Title: Aquatic Noxious Weeds in King County
1Aquatic Noxious Weeds in King County
- King County Noxious Weed Control Program
- www.kingcounty.gov/weeds
- Overview Definitions, Impacts, and Laws
- Priority Aquatic Invasive and Noxious Weeds in
King County
3What is an Invasive Weed?
- Introduced / non-native
- Ability to out-compete native plants
- Lack of predators or natural controls
- Ability to modify local ecology
- Aggressive ability to reproduce
- Not all introduced plants are invasive but most
invasive plants were brought here intentionally
Fragrant water lily on Cottage Lake
4Impacts of Aquatic Weeds
- Clog waterways
- Impede recreation
- Foul motors
- Replace native plants
- No wildlife value
- Alter water chemistry
5How is a Noxious Weed Defined?
- Non-native plant that damages agriculture,
wildlife, human health, land values or natural
resources - Defined and regulated by state law (RCW 17.10)
- control required only where weed is not
widespread - goal of law is to prevent spread of new invaders
to un-infested areas
6Two Lists Growing vs. Selling Noxious Weeds
- Noxious Weed List (WAC 16-750)
- Highest priority is where weeds are beginning to
invade - List set primarily by state weed board law
enforced by county noxious weed boards - Requires property owners to prevent plants from
seeding - Prohibited Plants List (WAC 16-752)
- Goal is to prevent spread of new introductions
- List is determined by WSDA, enforced by state
Nursery Inspection Program - Prohibits sale and purchase of plants and seeds
7State Weed Categories
- Class A (39 on list 14 found in KC)
- non-native, invasive, very limited distribution
- eradication required throughout state
- control provides statewide benefits (sometimes
even greater) - Class B (51 designated in KC 28 present)
- non-native, invasive, split distribution
- where limited, control required by state law
- where widespread, county board decides on control
- control provides regional or countywide benefits
- Class C (only 3 selected for control in KC, 31 on
state list most too widespread to require
control) - widespread distribution, county decides on
control - control provides local or site-specific benefits
more if efforts are coordinated with neighbors
8Four Most Common Regulated Noxious Weeds in King
Tansy Ragwort
Purple Loosestrife
Garden Loosestrife
Giant Hogweed
9Other King County Weed List Categories
- Non-Regulated Noxious Weeds
- State-listed Class B and C weeds that are
widespread in the county control recommended but
not required - For example milfoil, knotweed
- Weeds of Concern
- Not technically noxious weeds according to state
law considered invasive vegetation in King
County control desirable especially in natural
or agricultural areas
10Meet the LOOSESTRIFES and other aquatic Noxious
12Garden Loosestrife Lysimachia vulgaris
Class B Noxious Weed
2-10 foot tall perennial of wetlands and
Flowers showy yellow primrose-like flowers
clustered at top of stem (terminal
pannicle) Flowers in July and August Leaves
opposite or whorled (in threes or fours), leaves
usually have small orange or black glands visible
with magnification
13Produces extensive red rhizomes that will reach
out up to 10 feet into the adjacent open water
Stems have soft hairs and are round, occasionally
flattened (fasciated)
14Garden Loosestrife Lysimachia vulgaris
Class B Noxious Weed
Full sun
15Snohomish County
King County
Garden loosestrife distribution in King County
Sammamish River
Matthews Beach Magnuson Park Union Bay Montlake
Park Lk Wash. Blvd Seward Park
Rutherford Slough
Fall City
Raging River
Lake Alice
Lake Burien
16Garden loosestrife Impacts
Ecological displaces native plants and animals
interferes with wetland food web and habitat
clogs small streams Economic clogs irrigation
systems water control structures dominates wet
17Garden loosestrife ImpactsOutcompetes other
aggressive plants
Himalayan blackberry
Purple loosestrife
Common cattail
18Purple loosestrife Lythrum salicariaClass B
Noxious Weed
- Key characteristics
- perennial rhizomatous emergent with showy magenta
flower spikes - branched stems are square, can root at nodes
- leaves opposite, lanceolate
- up to 2.5 million tiny seeds/plant
- flowers July and August
19Look-alikesPurple loosestrife vs. spirea and
Purple loosestrife Douglas spirea Fireweed (ha
20Snohomish County
Purple loosestrife distribution in King County
King County
Snoqualmie River
Vashon Island
Federal Way
Green River
21other common aquatic noxious weeds (and native
22Iris pseudacorus Yellow Flag Iris Class C
- Key characteristics
- perennial monocot to 1.5 meters tall
- thick rhizomes form solid mats
- showy yellow flowers
- green seed pods with flat seeds like corn kernels
that float
23Nymphaea odorata Fragrant waterlily Class C
- Key characteristics
- floating perennial
- flowers white to pink on separate flexible stalks
- thick fleshy rhizomes
- round leaves
24Nuphar luteaspatterdock, yellow pond lily
- Key characteristics
- very large heart-shaped leaves
- ball-shaped yellow flowers
- stems rigid enough to hold leaves out of water
when water level drops
25Myriophyllum spicatum Eurasian watermilfoil
Class B non-designate
- Key characteristics
- 14 or more leaflet pairs
- leaves whorled
- usually red stem, branched
- leaves generally collapse against stem when
pulled from water - flower spike held above water
26Eurasian watermilfoil Myriophyllum spicatum vs.
