Title: Fast Approximation to Spherical Harmonics Rotation
1Fast Approximation to Spherical Harmonics Rotation
Jaroslav Krivánek Czech Technical University
Jaakko Konttinen University of Central Florida
Sumanta Pattanaik University of Central Florida
Kadi Bouatouch IRISA / INRIA Rennes
Jirí ára Czech Technical University
2Presentation Topic
- Goal
- Rotate a spherical function represented
bySpherical Harmonics - Proposed method
- Approximation through a truncated Taylor
3Spherical Harmonics
- Basis functions on the sphere
4Spherical Harmonics
5Spherical Harmonics
Image Robin Green, Sony computer Entertainment
6Spherical Harmonics
represented by a vector of coefficients
7Spherical Harmonics
- Basis functions on the sphere
l 0
l 1
l 2
8SH Rotation Problem Definition
- Given coefficients ?, representing a
sphericalfunction - find coefficients ? for directly from
coefficients ?.
9Our Contribution
- Novel, fast, approximate rotation
- Based on a truncated Taylor Expansion of the SH
rotation matrix - 4-6 times faster than Kautz et al. 2002
- O(n2) complexity instead of O(n3)
- Two applications
- Global illumination (radiance interpolation)
- Real-time shading (normal mapping)
10Talk Overview
- SH rotation
- Previous Work
- Our Rotation
- Application in global illumination
- Application in real-time shading
- Conclusions
11Talk Overview
- SH rotation
- Previous Work
- Our Rotation
- Application in global illumination
- Application in real-time shading
- Conclusions
12SH Rotation Problem Definition
- Given coefficients ?, representing a
sphericalfunction - find coefficients ? for directly from
coefficients ?.
13SH Rotation Matrix
- Rotation linear transformation
14SH Rotation
- Given the desired 3D rotation, find the matrix R
15Talk Overview
- SH rotation
- Previous Work
- Our Rotation
- Application in global illumination
- Application in real-time shading
- Conclusions
16Previous Work Molecular Chemistry
- Ivanic and Ruedenberg 1996
- Recurrent relations Rl f(R1,Rl-1)
- Choi et al. 1999
- Through complex spherical harmonics
- Fast for complex harmonics
- Slow conversion to the real form
17Previous Work Computer Graphics
- Kautz et al. 2002
- zxzxz-decomposition
- By far the fastest previous method
18Previous Work Summary
- O(n3) complexity
- Slow
- Bottleneck in rendering applications
19Talk Overview
- SH rotation
- Previous Work
- Our Rotation
- Application in global illumination
- Application in real-time shading
- Conclusions
20Our Rotation
- Fast, approximate rotation
- Based on replacing the SH rotation matrix by its
Taylor expansion - 4-6 times faster than Kautz et al. 2002
21Rotation Decomposition
- Decompose the 3D rotation into ZYZ Euler angles
R RZ(a) RY(b) RZ(g)
22Rotation Decomposition
- R RZ(a) RY(b) RZ(g)
- Rotation around Z is simple and fast
- Rotation around Y still a problem
23Rotation Around Y
- Kautz et al. 2002
- Decomposition of Y into X(90), Z, and X(-90)
- R RZ(a) RX(90) RZ(b) RX(-90) RZ(g)
- Rotation around Z is simple and fast
- Rotation around X is fixed-angle
- can be tabulated
- The RXRZRX-part can still be improved
24Rotation Around Y Our Approach
- Second order truncated Taylor expansion of RY(b)
25Taylor Expansion of RY(b)
26Rotation Procedure Taylor Expansion
27Rotation Procedure Taylor Expansion
- 1.5-th order Taylor expansion
- Very sparse matrix
28Full Rotation Procedure
- Decompose the 3D rotation into ZYZ Euler angles
R RZ(a) RY(b) RZ(g) - Rotate around Z by a
- Use the 1.5-th order Taylor expansion to rotate
around Y by b - Rotate around Z by g
29SH Rotation Results
- L2 error for a unit length input vector
30Talk Overview
- SH rotation
- Previous Work
- Our Rotation
- Application in global illumination
- Application in real-time shading
- Conclusion
31Application in GI - Radiance Caching
- Sparse computation of indirect illumination
- Interpolation
- Enhanced with gradients
32Incoming Radiance Interpolation
- Interpolate coefficient vectors ?1 and ?2
33Interpolation on Curved Surfaces
34Interpolation on Curved Surfaces
- Align coordinate frames in interpolation
35Results in Radiance Caching
36Results in Radiance Caching
37Talk Overview
- SH rotation
- Previous Work
- Our Rotation
- Application in global illumination
- Application in real-time shading
- Conclusion
38GPU-based Real-time Shading
- Original method by Kautz et al. 2002
- Arbitrary BRDFs
- represented by SH in the local coordinate frame
- Environment Lighting
- represented by SH in the global coordinate frame
Incident Radiance
coeff. dot product
39GPU-based Real-time Shading (contd.)
- must be rotated from global to local
frame - zxzxz - rotation too complicated ? on CPU
40Our Extension Normal Mapping
- Normal modulated by a texture
- Our rotation approximation
- Rotation from the un-modulated to the modulated
coordinate frame - Small rotation angle ? good accuracy
41Normal Mapping Results
Rotation Ignored
Our Rotation
42Normal Mapping Results
Rotation Ignored
Our Rotation
43Normal Mapping Results
Rotation Ignored
Our Rotation
44Talk Overview
- SH rotation
- Previous Work
- Our Rotation
- Application in global illumination
- Application in real-time shading
- Conclusion
45Conclusion and Future Work
- Summary
- Fast, approximate rotation
- Truncated Taylor Expansion of the SH rotation
matrix - 4-6 times faster than Kautz et al. 2002
- O(n2) complexity instead of O(n3)
- Applications in global illumination and real-time
shading - Future Work
- Rotation for Wavelets
- Normal mapping for pre-computed radiance transfer
46Thank You for your Attention
47Appendix Bibliography
- Krivánek et al. 2005 Jaroslav Krivánek, Pascal
Gautron, Sumanta Pattanaik, and Kadi Bouatouch.
Radiance caching for efficient global
illumination computation. IEEE Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics, 11(5),
September/October 2005. - Ivanic and Ruedenberg 1996 Joseph Ivanic and
Klaus Ruedenberg. Rotation matrices for real
spherical harmonics. direct determination by
recursion. J. Phys. Chem., 100(15)63426347,
1996.Joseph Ivanic and Klaus Ruedenberg.
Additions and corrections Rotation matrices for
real spherical harmonics. J. Phys. Chem. A,
102(45)90999100, 1998. - Choi et al. 1999 Cheol Ho Choi, Joseph Ivanic,
Mark S. Gordon, and Klaus Ruedenberg. Rapid and
stable determination of rotation matrices between
spherical harmonics by direct recursion. J. Chem.
Phys., 111(19)88258831, 1999. - Kautz et al. 2002 Jan Kautz, Peter-Pike Sloan,
and John Snyder. Fast, arbitrary BRDF shading for
low-frequency lighting using spherical harmonics.
In Proceedings of the 13th Eurographics workshop
on Rendering, pages 291296. Eurographics
Association, 2002.