Title: Creative Reflection, Creative Practice: Expressing the Inexpressible
1Creative Reflection, Creative Practice
Expressing the Inexpressible Shelley Tracey 30
March 2007
2Change New ideas Possibility
Reflective practice
Creative reflection
Enhancing engagement
Individual collective verbal non-verbal process
3- Reflective teachers seek to probe beneath the
veneer of a commonsense reading of experience.
They investigate the hidden dimensions of their
practice and become aware of the omnipresence of
power. Brookfield 1988 7
4Holistic model of reflection 1. Modes
- Imagining
- Reverie
- Meditating
- Dreaming
- Visualising
- Thinking
- Critical reflection
- Discussion
- Writing
- Drawing
5Complexity of creative and reflective processes
It is a focusing of the attention in a special
way, so that the poet is aware of all the
implications and possible developments of his
idea, just as one might say that a plant was not
concentrating on developing mechanically in one
direction, but in many directions, towards the
warmth and the light with its leaves, and towards
the water with its roots, all at the same time.
Stephen Spender focusing the mind during
6Teacher Creativity Propositions
- Teachers are creative but may not acknowledge
their creativity - Spaces to explore and enhance creativity
- Manifestations
- Responsiveness
- to individual needs, constraints time/ admin
demands/ pressures of teaching - Active
- Course design
Often ideas of great beauty come to us when we
are most constrained. Ben Okri
7Creative reflection
- Convergency and divergency
- Framework of creative methodologies for engaging
teachers individually and collectively in
identifying and expanding their creativity
81. Convergency and Divergency
Divergency Play Brainstorming Possibility
Convergency Bringing ideas together Problem
solving Synthesis
92. Creative reflection framework
- Preparation
- 2. Play
- 3. Exploration
- 4. Synthesis
10Phase 1 Preparation
- Entering a creative space threshold activities
- liminal spaces uncertainty
- need for receptivity Negative Capability John
Keats , - when a man is capable of being in
uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any
irritable reaching after fact and reason (Buxton
Foreman, 1895).
11Threshold activities
- Selecting images and quotations on a relevant
theme teaching, learning or creativity itself. - Music
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15Phase 2 Play
Creative thinking
idea storming
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18 Idea storming uses for a packet of Post-its
19Creativity in Practice for Educators (M Ed)
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21Phase 3 Exploration
- Using a Creative Problem-Solving Framework to
explore assessment - Based on Osborn-Parnes model and 4-phase
framework - Reflecting on images
22Very helpful. Made me think more deeply about
assessment and its ramifications.
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26Exploring creative identities
Poet Storyteller Receiver Writer Biographer
Connector Artist Impresario Resonator Cre
ator Inventor Innovator Challenger Collabor
ator Engineer Architect Designer Weaver Danc
er Painter Deepsea diver
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29Phase 4 Synthesis
- Reflecting on collaboration
- dialoguing with the image
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