National Community Literacy Leadership Conference - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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National Community Literacy Leadership Conference


I liked the time keeping that kept speakers focused and us on schedule. ... 'Covered a variety of useful topics provided much food for thought! ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: National Community Literacy Leadership Conference

National Community Literacy Leadership Conference
Read, Rattle Roll
  • Conference Session Evaluation
  • March 2008

Pre-Conference Session Evaluation
Session Rating
Pre-Conference SessionWhat was the most
interesting and informative part of the session
for you?
Summary of comments
  • Slides that demonstrated financial implications
    of addressing literacy.
  • Ideas for indicators to track.
  • Books to use as guides in evaluation efforts.
  • Information on specific strategies to use
    (depending on what your coalition is
  • Learning about different measurements that are
  • The how part, including the graphs and
    discussion about financial impact.
  • Types of evaluations.
  • Importance of process.
  • Identifying the many different pieces of data
    that can be collected relatively easily.
  • The 2 exercises we did he really made his
  • The style of the group activities.

Evaluating Your Coalitions Impact
Pre-Conference SessionWhat part of the session
would you have done differently?
Summary of comments
  • Get to the coalition evaluation questions
    earlierwe are ready for that!
  • More cost/benefit ratio.
  • Unified systems for measuring/benchmarking
    across coalitions continuums (with national
  • More depth.
  • Nothing- it was great!
  • More time spent on the how, with less time
    spent on the what.
  • Maybe a larger room would have been nicer.

Evaluating Your Coalitions Impact
Pre-Conference SessionOther comments or
Summary of comments
  • More emphasis on what to do with the data, or
    how best to collect data.
  • This was excellent!
  • More time to share/hear ideas of specific
    measures used by others, as well as lessons
    learned in evaluation pitfalls and successes.
  • More, deeper, more.

Evaluating Your Coalitions Impact
Pre-Conference SessionWhat was the most
interesting and informative part of the session
for you?
Summary of comments
  • She shared her experience gave me ideas about
    the possibilities for this issue area.
  • Learning what others are doing and where to
  • Hands on.
  • Resources links, articles, publications, etc.

Health Literacy
Pre-Conference SessionWhat part of the session
would you have done differently?
Summary of comments
  • Practical application examples.
  • More hands on, brainstorming and activities.
  • Maybe a case study showing steps of how to
    build partnerships.
  • More time for peer sharing.

Health Literacy
Pre-Conference SessionOther comments or
Summary of comments
  • A take-away.
  • Great emphasis on what works in NY may not be
    the model for everyone.
  • Great at achieving what she set out to do.
  • Please provide copies of slides/powerpoint.
  • Give opportunity for participants to write down
    questions and speaker respond either via email
    and/or chatroom.
  • Potential agenda.
  • Thank you!

Health Literacy
Pre-Conference SessionWhat was the most
interesting and informative part of the session
for you?
Summary of comments
  • All the information was new to me and the
  • There is not just one model.
  • Stages of development.
  • Community literacy plan.
  • Learning what is possible.
  • Learning what other coalitions are doing, how
    they got started and how theyre maintaining.
  • Learning that so many coalitions have faced
  • Learning that providers other than adult
    literacy agencies should be part of a coalition.
  • Level of emerging infusion of community.

Tool Kit for New Emerging Coalitions
Pre-Conference SessionWhat part of the session
would you have done differently?
Summary of comments
  • Terrific and very well put together Margaret
    and Gail were a great team and did an effective
    job there is nothing I would have done
  • Shorten the time.
  • The picture activities were not as helpful,
    but the discussion was.
  • More discussion on how to create and implement a
    community literacy plan.
  • Since I came with a group I wanted more time to
    huddle with them (but understand this wouldnt
    have been appropriate).

Tool Kit for New Emerging Coalitions
Pre-Conference SessionOther comments or
Summary of comments
  • Very good stuff!
  • Handouts of the power point presentation.
  • More QA time.
  • It was very helpful to be taken through the
    stages of coalition development and leadership,
    and to see how important it is for leadership to
    come from those other than literacy providers.
  • The service infusion and funding infusion
    information was important.
  • This was one of the BEST workshops I have ever
    attended at a conference!
  • Margaret Doughty is wonderful.
  • Break up the first day into sessions.

Tool Kit for New Emerging Coalitions
Pre-Conference SessionWhat was the most
interesting and informative part of the session
for you?
Summary of comments
  • Hearing from the panels expertise-Joanne was
    very knowledgeable. Nice approach.
  • Hearing from others.
  • Table discussion among participants.

