Localized Algorithms In Wireless Ad Hoc Networks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Localized Algorithms In Wireless Ad Hoc Networks


Guarantee solution quality while minimizing computation cost. Q Localized = Q Centralized ... Minimize Messages exchanged. Minimize Latency. Related Work ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Localized Algorithms In Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

Localized Algorithms In Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Seapahn Megerian megerian_at_ece.wisc.edu Electrica
l and Computer Engineering Department University
of Wisconsin Madison
Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks
Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks
Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks
Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks
Localized Distributed
Sensor Network Applications
  • Monitoring seismic activity in earthquake prone
  • Observing ground movements
  • Buildings and high rises
  • Environmental monitoring in buildings
  • temperature, lighting, etc.
  • Smart classrooms
  • Military
  • Even other planets sensors on Mars

Quality of Service
  • Multimedia and the Internet
  • QoS widely studied
  • Can have different meanings
  • Resolution and frame rate in video streams
  • Latency, bandwidth in wired links
  • Sensor networks
  • Ability to detect events
  • Latency of detection (and reporting)
  • Accuracy
  • Will depend strongly on errors and noise

Objectives Localized Algorithm
  • Generic technique for solving distributed
    optimization problems in wireless networks
  • Take into account topology, available energy,
    power, privacy requirements, etc.
  • Obtain only needed information and use it to
    guide optimization
  • Take into account problem properties
  • Problems Numerical errors

Talk Organization
  • Localized Algorithms A definition?
  • Localized vs. centralized
  • Localized vs. classic distributed computation
  • Related work
  • Location discovery and sensor exposure
  • Exposure preliminaries and background
  • Localized minimal exposure path algorithm
  • Open problems and research directions
  • Conclusion

Localized Algorithms
  • Localized algorithms for wireless networks
  • Take into account geographical properties
  • Relative communication and computation costs much
    higher and often difficult to predict
  • Unreasonable and often unnecessary to expect
    results with very high accuracy
  • Energy consumption
  • Privacy and security issues

Localized vs. Centralized
  • Centralized equal or better if data available
  • Centralized much better understood
  • Complexity theory and NP-completeness
  • Hard centralized problem -gt hard localized
  • Heuristics for hard problems
  • Question How about easy problems?
  • Example Which polynomial-time algorithms can be
    implemented easily under localized computation

Localized vs. Distributed
  • Distributed computing paradigms
  • Classical distributed Fault tolerance
  • Parallel computing Speed is everything
  • Internet Scaling, Security
  • Correctness of results is a major assumption
  • Regular structures and architectures
  • Known or predictable cost models (e.g. latency)

Parallel Algorithms
  • Sorting
  • Searching
  • Matrix operations
  • Multiply, inverse, linear solve
  • Dense vs. Sparse
  • Trees and graphs
  • Shortest paths

Distributed algorithms - Networking
  • Some algorithms are very well studied
  • Routing (path finding)
  • Resource assignment
  • MAC
  • Addressing, clustering, multiplexing
  • Storage and caching

Localized Algorithm Paradigms
  • 1. Guarantee solution quality while minimizing
    computation cost
  • Q Localized Q Centralized
  • Minimize Messages exchanged
  • Minimize Energy consumption
  • Minimize Latency
  • 2. Optimize solution quality with guarantee on
    computation costs
  • Minimize (Q Centralized - Q Localized)
  • Minimize Number of nodes contacted
  • Minimize Messages exchanged
  • Minimize Latency

Related Work
  • Distributed Algorithms
  • Nancy Lynch. Distributed Algorithms. Morgan
    Kaufman Publishers, San Mateo, CA, 1996.
  • C.A.R. Hoare. Communicating Sequential Processes.
    Prentice-Hall International, 1985.
  • E.H. Durfee, V.R. Lesser, D.D. Corkill, Trends in
    Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving. IEEE
    Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,
    Vol.1, pp. 63-83, March 1989.

Related Work Localized Algorithms
  • Distributed Optimization in Sensor Networks
    IPSN04Michael Rabbat, Robert Nowak (UW Madison)
  • Incremental subgradient methods for optimization
  • Distributed classification and estimation
  • Locally Constructed Algorithms for Distributed
    Computations in Ad-Hoc NetworksIPSN04 Dzulkifli
    Scherber,Babis Papadopoulos (University of
  • Distributed linear dynamic systems built locally
  • Signal estimation from multi-node noisy

Related Work
  • Location Discovery
  • A. Savvides, C. Han, M. Srivastava. Dynamic
    Fine-Grained Localization in Ad-Hoc Networks of
    Sensors. MobiCOM01.
  • N. Priyantha, A. Miu, H. Balakrishnan, S. Teller.
    The Cricket Compass for Context-Aware
    Applications. MobiCOM01.
  • Sensor Coverage
  • S. Meguerdichian, F. Koushanfar, G. Qu, M.
    Potkonjak. Exposure In Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor
    Networks. MobiCOM01.
  • S. Meguerdichian, F. Koushanfar, M. Potkonjak, M.
    Srivastava. Coverage Problems in Wireless
    Add-Hoc Sensor Networks. IEEE Infocom01

