A Kernel Revision Operator for Terminologies Algorithms and Evaluation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A Kernel Revision Operator for Terminologies Algorithms and Evaluation


Different incision functions will result in different specific kernel revision operators. Incision functions can be computed by Reiter's hitting set tree (HST) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: A Kernel Revision Operator for Terminologies Algorithms and Evaluation

A Kernel Revision Operator for TerminologiesAlgor
ithms and Evaluation
  • Guilin Qi1, Peter Haase1, Zhisheng Huang2, Qiu
    Ji1, Jeff Z. Pan3, Johanna Voelker1
  • 1University of Karlsruhe, GE
  • 2Vrije University Amsterdam
  • 3The University of Aberdeen

  • Motivation
  • Preliminaries on Debugging Terminologies
  • Kernel Revision Operator for Terminologies
  • Algorithms for Specific Operators
  • Evaluation Results
  • Conclusion and Future Work

  • Motivation
  • Preliminaries on Debugging Terminologies
  • Kernel Revision Operator for Terminologies
  • Algorithms for Specific Operators
  • Evaluation Results
  • Conclusion and Future Work

  • Revision operator for terminologies mapping from
    two Description Logic TBoxes T and T0 to a set of
    TBoxes or a single TBox which infer(s) every
    axiom in T0
  • Example scenario where we need to revise TBoxes
  • Ontology learning
  • Starting with an initial empty TBox T
  • We generate a set of terminological axioms T0
    from Text and add them to T
  • Result a TBox without logical contradiction
  • Ontology mapping
  • Integrate two heterogeneous source ontologies via
  • The source ontologies are fixed and the set of
    generated mappings T0 is revised by their union T
  • Result a merged ontology without logical

Motivation (Cont.)
  • Problem deal with logical contradictions
  • Ontology learning contradictions occur when
    expressive ontologies are learned
  • Ontology mapping erroneous mappings are
  • Our revision operator
  • Is inspired by the kernel revision operator in
    propositional logic
  • Is based on the notion of minimal
    incoherence-preserving sub-terminologies (MIPS)
  • Is shown to satisfy some important logical
  • Has been instantiated by two algorithms which
    were implemented

  • Motivation
  • Preliminaries on Debugging Terminologies
  • Kernel Revision Operator for Terminologies
  • Algorithms for Specific Operators
  • Evaluation Results
  • Conclusion and Future Work

Debugging Terminologies
  • MUPS for A w.r.t. T a subset T' of TBox T such
  • A is unsatisfiable in T'
  • A is satisfiable in any T'' where T'' ½ T'
  • Example TManager v Employee, Employee v
  • JobPosition v Employee,
    Leader v JobPosition
  • Manager is unsatisfiable
  • MUPS Manager v Employee, Employee v
    JobPosition, JobPosition v Employee
  • Incoherence a concept in T is unsatisfiable
  • MIPS for T a subset T' of TBox T such that
  • T' is incoherent
  • any T'' with T'' ½ T' is coherent
  • Example (cont.) One MIPS
  • Employee v JobPosition, JobPosition v Employee

Minimal sub-TBox of T in which A is unsatisfiable
Minimal sub-TBox of T which is incoherent
  • Motivation
  • Preliminaries on Debugging Terminologies
  • Kernel Revision Operator for Terminologies
  • Algorithms for Specific Operators
  • Evaluation Results
  • Conclusion and Future Work

A Kernel Revision Operator
  • Idea based on MIPS
  • step 1 find MIPS of T w.r.t. T0
  • step 2 remove some axioms in these MIPS
  • MIPS of T w.r.t. T0 a subset T' of TBox T s.t.
  • T'T0 is incoherent (incoherence)
  • any T'' with T'' ½ T' is coherent with T0
  • Example TManager v Employee, Employee v
    JobPosition and
  • T0JobPosition v Employee,
    Leader v JobPosition
  • A MIPS of T w.r.t. T0
  • Manager v Employee, Employee v JobPosition

A Kernel Revision Operator (Cont.)
  • Question which axioms should be removed from
  • Solution an incision function
  • Incision function ? for T for each TBox T0 and
    the set MIPST0(T) of all MIPS of T w.r.t. T0
  • ?(MIPST0(T)) µ Ti 2 MIPST0(T) Ti (axioms
    selected belong to some MIPS)
  • T Å ?(MIPST0(T))? , for any T 2 MIPST0(T)
    (each MIPS has at least one axiom selected)
  • Naïve incision function ?(MIPST0(T)) Ti 2
    MIPST0(T) Ti
  • Principle minimal change, i.e., select minimal
    number or set of axioms