The Currency of Community
Pre-Conference SessionWhat part of the session
would you have done differently?
Summary of comments
  • Shorter, or a break in the middle.
  • Shorter time frame 3.5 hours wouldve been
    enough time.
  • Group participants according to specific
    literacy focus (adult, ESL, etc.). One
    facilitators fixation with poverty and
    unemployed didnt fit what our focus is.

The Currency of Community
Pre-Conference SessionOther comments or
Summary of comments
  • Workforce specific session with business and
    corporate representatives.
  • The schedule shouldve been 9-3 every day with
    time out at night to mingle 7-9pm.

The Currency of Community
Opening Session Dr. Shirley Raines
Session Rating
n for this session 26
Dr. Shirley Raines Comments
  • Good.
  • Good info.
  • Informative about University of Memphis.
  • Excellent welcome.
  • I like the comment about infant mortality and
    its link to literacy.
  • Good local AE representation.
  • Wonderful presentation.
  • Excellent speaker with a great perspective on
    issues of literacy and partnerships.
  • Heart felt and interesting.
  • She was preaching to the choir.
  • Wonderful.
  • Added new insights.

Showcasing Unique Coalition Initiatives
Session Rating
n for this session 26
Showcasing Unique Coalition Initiatives Comments
  • Enlightening.
  • Fritz was masterful in bringing a strong
    discussion point -Mary asked great questions.
  • I learned a lot and really lGood to hear what
    others are doing.
  • It was great to hear from so many other
  • Not the best use of time.
  • More time needed to be built in for this. Each
    table needed a designated moderator to keep
    people focused.

Luncheon Session Health Literacy Panel
Session Rating
n for this session 28
Luncheon Session Workforce Literacy Panel
Session Rating
n for this session 25
Luncheon Session Comments
  • Format not conducive to in-depth exchange of
    info. Better to do one panel and give more time
    to the topic.
  • Great panels.
  • I could not hear much of what Andrew said. I
    liked the time keeping that kept speakers focused
    and us on schedule.
  • More best practices models.
  • Too short to get real understanding hard to
    take anything awaybut was interesting.
  • Would like to hear each speaker for a little
    longer period of time (10 min.).
  • Health very encouraging, exposing many of us to
    an aspect of literacy were not familiar with.
    Workforce only 1 of the panelists presented a
    pointed, on-topic program.
  • Too many so we didnt get a very deep sense of
  • Good information.
  • Social justice lady was strong. Comments were
    not specific enough. Regarding health, Kym was
    great and to the point, Barbara was great.
  • Content areas were selectively timely and

Coalition Scale-Up
Session Rating
n for this session 26
Coalition Scale-Up Comments
  • Involvement was heightened so proved to be
  • Vicky was good.
  • Good info and interaction.
  • Excellent panel.
  • What was this even about? I didnt personally
    gain much from this panel.
  • Great.
  • Great ideas shared.
  • Good.

Featured SessionLiteracy as a Tool for Social
Session Rating
n for this session 26
Literacy as a Tool for Social Justice Comments
  • Cut time of prepared speech in half and allow
    time for questions from floor. She was
    entertaining but only tangentially relevant.
  • Excellent panel.
  • Too tired to focus.
  • Less about social justice than the
  • Good.
  • A little disjointed.
  • Great messagesbut less and less got past my
    earlobes because of the same format, same
    roomthe lack of variety lulled me into
    disinterest in spite of outstanding content.
  • Very passionate and informed panelists.
  • Put this earlier in the daythis is a compelling
  • Inspiring thoughts and challenges.
  • I thought some of the panelists needed more time
    (particularly David Rosen and Daphne).
  • This should have been the first panel. Got to
    the heart of the people we serve and learn from.
  • Speakers were great, but we were all
    brain-drained by then.
  • Really glad it was a topic, but panel
    info/presenters didnt go very deep.
  • David was great good examples.
  • Most amazingly excellent.

Funding Fright Lessons to Learn
Session Rating
n for this session 18
Funding Fright Lessons to Learn Comments
  • Very informative, but some of it elementary.
  • Very nice panelgreat specifics.
  • Excellent.
  • Not terrifically helpful.
  • The panelists all talked about how to apply to
    their specific foundations no general
    strategies, no examples of successful
    applications, or how to cultivate relationships.
  • I would have liked more discussion from national
    folks rather than local.
  • Way too basic informationI wanted more
    opportunity to talk to my peers about this and
    learn their successful methods.
  • More these folks were honest, generousdo this
  • Appreciated the honesty of the funders.
  • Well organized.
  • General funding info.
  • Not new info to anyone whos ever written

Framing Awareness A Look in the Mirror
Session Rating
n for this session 8
Framing Awareness A Look in the Mirror Comments
  • Great speakers presentation good interaction
    with participants.

