of Florida Department of Management
State Term Contract Vendor Forum
- Introduction
- Overview of MyFloridaMarketPlace
- Vendor Benefits
- Registration
- Invoicing
- Sourcing
- eQuote
- Catalog Enablement
- Buyers View of Catalogs
- Available Vendor Training
- Questions
- Introduction
- Overview of MyFloridaMarketPlace
- Vendor Benefits
- Registration
- Invoicing
- Sourcing
- eQuote
- Catalog Enablement
- Buyers View of Catalogs
- Available Vendor Training
- Questions
4What is MyFloridaMarketPlace?
- MyFloridaMarketPlace covers full life cycle of
purchasing (from requisition to payment of goods
and services) - MyFloridaMarketPlace connects buyers and vendors
through electronic exchange of catalogs, quotes,
bids, contracts, purchase orders, invoices, etc. - MyFloridaMarketPlace includes on-contract and
off-contract buying - MyFloridaMarketPlace includes a variety of
off-contract techniques such as RFPs, quotes,
auctions and reverse auctions
5What is included in MyFloridaMarketPlace?
Initial Users - Pilots
Eligible Users - Other State Agency
State Term Contract Vendors
Minority Businesses
MyFloridaMarketPlace Users
Initial Users - Exec Agencies
Agency/ Dept. Contract Vendors
Eligible Users Univ, City, County
Small Businesses
General Public
Vendor Tools
Buyer Tools
- Vendor search
- State term contract items
- Requisitions/Purchase orders
- Online workflow approvals
- Informal solicitation (quotes
- Sealed bids (ITN, ITB, RFx 25,000, auctions,
reverse auctions) - Receipt of Goods
- P-Card
- Contract development and administration
- Reports
- Self registration
- E-mail notification of formal and informal
solicitations - Online quoting on informal solicitations (25,000)
- Online submission of sealed bids ( 25,000)
- Electronic purchase order receipt
- Electronic submission of invoices
- Catalog creation and updates for State term
contracts - Reports
I want to buy
I want to sell
Business Support and Operations
6Who are the Buyers?
Agencies Currently Using MyFloridaMarketPlace
- Department of Transportation
- Department of Management Services
- Department of Juvenile Justice
Initial Users Executive Branch Agencies (Now
through Spring 2004)
- Department of Children Families
- Department of Corrections
- Department of Environmental Protection
- Department of Revenue
- Department of Lottery
- Agency for Health Care Administration
- Department of Highway Safety Motor Vehicles
- Department of Elder Affairs
- Department of Education
- Department of Law Enforcement
- Department of Military Affairs
- Department of Business Professional Reg.
- Agency for Workforce Innovation
- Department of Community Affairs
- Executive Office of the Governor
- Department of Veterans Affairs
Other Eligible Users (To Be Determined)
- Other State Agencies
- Educational Institutions
- Other Governments (City, County, etc.)
- Introduction
- Overview of MyFloridaMarketPlace
- Vendor Benefits
- Registration
- Invoicing
- Sourcing
- eQuote
- Catalog Enablement
- Buyers View of Catalogs
- Available Vendor Training
- Questions
8Vendor Benefits
- Single Point of Registration
- Access to Untapped Buyers
- State of the Art Tools
- Available Customer Support
- Enhanced Economic Development Opportunities for
Small Business - Reduced Administrative Burdens and Manual
Processes - Dedicated Supplier Manager to Assist with
Creation of On-Line Catalogs - Improved Enforcement of Term Contract Compliance
by Buyers
9Vendor Benefits
There are specific vendor benefits that will
result from MyFloridaMarketPlace.
- Potential new business and sales
- Potential for selling a broader range of goods
and services through increased visibility of
products and/or services (vendor searches,
catalog searches) - Potential for finding additional buyers/customers
through increased visibility across agencies
(access to additional state agencies and local FL
governments) - Streamlined operations and increased operating
efficiencies - Potential for increased order accuracy and order
processing speed through receipt of electronic
purchase orders - Potential for decreased labor costs per order
through use of electronic invoicing - Potential for decreased shipping and handling
costs that result from shipping wrong goods or
wrong quantity of goods due to order errors - Shortened order-to-cash cycle and improve cash
flow - Potential to shorten invoice processing time
through vendor automation of invoicing and State
automation of matching - Potential to shorten the payment approval process
through electronic approvals
10Why MyFloridaMarketPlace?
MyFloridaMarketPlace will help to streamline the
processes for doing business with the State.
- Whats different when using MyFloridaMarketPlace?
- Electronic purchase orders with a consistent
format - One statewide market access point
- Electronic quotes
- One-stop vendor registration
- Ability for vendors to maintain company
information online - Whats going to be the same or better using
MyFloridaMarketPlace? - Your relationship with agencies
- Use of term contracts and open market purchases
- Purchasing from the State will still be subject
to State purchasing rules and laws (some of which
may change as a result of eProcurement)
11Is there a fee associated with this contract?