A Kernel Revision Operator (Cont.)
  • Kernel revision operator Given T and ? for T
  • T?T0 (Tn?(MIPST0(T))) T0
  • The result of revision is always a coherent TBox
  • Logical properties
  • (R1) T0 µ T?T0 (success)
  • (R2) If T T0 is coherent, then T?T0 T T0
  • (R3) If T0 is coherent then T?T0 is coherent
    (coherence preserve)
  • (R4) If T0,T'0, then T?T0 ,T?T'0 (syntax
  • (R5) If ?2T and ??T?T0, then there is a subset S
    of T and a subset S0 of T0 such that SS0 is
    coherent, but S S0? is not. (relevance)

A Kernel Revision Operator (Cont.)
  • Kernel revision operator Given T and ? for T
  • T?T0 (Tn?(MIPST0(T))) T0
  • The result of revision is always a coherent TBox
  • Logical properties
  • (R1) T0 µ T?T0 (success)
  • (R2) If T T0 is coherent, then T?T0 T T0
  • (R3) If T0 is coherent then T?T0 is coherent
    (coherence preserve)
  • (R4) If T0,T'0, then T?T0 ,T?T'0 (syntax
  • (R5) If ?2T and ??T?T0, then there is a subset S
    of T and a subset S0 of T0 such that SS0 is
    coherent, but S S0? is not. (relevance)

  • Motivation
  • Preliminaries on Debugging Terminologies
  • Kernel Revision Operator for Terminologies
  • Algorithms for Specific Operators
  • Evaluation Results
  • Conclusion and Future Work

  • Different incision functions will result in
    different specific kernel revision operators
  • Incision functions can be computed by Reiter's
    hitting set tree (HST) algorithm
  • However, there are potentially exponential number
    of hitting sets computed by the algorithm
  • We reduce the search space by using scoring
    function or
  • confidence values

Algorithms (Cont.)
  • Algorithm_score based on the scoring function
    and HST algorithm
  • The score of an axiom is the number of MIPS it
    belongs to
  • Algorithm_confidence based on confidence value
    and the HST algorithm
  • Algorithm_MUPS adapted algorithm for repair
    based on confidence values
  • We compute MUPS and apply HST algorithm to them

  • Motivation
  • Preliminaries on Debugging Terminologies
  • Kernel Revision Operator for Terminologies
  • Algorithms for Specific Operators
  • Evaluation Results
  • Conclusion and Future Work

Experimental Evaluation Data sets
  • Ontology mapping data sets
  • Source ontologies
  • CONFTOOL 197 axioms
  • CMT 246 axioms
  • EKAW 248 axioms
  • CRS 69 axioms
  • SIGKDD 122 axioms
  • Mappings
  • CONFTOOL-CMT 14 mapping axioms
  • EKAW-CMT 46 mapping axioms
  • CRS-SIGKDD 22 mapping axioms

Experimental Evaluation
  • Revision time (efficiency)
  • Time to check coherence
  • Time to debug and resolve incoherence
  • Number of axioms removed (effectiveness)
  • Meaningfulness correctness rate, error rate and
    unknown rate
  • Four users were asked to decide whether removal
    (1) was correct (2) was incorrect (3) whether
    they are unsure
  • We can also define Error_rate and Unknown_rate

Experimental Evaluation
  • Results for the ontology mapping scenario

1 algorithms can handle real life ontologies 2
Algorithm_MUPS is more scalable than others
Experimental Evaluation
  • Results for the ontology mapping scenario

Algorithm_MUPS computes less unsat. Concepts and
MUPS than others
Experimental Evaluation
  • Results for the ontology mapping scenario

Algorithm_score bests complies the requirement of
minimal change
Experimental Evaluation
  • Analysis of Meaningfulness

correctness rate is considerably higher than
error rate
Experimental Evaluation
  • Analysis of Meaningfulness

Experimental Evaluation
  • Analysis of Meaningfulness

  • Motivation
  • Preliminaries on Debugging Terminologies
  • Kernel Revision Operator for Terminologies
  • Algorithms for Specific Operators
  • Evaluation Results
  • Conclusion and Future Work

  • Problem addressed
  • Revising terminologies by dealing with logical
  • Our approach
  • A general revision operator was proposed using an
    incision function
  • Our operator satisfies desirable logical
  • Two algorithms were given to instantiate our
    revision operator
  • An algorithm based on computing MUPS was
    presented as an alternative
  • Evaluation results
  • Our algorithms can handle real life ontologies
  • Algorithms based on confidence values lead to
    considerable more meaningful results
  • The algorithm based on computing MUPS shows good
  • Application of our work ontology learning,
    ontology matching, web syndication, ontology

Future Work
  • Explore efficient algorithms for computing MUPS
    or MIPS
  • Idea extract modules which contains all the MUPS
  • Fine-grained approaches to resolving incoherence
  • Combine our tool with Cicero argumentation wiki
    to deal with collaborative ontology evolution

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