Communitywide Planning Measurement
Session Rating
n for this session 6
Communitywide Planning and Measurement Comments
  • Great participation.
  • I liked the group discussion model good
  • Great group interaction.
  • Conversation disjointed and unclear, but some
    good discussion occurred.

Public Funding for Intermediaries
Session Rating
n for this session 16
Public Funding for Intermediaries Comments
  • Introduction was too long. Not much useful info
    in session.
  • Good info.
  • No name plates on table.
  • More best practice specific streams.
  • Excellent lots of useful information,
    especially for those seeking funds for first
  • Nice diverse panel.
  • One speaker did not say anything specific or
    useful. Others were great.
  • Good session.

Luncheon Panel The Really Hot Questions
Session Rating
n for this session 20
Luncheon Panel The Really Hot Questions Comments
  • One dominated conversation.
  • Very helpful.
  • Great to hear from VALUE.
  • So much use of terms and acronyms that were
    worthless to me as a business rep to a coalition.
    Many times I empathized with low literate people
    because I couldnt keep up with what was being
    said. As a coalition board member, the diagnostic
    assessment tools mean nothing to me.
  • Dull.
  • Raised some critical questions.
  • More.
  • Should have been titled Public
    Awareness/Advocacy Issues or something more
  • Good information.
  • Good perspectives.
  • Didnt get much as far as specifics from this,
    but I might be tired.

Spotlighting Coalition Needs
Session Rating
n for this session 5
Spotlighting Coalition Needs Comments
  • Not tiredthis one was good.
  • Most valuable session needed way more time
    with other EDs.
  • Good showing.

Governing Well
Session Rating
n for this session 7
Governing Well Comments
  • Vicki Clark is fantastic especially on Friday
    afternoon. Very energetic and funny. Very
  • Too much for 1 hour.
  • Excellent good strategies group
  • Vicki was terrific great interaction, not
    enough time.

Closing Session Madan Birla
Session Rating
n for this session 9
Closing Session Madan Birla Comments
  • A must teaching for coalition builders if you
    want sustainability.
  • Good way to finish thanks for the book!
  • Very good much better than I expected.
  • Awesome!
  • Great.
  • Questions led to specifics on how to initiate
    into life balanced well idea is great.

How would you rate the overall conference
Session Rating
n for this question 21
Overall Conference CommentsWhat did you like
the best? (1 of 2)
  • The hotel was perfect and Memphis is a great
  • (1) The social justice components, (2) I thought
    the panels were run and moderated very well,
    especially since these formats at other
    conferences can be the sessions that throw off
    the whole agenda.
  • The meals served were excellent. Food very
  • Networking opportunities with other coalitions
    across the country as means to avoid reinventing
    the wheel.
  • Informally and formally hearing and learning
    about programs, services and collaborations
    across the country.
  • All of our efforts gaining momentum respect
    and sharing.
  • Finding common issues between my coalition and
    others throughout the country. Learning better
    ways to report and measure outcomes.
  • Meeting other coalition leaders and learning
    from their experiences.
  • Dr. Ruby Paynes talk Thursday at dinner being
    able to network with so many like-minded people.
  • (1)Formal and informal chance to learn from our
    peers. (2)Wide array of topics. (3)More
    opportunities than usual for table talk.
  • The conference provided excellent opportunities
    to meet new people, learn new lessons, share
    program outcomes.
  • (1) Thursday night speaker! (and I was dreading
    another speaker) (2)Everything was so
    professional yet we were pampered at every
  • Facility and food, presenters, good location,

Overall Conference CommentsWhat did you like
the best? (2 of 2)
  • The networking and peer teaching was rich and
  • Getting tips/ideas on resources for
    evaluation/fundraising/advocacy that I can look
    at over the next year! Lots of info (though at
    times overwhelming).
  • Covered a variety of useful topics provided
    much food for thought!
  • Multiple opportunities for networking and
    discussion. Well planned, great coverage of
  • Learning best practices, meeting
    others/developing relationships.
  • Loved that so many of the attendees had the
    opportunity to share what they do love peer
  • Excellent enjoyed and lots of ideas of what to
    do not to do and people to call when we have
  • The pre-conference session answered most of the
    questions that I came with. It gave me a clearer
    perspective on what work has to be done when I
    return to my city.
  • The smaller sessions (and pre-sessions) were
    particularly informative and helpful. Having
    Marty Fiksterbusch on a panel was also great. His
    voice was so important.
  • Networking.
  • Good regional spread and representation.
  • Vicki was great, networking, building on last
  • Panel presentations.