The opportunities that result from using
MyFloridaMarketPlace are made possible by
businessfor business.
- Vendors must be registered in MyFloridaMarketPlace
- No cost to register for MyFloridaMarketPlace
- There is a 1 fee on all State purchases. This
creates the opportunity for your business to - Gain access to new markets
- Have state of the art procurement tools
- Expand your reach
- These guidelines are established as part of rule
language that helps to clarify Florida Statute
287- a link to this rule language will be
included in the "I Accept Language" - The fee is not new. The state currently uses fees
with State Term Contracts, SNAPS agreements.
12Fee Collection Self Reporting by the Vendor
- Self Reporting is keeping track of the invoices
you send to the state and then monthly, sending a
check to the state for 1 of the total. - Currently, State Term Contract vendors self
report fees from their State Term Contract - Self reporting has been required on a monthly
basis since July 1 - Forms and instructions for completing the
self-reporting process are available on-line on
the MyFloridaMarketPlace website - Billing and Collection of the fee is coming.
Vendors will be kept informed about these
13Fee Collection Reporting Form Available On-Line
- To find this form
- Go to www.myflorida.com
- Click on MyFloridaMarketPlace under Hot Topics
- Under Vendor section go to Transaction Fee
Reporting - Download the form
- Introduction
- Overview of MyFloridaMarketPlace
- Vendor Benefits
- Registration
- Invoicing
- Sourcing
- eQuote
- Catalog Enablement
- Buyers View of Catalogs
- Available Vendor Training
- Questions
15Vendor Registration
- Registration What You Need
- Company name
- Tax ID type and number Social Security Number
(SSN) or Federal Employer Identification Number
(FEIN) - Tax filing information Including the business
name on your 1099 tax form (where applicable) - Location information
- A business name for each company location (if
different from the company name) - A complete address for each location (including
details for sending purchase orders, payments,
and bills to each location - A contact person for each of your locations
- Commodity codes that describe the products and/or
services your company provides - Your CMBE (Certified Minority Business
Enterprises) information - State-issued sequence number and PINavailable
from DMS by faxing a request on company
letterhead to (850) 414-8331
16MyFloridaMarketPlaceRegistration Guidelines
The Vendor Registration System supports two
different approaches to registration. The vendor
may register all of their locations under one
location or register each vendor location
17MyFloridaMarketPlaceRegistration Guidelines
- The Vendor Registration System supports two
different approaches to registration. The vendor
may register all of their locations under one
location or register each vendor location
Corporate Registration- Location Managed
Corporate Managed
Location Registration
Location 1
Location 1
Location 1
Location 2
Location 3
Location 2
18MyFloridaMarketPlaceWhere to Find the Path
Click here to start the registration process
19Vendor Registration
20Vendor Registration
21Vendor Registration
22Vendor Registration
23Vendor Registration
24Vendor Registration
25Vendor Registration
- Introduction
- Overview of MyFloridaMarketPlace
- Vendor Benefits
- Registration
- Invoicing
- Sourcing
- eQuote
- Catalog Enablement
- Buyers View of Catalogs
- Available Vendor Training
- Questions
27Vendor Invoicing
- MyFloridaMarketPlace supports electronic invoice
reconciliation within Ariba Buyer (purchase
order, receipt, and invoice are needed for
payment process) - Purchase Order Flip - Vendor can select purchase
order upon receipt and use the line items from
the purchase order to create an invoice and
submit electronically - State Term Contract vendors will use the Ariba
Supplier Network (ASN) to receive purchase orders
and send invoices to state buyers
28Vendor Invoicing
- Electronic Invoice Flipping
- The process by which the vendor looks up a
Purchase Order and flips it into an Invoice to
send to the Agency Account Manager,
electronically - A tool for Vendors to improve their Invoicing
processes - Can be done at anytime, from almost any computer
- Powered through the Ariba Supplier Network (ASN)
- By registering for MyFloridaMarketPlace, all
state term contract vendors will use the ASN for
receiving purchase orders and sending invoices - You will login with your username and password
(your user name and password will be emailed to
you automatically)
29- Login to Ariba Network
- Login - Enter your username and password that you
created during vendor registration.
30- Go to Inbox
- Review Review important information to all
vendors. - Inbox Click on the Inbox link to review new
31- Review Purchase Orders
- Review Look at the orders sent to you by
MyFloridaMarketPlace buyers - Inbox Select an Order by clicking on the Order
32- Review Order Detail
- Review Confirm the PO information is correct.
- Generate Invoice Click the Generate Invoice
link to create invoice
33- Pick Invoice Type
- Select Click the Standard Invoice Link
34- Quick Entry Form
- Complete Form Enter your Invoice Number and any
other pertinent information. Invoice number is
the only required field. - Click Review Click the Review button to see the
completed invoice.
