Title: Learning structure of manifolds using random projections
1Learning structure of manifolds using random
- Freund, Dasgupta, Kabra, Verma
- UC San Diego
- Presentation by Steven Bergner
- Simon Fraser University
- Definitions and problem setting
- Related Work
- Random projections trees
- Results
- Data matrix Xi,j of coordinates
- Row i1..N is data sample
- Column j1..D is attribute or dimension
- Challenges
- Large N storage, streaming, sampling
- Large D insufficient training data
- Undefined fields graphical models
- Every point has an Rn neighborhood
- Global structure may be different
Chinese Swiss roll
source wikipedia
- Extrinsic
- Number of measurements
- (Non-)linear dependencies
- Intrinsic
- Data near d-dimensional manifold dltD
- Independent, uncorrelated
- E.g. doubling dimension
6Distributions with low intrinsic d
- Example Motion capturing
- D markers each with 3 coordinates
- Body posture determined by joint angles
7Related work
8(Non-)parametric statistics
- Parametric
- E.g. fitting a Gaussian to observations
- Needs a model
- Non-parametric
- E.g. estimating a histogram (density)
- Bayesian statistics
- Manifold learning
- Needs lots of examples
- Framework Approximation theory
9Manifold learning
- Incrementally grow neighborhoods
- Locally-linear embeddings Roweis Saul 2001
- Wi,j weights of local neighbors to reconstruct
point i - Embedding coordinates in first eigenvectors of
Wi,j - ISOMAP Tenenbaum et al. 2001
- Build k-nearest neighbor graph
- Shortest path lengths between all points in
matrix A - Eigenvectors of A provide embedding coords
10Random projections
- Johnson-Lindenstrauss 83
- Classifier capacity with random projections Garg
2002 - Compressive sensing Candes 2006
11Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma
- Target dimension k does not depend on original
dimension d
DasguptaGupta 99
12Random projection trees
- Used for nearest neighbor queries
- Associative memory
- Split along random directions
- Split point minimized inner-cell variance
15Algorithm Make Tree
- S is point set
- Rule(x) divides the set
16Algorithm PCA choose rule
- Sorting along random direction v will give
similar median
17Point set diameters
- Diameter of S
- maxx-y for all x,y in S
- Average diameter
18Algorithm RP tree choose rule
- Split minimizes inner-class variance
19Building an RP tree
- PCA Ellipsoid for comparison only
- split now chosen via RP rule
20Building an RP tree
21Building an RP tree
22Building an RP tree
23Building an RP tree
24Building an RP tree
25Split diameter Theorem
- Covariance dimension d(?) fulfils
- For a cell C split into several C
26Proof for doubling dimension d
- A cell of diameter ? may be covered by O(dlogd)
balls of radiuslt?/2 - Those can be split with O(dlogd) projections
27Streaming implementation
- Fixed set of random directions v chosen at
beginning - Use v that minimizes avg. diameter
- Both splits operate on projected pts.
- Statistics updated for each node
29Results (synthetic data 1)
Data set 1 10,000 points in 1000-dimensional
unit cube randomly perturbed by Gaussian noise
with sigma1
30Results (synthetic data 2)
Data set 2 10,000 points chosen equally from
two 1000-dimensional Gaussians at (1,..,1) and
31MNIST data Handwritten digits 1
32MNIST data Handwritten digits 1
33MNIST data Handwritten digits 1
- Description of manifold may be used for
classification, interpolation - Compression also possible when going to
projection coordinates - My interest
- VC-dimension and discrepancy
35Thank you for your attention.