Overall Conference CommentsWhat would you have
done differently? (1 of 2)
  • More time for each panelist, end at 4pm.
  • More time with exhibitors.
  • Repeat the pre-conferences.
  • Instead of having the panelists speak for 7
    minutes each, I think it would be good to have a
    moderator for each panel and have more of a
    dialogue and more QA.
  • I would shorten the pre-session or break it up.
    I would change the format of the first day of the
    conference. Id rather have had 2 sessions.
  • The actual schedule was different from the
    printed schedule- confusing.
  • I was (and still am) conflicted about Ruby
    Paines presentation.
  • Have questions from the audience instead of on
    cards involve the participants more.
  • This years conference really lacked in one
    area the table/small group discussions where we
    can ask our peers about their challenges and
    learn more detail about how they got where they
    are today.
  • Vary the presentation style one or two panels
    are great, but eight is torture.
  • The reception was tighta bigger room.
  • The schedule couldve been more balanced.
    Thursday was too longtoo much sitting. The first
    day should be longer than the second 2 days. The
    Friday schedule should end by 200.
  • Normally - no dinner speaker, but she was great!
    No lunch speakers give us topics and let us
    discuss at tables.

Overall Conference CommentsWhat would you have
done differently? (2 of 2)
  • More time for networking.
  • (1)Shorter sessions less packed schedule.
    (2)Some way to involve learners .
    (3)Shorter day on Wednesday so we could see
  • More break time, especially on Thursday. Fewer,
    longer breaks wouldve been better. A few of the
    panelists seemed ill-prepared or a bit off-topic
    maybe brief them better next time?
  • Your team will have lots of good ideaslets
    meet again!
  • Wednesday afternoon trips to Graceland and
    T were a turnoff in conference
  • Less panels more time to work in groups and
    digest the ideas being presented.

How would you rate the hotel?
Session Rating
n for this question 27
Overall Conference CommentsHow would you rate
the hotel?
  • The hotel was perfect and Memphis is a great
  • Great lunch on Thursday, even better on Friday.
  • Rooms above average.
  • Nice service, affordable prices.
  • Pretty good.
  • Great food, very nice accommodations and
    reasonably priced. Outstanding.
  • Excellent.
  • Good.
  • The hotel was great but there were few options
    for mealsnone without taxis which were very slow
    to come.
  • Very good the food was excellent.
  • Staff great, room OK.
  • I stayed at Fogelman Conference Center.
  • I was at Fogelman Center no food, and room
    wasnt cleaned or resupplied one day.
  • Fogelman.
  • Excellent.

Overall Conference CommentsMore comments?
  • Margaret is dynamic, and all conference
    organizers fantastic. THANK YOU!
  • Dr. Payne was a poor choice for Thursday
    evening. The controversy around her research
    should have been aired.
  • Would have liked an organized Memphis tour.
  • Thank you Margaret, Hanna, et al!
  • If the primary goal of one of the break-out
    sessions is to forward the agenda of Literacy
    Powerline (Friday morning Community Planning and
    Measuring Impact) should make that clear. Its
    fine to have conversations that meet the
    objective of NIFL and Powerline but make it
    clearersome people in the session thought it
    would benefit them more than it did (and probably
    would have chosen a different session). Also,
    some information was too basicespecially the
    fundraising panel. Were more experienced than
    the presenters realized.
  • Thank you! Memphis is great!
  • (1) If pre-conference had started later in the
    day as opposed to starting early and ending
    early, I could have attended. (2) Many presenters
    (Thursday) did not provide specific information
    to help us- it was more inspirational messages
    instead. Thank you for bringing us together. It
    was GREAT!!!
  • I would like to see a more specialized session
    available on fundraising and/or marketing.
  • First time experience at a literacy focused
    conference Thank you for making it a good
    experience!! Thanks to Hannah for being a
    wonderful hostess and coordinator.
  • Would like to see a conference devoted to adult
    literacy/workforce issues only. Reserve handing
    out gifts to planning committee at a more private
    time. All the attendees dont need to sit through
  • As an exhibitor, it was great to have access to
    the conference. It really helped me see where the
    movement is going and how our services might
    contribute. Thank you for being so welcoming and

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