Title: New Products from combined MODISAIRS
1New Products from combined MODIS/AIRS Jun Li,
Chian-Yi Liu, Allen Huang, Xuebao Wu, and Liam
Gumley Cooperative Institute for
Meteorological Satellite Studies Space Science
and Engineering Center University of
Wisconsin-Madison 1225 West Dayton Street,
Madison, Wisconsin
International EOS/NPP Direct Readout Meeting, 3
6 October 2005 Benevento, Italy
2New products for IMAPP from combined MODIS/AIRS
- MODIS classification mask
- AIRS sub-pixel cloud detection products using
MODIS data (Li et al. 2004a -JAM) - Single FOV Cloud/Aerosol property products from
AIRS radiances (Li et al. 2004b - JAM 2005a -
JAM) with the help of MODIS (cloud mask, cloud
phase mask, cloud classification mask, etc.) - AIRS cloud-clearing radiance products using
multi-band MODIS clear radiances (Li et al. 2005b
3- AIRS sub-pixel cloud detection and
characterization using MODIS (Li et al. 2004a -
JAM). - Use MODIS cloud mask (1 km) for AIRS single
field-of-view (SFOV) clear mask - Use MODIS cloud phase mask (1 km) for AIRS SFOV
cloud phase mask - Use MODIS cloud classification mask (1 km) for
AIRS SFOV cloud classification mask
Aqua MODIS RGB Natural Color 17 September 2003
Hurricane Isabel
4AIRS clear coverage
MODIS confident clear pixels are counted for AIRS
clear coverage !
MODIS 1 km cloud mask
5Unknown Mixed Phase Ice Clouds Water
Clouds Clear
AIRS cloud phase mask with 13.5 km resolution
(mixed phase clouds appear frequently !)
MODIS cloud phase mask with 1 km spatial
6F3 F2 F1
AIRS Window BT(K)
Water Land L. Cld Mid Cld L.
Cld H. Cld H. Cld Mid Cld Mid.
MODIS 1km classification mask superimposed to the
AIRS footprints of the study area. The MODIS
classification mask gives the cloud layer
information with each AIRS footprint.
7- Cloud property products from AIRS radiances (Li
et al. 2004b - JAM 2005a - JAM) with help of
MODIS - MODIS cloud mask is used for AIRS SFOV
clear/cloudy detection - MODIS cloud phase mask is used for AIRS SFOV
phase determination - Cloud properties are retrieved from from AIRS
radiances with a physical algorithm (Minimum
Residual Method)
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11F1 Thick ice clouds
1km MODIS classification mask superimposed to
AIRS footprints
AIRS BT(K) _at_ 901.69 cm-1
12F1 CTP258, CPS33.90, COT1.62
13AIRS window BT image over North America region
14AIRS cloud-top pressure retrieval with help of
MODIS cloud mask
15AIRS cloud optical thickness retrieval with help
of MODIS cloud mask and cloud phase mask
16Validation of cloud properties
- Compare with MODIS natural color image
- Compare with MODIS classification results
- Ground measurements
- Lidar observation
Spatial resolution MODIS CTP 5 km AIRS CTP
13.5 km GOES CTP 10 km
18MPACE Mixed Phase Artic Cloud Experiment Granule
223, 17 October 2004
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20AIRS OD1.44
Vertical Layers
AIRS Effective Radius38.6 um
AIRS time 221732 UTC
21Desert Vs Dust aerosol
MODIS (BT11 - BT12)
AIRS window BT
MODIS Natural color
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23Derive AIRS cloud-cleared radiances using
MODIS/AIRS cloud-clearing algorithm
- MODIS multi-spectral IR clear radiances within
AIRS sub-pixel are used for AIRS cloud-clearing
on SFOV basis (Li et al. 2005b, IEEE-TGARS) - MODIS clear radiances within AIRS sub-pixel are
used for Quality Control (QC) on AIRS
24Aqua MODIS IR SRF Overlay on AIRS Spectrum
Direct spectral relationship between IR MODIS and
AIRS provides unique application of MODIS in AIRS
cloud_clearing !
25Optimal imager/sounder cloud-clearing
Methodology (Li et al. 2005 IEEE Trans. On
Geoscience and Remote sensing, June issue).
- CCR is obtained on single footprint basis (3 by 3
box moves by single footprint - MODIS clear radiances are used for QC
N is solved from 9 MODIS band (22, 24, 25, 28,
30, 31, 32, 33, 34) are used
26AIRS clear (13.5 km)
AIRS clear CC-S (13.5 km)
MODIS clear (1 km)
27AIRS single FOV profile retrieval versus ECMWF
Water Vapor Mixing Ratio
Clear neighbor
Cloud contaminated
28Temperature RMS difference between AIRS and
ECMWF 250 thin cloud FOVs
Contaminated by thin clouds !!
Clear Neighbor
Cloud-cleared (MODIS/AIRS)
- There are potential new products from combined
MODIS/AIRS, especially the SFOV cloud property
products that include AIRS cloud mask, cloud
phase mask, cloud layer information mask, etc. - AIRS SFOV cloud-cleared radiances will be derived
using MODIS/AIRS cloud-clearing approach. - Efforts are also on deriving AIRS SFOV sounding
products under both clear and cloudy skies with
help of existing MODIS products.