35- Quick Entry Form
- Confirm Review the invoice to confirm all
information is correct - Submit Click the Submit button to send this to
the Agency Account Manager.
- Introduction
- Overview of MyFloridaMarketPlace
- Vendor Benefits
- Registration
- Invoicing
- Sourcing
- eQuote
- Catalog Enablement
- Buyers View of Catalogs
- Available Vendor Training
- Questions
37On-Line Submission of Sealed Bids
- SourcingFormal Solicitations for Products or
Services - The process by which the buyer decides who to buy
from, at what price, in what quantities, and
under which terms - Used for formal bids 25,000
- Ariba Enterprise Sourcing 4.0 adopted by the
State to electronically source goods and services - Supports several types of RFXs - RFI (request for
information), RFQ (request for quote), and RFP
(request for proposal) - Vendors respond electronically to RFXs
- Free to vendors no membership fees
- Requires username and password
- Introduction
- Overview of MyFloridaMarketPlace
- Vendor Benefits
- Registration
- Invoicing
- Sourcing
- eQuote
- Catalog Enablement
- Buyers View of Catalogs
- Available Vendor Training
- Questions
39Informal Quoting
- eQuote
- Used for requests for informal quotes
- Replaces more manual quoting processes (phone,
fax, paper catalogs) - Vendors respond by buyers electronically
- Option to participate in nationwide electronic
quotations (separate agreement)
40(No Transcript)
41Informal Quoting
42Informal Quoting
43Informal Quoting
44Informal Quoting
45Informal Quoting
46Informal Quoting
47Informal Quoting
- Introduction
- Overview of MyFloridaMarketPlace
- Vendor Benefits
- Registration
- Invoicing
- Sourcing
- eQuote
- Catalog Enablement
- Buyers View of Catalogs
- Available Vendor Training
- Questions
49Catalog Enablement
eCatalog Process Overview
50Catalog Enablement
- Awarded vendors will be asked to submit data
templates that will be used to build their
electronic catalogs - Each term contract vendor will be contacted by a
supplier manager to help them through the process - Feedback and guidance will be provided if data is
incomplete or not formatted correctly - The State approves all products or services
offered in the on-line catalog
51Catalog Enablement
- Distributors and Locations
- Term Contract Vendors can use distributors to
fulfill orders - Distributors MUST register as vendors in Vendor
Registration (and enter all applicable order
receipt locations) - Distributors cannot be made available to buyers
if they have not registered and a branch/office
is not entered as a Location - Distributors are responsible for accepting
Floridas Terms Conditions
52Catalog Enablement
- Purpose of Design Documents
- Catalog standardization across a contract
- Easy for buyers to find your products
- Access to specific product information
- Data strategy approach
- Template/B-forms
- PunchOut
- Ordering Instructions
- Catalog data not required
53Catalog Enablement
Specific design documents for this contract will
be sent to all awarded vendors following bid award
54Catalog Enablement
Specific data templates for this contract will be
sent to all awarded vendors following bid award
55Catalog Enablement
- Catalog Updates
- Catalog updates are sent directly to the
appropriate supplier manager for your contract - State approval will then be required prior to
loading the updated catalog into production - Catalog updates are limited to 1 per week per
vendor - Catalog updates are live 3 days after receipt
- Introduction
- Overview of MyFloridaMarketPlace
- Vendor Benefits
- Registration
- Invoicing
- Sourcing
- eQuote
- Catalog Enablement
- Buyers View of Catalogs
- Available Vendor Training
- Questions
57Buyers View of Offerings
58Buyers View of Offerings
59Buyers View of Offerings
60Summary of Catalog Enablement
- Introduction
- Overview of MyFloridaMarketPlace
- Vendor Benefits
- Registration
- Invoicing
- Sourcing
- eQuote
- Catalog Enablement
- Buyers View of Catalogs
- Available Vendor Training
- Questions
62Training for Vendors
Several resources are available to help vendors
and buyers successfully use the
63Vendor Training Overview
64Example of Training
65Example of Training
66Next Steps
- Vendor Registration
- You will be contacted by a supplier manager to
help you through the process - Work with the supplier manager to complete
catalog data template
67For More Information
- Learn more about MyFloridaMarketPlace at
http//www.MyFlorida.com , look under Hot
Topics and click on the MyFloridaMarketPlace/ePro
link - Download Training Materials
- E-mail specific questions to
- VendorHelp_at_MyFlorida.com
- Make sure we are not in your SPAM filter. Please
put an exception in your e-mail filters for
- Introduction
- Overview of MyFloridaMarketPlace
- Vendor Benefits
- Registration
- Invoicing
- Sourcing
- eQuote
- Catalog Enablement
- Buyers View of Catalogs
- Available Vendor Training
- Questions