Title: Kvalikon Ltd.
1Automotive Benchmarking Club General
- Kvalikon Ltd.
- is a cooperating partner of PANAC in operating
the Benchmarking Club
2 The need for using Benchmarking
- General requirement in the automotive quality
system standards - Setting company visions and strategies without
knowledge on the performance of competitors and
the understanding general trends of the industry
cannot be well established - This tool is a necessity in evaluating the real
competences of the company and its level of
market potential - Further advantages resulted from the planned use
of the benchmarking activity - Introduction to the best practice, sharing
experiences - Developing the performance evaluation system
- Support for the continuous improvement system
The Benchmarking Club organized and run by PANAC
is offering an easy to introduce, flexible
solution, that is designed to satisfy unique
needs of individual companies.
3The History of AutomotiveBenchmarking Club 1/3
- September, 2002
- A 14 day long workshop and training to launch
the Benchmarking Club - Code of ethics, list of indicators
- October, 2002
- The 1st Benchmarking Club meeting - Host
Schefenacker Automotive Parts Ungarn-SAPU
(Mosonszolnok) - December, 2002
- Closing the first period of data acquisition,
sending the first reports - February, 2003
- The 1st Benchmarking Forum - Host Visteon
Hungary Ltd. (Székesfehérvár) - July, 2003
- Closing the second period of data acquisition,
sending the second report - October, 2003
- The 2nd Benchmarking Forum - Host InterPlus Ltd.
(Tamási) - December, 2003
- Closing the third period of data acquisition,
sending the third report - The 2nd Benchmarking Club meeting - Host W.E.T.
Hungary Ltd. (Pilisszentiván) consultation
about modification and expansion of benchmarking
4The History of AutomotiveBenchmarking Club 2/3
- March, 2004
- The 3rd Benchmarking Forum - Host PANAC
- Decision of modification and expansion of
benchmarking indicators, confirm the list of
indicators - April, 2004
- Benchmarking training for the newly joined
members (Location Budapest) - July, 2004
- Meeting with the representatives of Durban Auto
Cluster and the South African Automotive
Benchmarking Club - Discussion about the
possibility of future cooperation - August, 2004
- Closing the fourth period of data acquisition,
sending the fourth report - November, 2004
- The 4th Benchmarking Forum - Host Ajka
Electronics Ltd. (Ajka) - February, 2005
- The 5th Benchmarking Forum - Host Alcoa European
Wheel Products Ltd. (Székesfehérvár) - Closing the fifth period of data acquisition,
sending the fifth report - March, 2005
- Collaboration with the South African Automotive
Benchmarking Club sharing average indicator
numbers to each others
5The History of AutomotiveBenchmarking Club 3/3
- April, 2005
- The 6th Benchmarking Forum - Host Videoton
Holding Co. Electro-PLAST Company (Kaposvár) - July, 2005
- Closing the sixth period of data acquisition,
sending the sixth report - November, 2005
- Benchmarking training (Location Budapest)
- May, 2006
- Closing the seventh period of data acquisition,
sending the seventh report - June, 2006
- The 7th Benchmarking Forum - Host Hödlmayr
Hungary Logistics Ltd. (Gyor) - Subsequent meetings will be held
- End of September, 2006 Benteler Automotive Ltd.
(Mór) - November, 2006 General Motors Powertrain -
Hungary Ltd. (Szentgotthárd)
6Our approach to the benchmarking activity
- The main condition of a fruitful benchmarking is
to find the best way of cooperation between
partners and to define mutual interests - Benchmarking offers an opportunity the partners
to get a proper picture of their efficiency and
performance in the market - Benchmarking is not only an automatic
data-transfer system but a new frame of business
learning and functional innovate - A new mentality also belongs to the benchmarking
activity which are adopted by the members - Benchmarking is being operated on that score to
expansion and to assist the leaderships work - To broaden the benchmarking activity has been
done step by step
7 Services of the Benchmarking Club
- I. Working out and administering the
organizational framework of the Benchmarking
activity - II./1. Gathering data/Data processing
- II./2. Reporting analyzed data
- Providing Benchmarking trainings
- Organizing Benchmarking meetings
8I. Organizational framework of the Benchmarking
Club 1/2
9I. Organizational framework of the Benchmarking
Club 2/2
10II./1. Gathering data/Data processing
11II./2. Reporting analyzed data
12III. Benchmarking trainings
- Regular trainings are organized in line with the
schedule of the Benchmarking Club - At the beginning of the data collection period
- Based on the needs of the participating companies
- 1 day Basics of Benchmarking
- Participation fee for one employee of the Club
member companies is included in the Club
membership fee
13IV. Benchmarking meetings
- Benchmarking Forum
- Twice a year, organized as a conclusion of the
data collection periods - Evaluation of the results of the semester, award
ceremony - Benchmarking Club Meetings
- Focused discussions, topic(s) selected based on
the needs of the members - Based on needs 2-3 meetings/semester
- Ideally organized on site of a participating
company - Provides opportunity for process benchmarking
14Membership fees of the Benchmarking Club
- Special discounted fee for PANAC members
- 57.881 HUF / semester (225 / semester)
- The discounted fee is extended to the members of
MGSZ, MAJOSZ, and Pannon Electronic Cluster - Normal fee
- 92.610 HUF / semester (360 / semester)
15Participating companies (Spring 2006)1/3
16Participating companies (Spring 2006)2/3
17Participating companies (Spring 2006)3/3
- New club members
- BOS Automotive Products Ungarn (Mosonszolnok)
18Benchmarking Club indicators
19 Demo chart - D01Fluctuation
20Other information
- Pannon Automotive Cluster (PANAC) BERKI, Tímea
- H-9027 Gyor, Gesztenyefa u. 4.
- Phone (36)96/506-917
- E-mail berki.timea_at_autocluster.hu
- Web www.autocluster.hu
- Kvalikon Management Consulting Systems
Development Ltd. NÉMETH, Balázs PhD. - H-1125 Budapest, Istenhegyi út 63/B.
- Phone 36-1/201-1235, 36-20/937-3437
- E-mail kvalikon_at_axelero.hu
- Web www.kvalikon.hu