Title: 8th Scope of Work: Task 1C1
18th Scope of Work Task 1C1
Jim Jones, RN, BSN Project Coordinator West
Virginia Medical Institute
Publication Number 7SOW-WV-1C-05-03
28th SOW
- Begins August 1, 2005
- Significant difference from the 7th SOW
- Promotes transformational change
- Requires proof of capability
- Assess the impact of QIO work on Beneficiaries
3Transformational ChangeEvery person receives
the right care every time.
- QIOs will provide assistance in support of
quality improvement to - Providers
- Practitioners
- Medicare Advantage organizations
- Beneficiaries
- Other stakeholders
4Transformational ChangeEvery person receives
the right care every time.
- QIOs will promote improvements in
- Clinical performance measure results
- Clinical performance measurement and reporting
- Organizational culture
- Systems adoption and use
- Redesign of care processes
51c1 Hospital
- Continue the work started under the 7 SOW
- Quality improvement projects
- Quarterly data submission on 4 major topics
- Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI)
- Heart Failure (HF)
- Pneumonia (PNE)
- Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP)
61c1 Hospital
- Hospitals will achieve system-level changes
through four strategies - Clinical performance management and reporting
- Process improvement
- Systems improvement
- Organizational culture change
71c1 Hospital
- Statewide
- Clinical performance measurement and reporting
- Report expanded set of 22 quality measures
- Validation reliability of 80
- Process Improvement
- 12 reduction in failure rate for SCIP-1
- SCIP-1 Prophylactic antibiotic within 1 hr prior
to incision
81c1 Hospital
- Statewide
- Baseline data will consist of surveillance data
for the final quarter of available data prior to
August 2005 - Remeasurement period will be the latest quarter
for which data are available prior to
approximately November 2007
9Full Hospital Measure Set
- AMI 1ASA at arrival
- AMI 2ASA at discharge
- AMI 4Smoking Cessation
- AMI 5Beta Blocker at d/c
- AMI 6Beta Blocker at arrival
- AMI 7a Thrombolytic agent within 30 min. of
arrival - AMI 8a PCI within 120 min. of arrival
- HF 1Discharge Instructions
- HF 2LVF Assessment
- HF 4 Smoking Cessation
Indicates measure required for full annual
payment update.
10Full Hospital Measure Set
- PN 1Oxygen assessment
- PN 2Pneumococcal Vac.
- PN 3bBlood Culture before 1st antibiotic
- PN 4Smoking Cessation
- PN 5bInitial Abx in 4 hrs.
- PN 6Initial Abx selection
- PN 7Influenza Vaccination
- SCIP Inf. 1Prophylactic Abx within 1 hr. prior
to surgery - SCIP Inf. 2Prophylactic Abx selection
- SCIP Inf. 3Prophylactic Abx d/c within 24 hrs.
of surgery end time
Indicates measure required for full annual
payment update.
111c1 Hospital
- Identified Participant Groups 15 of PPS
- Clinical Performance Measure Results
- Appropriate Care Measure (ACM)
- Composite of 10 original publicly reported
measures - AMI, HF, PNE
- Participants will work to achieve 50 RFR
- Baseline data will consist of quality measure
performance data for the final quarter of
available data prior to August 2005 - Remeasurement period will be the latest quarter
for which data are available prior to
approximately November 2007
121c1 Hospital
- Identified Participant Groups 15 of PPS
- Process Improvement
- Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP)
- Must conduct at least 300 major surgical
procedures per year - Collect data on 24 SCIP measures
- Work to achieve 25 RFR on 13 SCIP measures
- Baseline data will consist of data collection by
hospitals for discharges occurring Jan. 1, 2006
through June 30, 2006 - Remeasurement will consist of the latest quarter
available prior to approximately November 2007
13SCIP Measures
- SCIP Inf 1Prophylactic Abx within 1 hr. prior to
surgery - SCIP Inf 2Prophylactic Abx selection
- SCIP Inf 3Prophylactic Abx d/c within 24 hrs. of
surgery end time - SCIP Inf 4Perioperative glucose lt 200 major
cardiac surgery - SCIP Inf 5Post-op wound infect. diagnosed during
index hospitalization - SCIP Inf 6Appropriate hair removal
- SCIP Inf 7Post-operative normothermia
colorectal surgery - SCIP Inf 8 Perioperative glucose lt 200
non-cardiac major surgery - SCIP Inf 9Perioperative normothermia
- SCIP Card 1Perioperative beta blocker
non-cardiac - SCIP Card 2Perioperative beta blocker if on beta
blocker prior
14SCIP Measures
- SCIP Card 3Intra- or post-op AMI dx during index
hospitalization and within 30 days of surgery - SCIP Card 4Intra- or post-op cardiac arrest dx
during index hospitalization and within 30 days
of surgery - SCIP VTE 1Thromboembolism prophylaxis
- SCIP VTE 2Appropriate venous thromboembolism
- SCIP VTE 3Intra- and post-op pulmonary embolism
- SCIP VTE 4Intra- and post-op deep venous
thrombosis - SCIP Resp 1Post-op orders and documented HOB
elevated - SCIP Resp 2Post-op ventilator associated
pneumonia during index hospitalization - SCIP Resp 3 Peptic ulcer disease prophylaxis
- SCIP Resp 4 Ventilator weaning protocol
15SCIP Measures
- SCIP ESRD 1Permanent hospital ESRD vascular
access procedures that are autogenous AV fistulas - SCIP Global 1Mortality within 30 days of surgery
- SCIP Global 2Readmission within 30 days of
161c1 Hospital
- Identified Participant Group 15 all hospitals
(PPS or CAH) - Systems Improvement and Organizational Culture
Change (SIOC) - Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE)
- Barcoding
- Telehealth
- Must submit data on the 10-measure set
171c1 Hospital
- Identified Participant Group 15 all hospitals
(PPS or CAH) - Measurement will be assessed using the
readiness/use continuum tool now under
development - Overlap will be allowed among all 1c1 IPGs
18Summary 1c1 Hospital
- Statewide
- Reporting full set of quality measures
- Improving measurement score for SCIP-1
- Identified Participant Groups
- Appropriate Care Measure AMI, HF, PNE
- SCIP 24 measures
- SIOC CPOE, barcoding, telehealth
19Contact Information
- Jim Jones
- 1-800-642-8686 ext. 4237
- 1-304-346-9864 ext. 4237
- jjones_at_wvmi.org
- Cassie Watson
- 1-800-642-8686 ext. 4239
- 1-304-346-9864 ext. 4239
- cwatson_at_wvmi.org
201c1 Hospital