Title: Electronics for the INO ICAL detector
1Electronics for the INO ICAL detector
- B.Satyanarayana
- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
- For INO collaboration
2INO ICAL prototype detector
- 13 layers of 5 cm thick magnetised iron plates
- 40 ton absorber mass
- 1.5 Tesla magnetic field
- 12, 1m2 RPC layers
- About 800 readout channels
- Trigger on cosmic ray muons (RPC and
scintillation paddles) - Record strip hit and timing information
- Chamber and ambient parameter monitoring
3Electronics scheme for prototype
4Front-ends on prototype chambers
5Typical avalanche RPC pulse
6Preamplifier pulses on trigger
7Charge-pulse height plot
8Pulse height-pulse width plot
9Charge spectrum of the RPC
? 375fC
10Time spectrum of the RPC
?t 1.7nS
11Preamps for prototype detector
HMC based
Opamp based
12Front-end boards
16-channel analog front-end
32-channel digital front-end
13Signal router boards
Control and data
Trigger and TDC
14Data and monitor control module
15Data and monitor readout Module
16Final trigger module
17Prototype detector stack DAQ
18On-line data monitoring system
19ICAL detector fact sheet
20What is specific for ICAL DAQ?
- Large number of data channels to handle large
scale integration needed - But, fewer and simpler parameters to record
- Low rates high degree of multiplexing possible
- Monolithic detector unlike the case accelerator
based detectors
21Recordable parameters (Detector)
- Event data
- Strip hit information (Boolean, 1 bit per strip)
- Strip signal timing with reference to event
trigger - Strips ORed to reduce timing channels
- Monitor data
- Strip single/noise counting rate
- Chamber voltage and current
22Recordable parameters (DAQ)
- Preamplifier gain and input offset
- Discriminator threshold and pulse width
- Trigger logic parameters and tables
- DAQ system parameters
- Controllers and computers status
23Recordable parameters (Gas system)
- Open loop versus closed loop systems
- Gas flow via Mass Flow Controllers
- Exhaust gas flow monitor
- Residual gas analyser data
- Gas contaminants monitor data
- Gas leak detectors
- Safety bubblers status
24Recordable parameters (Ambient)
- Temperature
- Gas
- Front-end electronics
- Barometric pressure
- Gas
- Relative humidity
- Dark currents of the bias supplies
- Electronics
25Broad aspects and requirements
- RPC bias, signal pickup and front-end electronics
- Digital processing and data readout
- Data control and acquisition
- Trigger and global clock systems
- Slow control and monitoring
- Electronics, trigger and data acquisition systems
- Low and high voltage power supplies
- Closed loop gas system
- Cavern ambient parameters
- Magnet operation and control
- Access, safety devices and control
26Major sub-systems
- Analog and digital front-ends
- Mounted inside RPC assemblies
- Programmable(?) preamps and comparators
- DAQ stations
- Mounted on detector front-faces
- Latches, pre-trigger generators, pipelines and
buffers - Time to digital converters (TDCs)
- Data concentrators and high speed serial
transmitters - VME back-ends
- Data collectors and frame transmitters
- Trigger control and fan-outs
- Trigger system
- Works on inputs from front-ends, back-ends or
external - Place for high density FPGA devices
27Technology standards
- RPC bias Industrial solutions, DC-HVDC
- Front-end ASIC
- Digital processing ASIC/FPGA
- Backend VME
- Trigger system FPGA, Farms(?)
- Operating system Linux
- Slow control SCADA/PVSS/Ethernet
28ICAL detector concept
50 Kton magnetised ICAL
29Placement of front-end electronics
RPC signal pickup panel
Front-end for X-plane
RPC Gas volume
Front-end for Y-plane
30Cables services routing
Iron absorber
Gas, LV HV cables from RPCs
Signal cables from RPCs
31DAQ services sub-stations
Iron absorber
Iron spacer
Iron absorber
32A promising DC-HVDC chip
Can this be good cheaper alternative to
commercial solution?
33Fast preamp ASIC
- Rise Time 1ns
- Power consumption 100mW
- Power supply 3.3V
- Technology 0.35?
- Dynamic range 50-350fF
34Comparator ASIC
35Example for front-ends NINO
Francis Anghinolfi et al
36Other examples for front-ends
Front-end for ATLAS Muon RPC system
Front-end for CMS Muon Barrel RPC system
37HPTDC architecture
J. Christiansen, CERN
38HPTDC specifications
39AMT chip for ATLAS Muon RPC
Yasuo Arai (KEK)
40AMT chip performance
41ALICE TOF timing system
- Good example of a large scale integration of
timing system using industrial support (CAEN) - VME64X backplane
- 2400 high resolution (25pS) channels per crate
- Crate equipped with other control, trigger,
communication and LV supply modules
- RPCs pulse characteristics and ICALs
requirements understood to a large extent more
will be known from the prototype detector - Time to formulate competitive schemes for
electronics, data acquisition, trigger, control,
monitor, on-line software, databases and other
systems - Feasibility RD studies on front-ends, timing
elements, trigger architectures, on-line data
handling schemes should be concurrently taken up - Segmentation, power budgets, integration issues
etc. must be addressed - Trade-offs between using available solutions and
customised design and developments for ICAL to be
debated - Design tools, infrastructure, fab facilities
- Needs national and international collaboration
and team work
43Backup slides
44Typical first stage preamp response
- Rise time 2ns
- Gain 10
- I/O impedance 50 ?
- Package 22-pin DIP
- Size 30X 15 mm)
- Power supplies 6V
- Power consumption 110mW
- Bandwidth 350MHz
45HMC performance Dynamic range
BMC 1596
BMC 1595
BMC 1597
BMC 1598
46HMC performance Timing response
BMC 1596
BMC 1595
BMC 1598
BMC 1597