the native northern watermilfoil Myriophyllum
The native has fewer than 14 leaflet pairs
Eurasian water Milfoil has 14 or more leaflet
Collapses out of water
Holds shape out of water
27Egeria densa Brazilian elodea Class B
- Key characteristics
- smooth leaf edges
- leaves in whorls of 4 (up to 6)
- relatively showy flower
- grows in up to 20 feet of water
28Egeria densa Brazilian elodea Class B
29Elodea canadensis American waterweed Native
- Key characteristics
- leaves linear, whorled in 3s (sometimes 2-4) on
the stem - leaves sparse toward bottom of plant, more
bunched together toward top - branching stem
30Brazilian elodea vs. our native American
waterweed Elodea canadensis
Brazilian elodea usually has 4 leaflets
Native usually has 3 leaflets
31Dozens of other submerged natives in Lake
32Potamogeton spp. Submerged pondweeds Native
- Key characteristics
- many species
- leaves alternate, grass-like to oval, always have
at least one mid-vein - stems branched, flexible, up to 3m long
- small flowers/seedheads on spikes held above water
33A Few Less Common Regulated Aquatic and
Shoreline Weeds
34Glyceria maxima Reed sweetgrass Class A
- Key characteristics
- Emergent perennial grass, sometimes variegated
- Up to 2.5 m (gt8 ft.) tall in up to 2 m (6 ft.) of
water - Leaves stiff and smooth
- Ligule papery, rounded and pointy
- Flowers in summer, inflorescense open and branched
35Ludwigia peploides Floating Primrose-willow
Class A
- Key characteristics
- prostrate or floating stems
- alternate, variable leaves
- bright yellow 5-petalled flowers in leaf axils
- Grows in up to 10 feet of water, can be up to 2 ½
feet tall
36Myriophyllum aquaticum Parrotfeather Class B
- Key characteristics
- emergent up to 1 ft. above water
- leaves in whorls around stem
- leaves feathery like milfoil
- dense mat of brownish rhizomes
37Nymphoides peltata Yellow Floating Heart Class
- Key characteristics
- floating perennial
- small yellow flowers with distinctive fringes
- 2 to 5 flowers per stalk
- heart-shaped or round leaves, wavy margins, often
purplish underneath
38Phragmites australis Common Reed Class C
- Key characteristics
- 12 foot tall rhizometous grass
- hollow woody stems
- wide stiff leaves
- large feathery flower head purplish when young,
brown in seed
Duwamish First Avenue South
39Impatiens glandulifera Policemans Helmet
Class B
40Spotted Jewelweed - Impatiens capensis (control
not required but strongly encouraged)
41Invasive Knotweed Class B Non-Designate(control
not required but strongly encouraged)
42Hollow, upright, bamboo like stems often reddish
or red-speckled
43Grows so thickly that nothing can compete with it
44Except maybe garden loosestrife!
45King County Noxious Weed Control Program Website
Weed Photo Page Search by Common Name or Latin
Or click thumbnail picture of plant for weed
information and photos
46Sasha Shaw and Katie Messick King County Noxious
Weed Program201 South Jackson St, Suite
600Seattle, WA 98104206-296-0290 (program
line) www.kingcounty.gov/weeds