Title: Burley Variety Update
1Burley Variety Update
2Burley Tobacco Variety TrialAcross 5 Locations
3 Grades
Locations Bath, Elliot, Henry, Lincoln,
Spencer Counties
3Percentage of Tobacco Stripped into Each Grade
from 5 Locations
Locations Bath, Elliot, Henry, Lincoln,
Spencer Counties
4Burley Tobacco Variety TrialAcross 5 Locations
4 Grades
Locations Menifee, Taylor, Trimble(2) Wayne
5Percentage of Tobacco Stripped into Each Grade
from 5 Locations
Locations Menifee, Taylor, Trimble(2) Wayne
6Yield Ranking of Varieties for Each of 11 Trials
Locations Bath, Elliot, Henry (2), Lincoln,
Menifee, Spencer, Taylor, Trimble (2) Wayne
7Yield of Burley Tobacco Varieties with Different
Nitrogen was applied in the ammonium nitrate form
8KT 204
- Advantages
- Resistance
- Good Black Shank Resistance
- Black Root Rot
- Virus Complex
- Blue mold tolerance
- Yield (3400)
- Comparison to KT 200
- Not as late
- Not as dark green in field (Curing)
- Stalk size smaller
- Disadvantages
- Slow growth early
- Drought Tolerance?
- Black Shank resistance under stress?
9NC 6
- Advantages
- High Yield (3400)
- Good disease package
- High resistance to Race 0 Black Shank
- Black Root Rot
- Virus Complex
- Southern root knot nematode
- Disadvantages
- Low resistance to Race 1 Black Shank
- No Fusarium Wilt resistance
- Other
- Dark green color in field
10NC 7
- Advantages
- Resistance
- Black shank
- Race 0 High
- Race 1 Moderate to Low
- Black root rot
- Fusarium wilt
- Tobacco mosaic virus
- Wildfire
- Unique resistance
- Root knot nematode
- Tobacco cyst nematode
- Disadvantages
- Not know
11NC 2002
- Advantages
- Blue mold resistant
- Better yield than NC 2000
- Well suited to areas with consistent blue mold
incidence - Disadvantages
- Poor disease package
12HB04P hybrid
- Developed in Brazil
- By Profigen do Brazil
- Advantages
- High yield (3400)
- Drought tolerant
- High leaf quality
- High resistance to Black root rot
- Resistance to tobacco mosaic virus
- Disadvantages
- No resistance to Black Shank