Title: Chapter 22 Detail
1Chapter 22 Detail
- All the Factors, Together
2Performance Implications
Issues Strategic Impact Tech uncertainty Functiona
l complexity Procedural knowledge Asset
specificity Focal-vendor cultural
differences Interdependency
Structural Variables (Mechanisms) 1. Control
2. Integrative 3. Contract
Compensation Variables (Mechanisms) 1.
- Process
- Variables
- (Mechanisms)
- Communn
- Conflict
- Resolution
Performance (effectiveness, efficiency), etc. are
agreed on by the focal firm and the vendor. In
advance. A variety of contextual moderating
factors generally influence outcomes, but
management strategy is the primary tool at the
hand of the focal firm. A variety of influence
factors dictate the choice of one strategy over
Dimensions Frequency Informality
Openness Density Choice of Channel
Formal Outcome Behavior (eg.
Bureaucratic) Informal (eg. Cultural)
Dimensions Breadth Diversity Mechanisms
Liaison Position Cross-Unit Comy
Integrator Matrix Structure
Asset Specificity Non-relational Low Asset
Spy Relational Concession Compromise