Localized Algorithm Components
  • Data acquisition mechanisms
  • Optimization mechanisms
  • Search expansion rules
  • Bounding conditions
  • Termination rules

Location Discovery
  • Beacon Nodes
  • GPS equipped
  • Predeployed at known locations
  • Distance estimation step
  • Atomic Step Multilateration
  • Optimization step
  • Major Challenge
  • Dealing with measurement errors
  • GPS
  • Distance estimates

Localized Location Discovery
  • Optimization Step
  • Within one hop neighborhood select best candidate
    for final location assignment
  • Repeat information exchange and optimization
    until all nodes have assigned locations
  • Orphan nodes may exists
  • Nodes with less than 3 neighbors who can
    determine their location.

Sensor Coverage
  • Given
  • Field A
  • N sensors
  • How well can the field be observed ?
  • Closest Sensor (minimum distance) only
  • Worst Case Coverage Maximal Breach Path
  • Best Case Coverage Maximal Support Path
  • Multiple Sensors speed and path considered
  • Minimal Exposure Path

Exposure An Introduction
Sensor Exposure
Suppose S(s ,p) represents the non-negative
sensibility of sensor s to the point p. For
The Exposure for an object in the sensor field
during the interval t1,t2 along the path p(t)
Exposure Coverage Problem Formulation
  • Given
  • Field A
  • N sensors
  • Initial and final points I and F
  • Problem
  • Find the Minimal Exposure Path PminE in A,
    starting in I and ending in F.
  • PminE is the path in A, along which the exposure
    is the smallest among all paths from I to F.

Minimal Exposure Path Algorithm
  • Use a grid to approximate path exposures.
  • The exposure (weight) along each edge of the grid
    approximated using numerical techniques.
  • Use Dijkstras Single-Source Shortest Path
    Algorithm on the weighted graph (grid) to find
    the Minimal Exposure Path.

Localized Exposure Field Partitioning
  • Voronoi Partitioning
  • Advantages
  • One sensor per Polygon
  • Node can calculate its VP by knowing only its
    immediate (Delaunay) neighbors
  • Smaller VPs in high node density areas
  • Drawbacks
  • One sensor potentially in charge of large area
  • Paths likely to be close to border edges
  • How to find Delaunay neighbors?

Localized Exposure Continued
  • Each polygon edge has a corresponding Exposure
    Profile (EP)
  • Can use different data structures to store EPs.
  • EPs initialized to infinity
  • Continuously updated in algorithm by keeping
    smaller values and discarding larger ones

Localized Exposure Continued
  • Node s1 updates an EP e13
  • s1 sends update message to neighbor node s3
  • s3 computes new minimal exposure paths and
    updates all its EPs.
  • s3 sends appropriate EP update messages to
    corresponding neighbors

Localized Exposure Continued
  • Algorithm stops when
  • Each EP at the search boundary is larger than the
    specified termination condition (parameter
    indicating bound on exposure)
  • Specified by the algorithm at first
  • Periodically set to exposure at destination point
    during the optimization process (broadcast)
  • No more edge updates (EP)
  • Guaranteed to converge since exposure is always

Localized Exposure Message Types
  • Path_request Node si receives a request from an
    agent to find PminE from I to D .
  • Edge_update Node si receives an update
    notification from a neighbor to continue search
    for PminE(I,D).
  • Abort_update Aborting conditions notification.
  • Dest_update Destination reached notification

Localized Exposure Caveat
  • At times, minimal exposure paths may lie close to
    polygon edges
  • Numerical errors and data structure limitations
    can cause cycles to develop between neighboring
  • Each believes the other has better path to
  • Possible Solution
  • Accept improvement at each point in an EP update
    message based on a threshold
  • Discard small improvements
  • Prevents infinite loops and unnecessary update
  • Solution will be slightly inaccurate

Abort Conditions Optimization
  • Abort Updates
  • Parameter indicating the search frontier
  • Increase when unsuccessful
  • Destination Reached Updates
  • No need to expand paths that have exposure larger
    than current path to destination

Localized Minimal Exposure Path
Localized Algorithms Summary
  • Ad-Hoc wireless (sensor) networks
  • Classical distributed algorithms not suitable
  • Localized algorithms
  • Leverage on specific wireless network properties
  • Take into account inherent costs
  • Energy Consumption
  • Large communication overheads
  • Inaccurate measurements
  • Two examples
  • Location Discovery
  • Minimal Exposure Paths
  • Many interesting open problems

The End
Localized Minimal Exposure Path
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