Title: December 2005 Foundation Financial Statements BPWUSA Interim Board Presentation
1December 2005 Foundation Financial
StatementsBPW/USA Interim Board Presentation
4.4 of assets are cash
93.6 of assets are investments
Total Value 6,632,009
4Investment Allocation
Total Value 6,206,285
5Endowment Allocation (Includes Virginia Allan)
Total Value 1,187,546 (includes accrued
6Long-Term Reserves
Total Value 5,018,739
7Liabilities Net Assets
8Liabilities Net Assets
Liabilities comprise only 2 of graph
Board designated reserves comprise 75 of graph
Total Value 6,632,009
9Statement of Activities
Investment revenue represents 59 of annual
revenue budget.
Annual giving represents 24 of annual revenue
budget, and 15.5 of YTD budget
Annual budget represents Corporate
sponsorships And dues allocation from BPW/USA.
Unanticipated Bequest
Contributions for 50 for 50
11Annual Giving
With the exception of 2005, annual giving has
declined in the past five years. 2005 included
64,000 from two disbanding LOs. The 2006 budget
assumes further decline.
12Total Revenue
Note 2002 revenue excludes 4,096,457 for the
sale of the building.
Expenses are at 17 of total budget with 25 of
the year complete.
33 decrease in expenses over the past 5 years
(2001-2005). A 25 increase in expenses is
anticipated in the current year.