Title: SEG 4570 System Design and Implementation Tutorial 1
1SEG 4570System Design andImplementationTutoria
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2Tutorial Content
- Procedural vs Object-Oriented
- Basic Concepts
- Design for a Library System
- I. Procedural Approach
- II. Object-Oriented Approach
- Procedural vs Object-Oriented
3Basic Concepts
- I. Procedural System Analysis Approach
- Examine a problem using input-processing-output
(information flow) model and implement the model
in the same way. - It can be viewed as functional decomposition.
- II. Object-oriented Analysis (OOA)
- Examines requirements from the perspective of
object-oriented concept such as classes, objects,
attributes, operations and inheritance. - It emphasizes the identification and
classification of real-world entities into
object-oriented components (object-oriented
4Basic Concepts
- III. Coupling
- The degree of interaction between modules.
- 5 levels (high to low)
- Content coupling is when one module modifies or
relies on the internal workings of another module
(e.g. accessing local data of another module). - Common coupling is when two modules share the
same global data (e.g. a global variable) - Control coupling is one module controlling the
logic of another, by passing it information on
what to do - Stamp coupling is when modules share a composite
data structure and use only a part of it (e.g.
passing a whole record to a function which only
needs one field of it). - Data coupling is when modules share data through,
for example, parameters. - Modules should be loosely coupled.
5Designing a Library System
- Sample Problem
- Implements a simple library system which handles
a information database of books. - A database file consists of records of
information about each book, including the books
id, title, author, year and status is provided. - The system is able to load the database file,
allows user to perform keyword search of books
through title and author, check out books and
save the current information into the database.
6Design for a Library System Using Procedural
- 1. Problem identification
- Implement a library system
- Requirements
- I. Load database from database file.
- II. Search keyword through the title and
author. - III. Check out books.
- IV. Save current information to the database
file. - 2. Draw DFD to illustrate the data flow in the
system (input-processing-output model)
7Design for a Library System Using Procedural
8Design for a Library System Using Procedural
- 3. Implement the model with Functions for each
process - I. Define a book structure II. Define a
database structure -
III. Define variables in main ( )
typedef struct char id char title
char author char year char status
typedef struct int no_of_books char
db_name Book books50 Database
Database lib_db char cmd ...
9Design for a Library System Using Procedural
- IV. Define the following functions in separate
void loadDb(char db_file, Database ) void
saveDb(Database ) void search(char str_search,
Database ) void chkout(char str_id, Database
) int getCmd( ) void exeCmd(int
cmd_type) char getTitle(Book ) char
getAuthor(Book ) int getStatus(Book ) void
setStatus(Book )
10Design for a Library System Using Procedural
- A Library System Using Procedural Approach
11Design for a Library System Using Object-Oriented
- 1. Problem identification
- similar to Procedural Approach
- 2. Identifying and creating Objects
- I. List all nouns involved in the problem
- II. Group the nouns to form classes
- III. Design the communication between each
class - IV. Add methods to the classes
- V. Review the design to minimize no. of
12Design for a Library System Using OO Approach
- 3. Implement the model with Classes and Objects
- I. Book.h
class Book private String id String title
String author String year String status
public void setRecord(String record) void
setStatus( ) String getRecord( ) String
getTitle( ) String getAuthor( ) int
getStatus( )
13Design for a Library System Using OO Approach
- II. Database.h
- III. LibSys.h
class Database private int no_of_record
String db_name Book record50
public void loadDb(String db_file) void
saveDb( ) void search(String str_search) void
chkout(String str_id)
class LibSys private Database lib_sys
String cmd
public int getCmd( ) void exeCmd(int
14Design for a Library System Using OO Approach
- A Library System Using OO Approach
15Procedural Approach vs OO
- 1. Modeling Power
- I. Modeling Power in Procedural Programming
- Restricted to functional models. Systems can only
be modeled by information flow. - Difficult to model systems with high complexity.
- II. Modeling Power in OOP
- Systems can be modeled by the interaction between
objects which can better resemble the real world
than traditional software can. - This makes OOP easier to understand and the
problem model more similar to the physical
implementation model.
16Procedural Approach vs OO
- 2. Data Abstraction
- I. Abstraction in Procedural Programming
- Process Abstraction only
- Subprograms allow a calling program to specify
that a process is to be done without spelling out
how. - e.g. ordinary functions, subprograms,
- Problems
- User-defined data do not have their own
operations, any operation can access any data by
parameter passing. - Lead to high coupling between modules.
17Procedural Approach vs OO
- 2. Data Abstraction
- II. Data Abstraction in OOP
- Extend data abstraction to a higher level data
type, which is called class. - Data manipulation can only be done by operations
specified in the definition of the data within a
class. - Classes can be viewed as as user-defined abstract
data type where related data and their operations
are hidden. - It is also known as encapsulation.
- Advantages
- Modules becomes self-contained which greatly
reduces the coupling between them.
18Procedural Approach vs OO
- 3. Modular Structure
- I. Modular Structure in Procedural Programming
- Modules are defined by functions which are more
complicated. - Modules are tightly coupled, changes to one part
can easily lead to unforeseen behavioral changes
in other parts. - Relationships between modules cannot be easily
discovered. - Modules may need to be tested as a whole.
19Procedural Approach vs OO
- 3. Modular Structure
- II. Modular Structure in OOP
- Components of a OO system consist of
self-contained objects, unexpected side effects
in other modules occur less frequently after
modifications are made. - Relationship between modules can be easily seen
from the header files. - Individual modules can also be tested separately
which makes system more reliable.
20Procedural Approach vs OO
- 4. Maintenance
- I. Maintenance in Procedural Programming
- Weak maintainability.
- Due to the high complexity and coupling between
modules, it is difficult to understand the
system. - System cannot be easily modified to meet changes
in requirement. i.e. not flexible. - II. Maintenance in OOP
- As modules in OO system are easier to be modified
and understood, maintenance can be done in a
fraction of the time needed for traditional
21Procedural Approach vs OO
- 5. Reusability
- I. Reusability in Procedural Programming
- Modules with high coupling are difficult to
reuse. - II. Reusability in OOP
- Since objects are independent entities with their
own data and operations, it is possible to reuse
some objects in other applications. - OOP supports inheritance and polymorphism which
can greatly increase the module reusability.
- 1. OOA has a better modeling power than
structured approach through object-oriented
decomposition. - 2. OOP has a low mutual coherent between modules
which make OO system more readable, maintainable,
reliable, flexible and reusable. - 3. Some OO features such as inheritance and
polymorphism, which cannot be found in classical
language, can greatly increase the quality of the
OO system.