Title: 3D codes: TraFiC4 and CSRtrack
13D codes TraFiC4 and CSRtrack
- Torsten Limberg
- Zeuthen 2003
2As an introduction a few slides fromCSR code
benchmarking3-D vs. 1-D models(M. Dohlus)
3Simulation Models
projected model (Borland, Emma, ...)
phase space (eg. particle tracking)
1d charge density, 1d self-field
neglect transverse forces neglect transverse beam
dimensions neglect deformation of retarded
distribution (?(s,t) ? ?(s-c0t)
local rigid bunch approximation) extract 1d
4?-bunch instability (Borland, Emma, Saldin,
Schneidmiller, Yurkov, Kim, Stupakov ...)
initial shape and energy distortions are
amplified transverse emittance uncorrelated
enegy spread are counteracting
5Simulation Models
sub-bunch models (trafic4, R.Li, tredi...)
field generating sub-bunches with fixed shape (so
far) sampling particles (field monitors) selfconsi
stent calculation of generating sub-bunches and
sampling particles
6reasons to mistrust the projected model
transverse bunch shape neglected transverse
cross-section of bunch neglected transverse
dependence of longitudinal forces neglected no
space charge fields no compression work no
transverse forces
7charge distribution at end of magnet 3
retarded charge distribution at end of magnet
3 (observer is center particle)
retarded projected distribution
head is neglected !
retarded 2d charge distribution
8500 MeV case longitudinal profile
projected model
tilted 4x10001
conditions for non-selfconsistent model are not
fulfilled for q gt 0.2nC
projected model
- fast efficient
- misses important physical effects
- some results seem to be correct (eg. ?-bunch
instab., -
benchmark bc transv. phase space) - it is not clear under what conditions
trafic4-like tilted models
- complete field calculation for generating
distribution - transverse dimensions forces are not
negligible - modeling of slice dimensions not quite satisfying
10First Version of 3D CSR Tracking Code Wake
Simple Input Deck
3D-CSR Solver from first principles With 1-3 D
distributed sub-bunches M. Dohlus
Fortran Tracking Code (no quads...)
Plot Beam Parameters with GNUPLOT
Output file
T. Limberg
11TraFiC4 (A. Kabel)
Readable Input Deck (Bison Parser) Variable Bunch
Set Up
3D-CSR Solver from first principles With 2-3 D
distributed sub-bunches M. Dohlus
Self-consistent C Tracking Code (parallel
processing with MPI)
Plot Beam Parameters with GNUPLOT T4P2 (P. Piot)
Big structuredOutput file containing phase
space, fields, RMS values etc.
Simple Input Files for Calculation
Parameters,Lattice, Mesh, Initial Particle
1D projected method 3D-CSR Solver With variable
sub-bunch length Greens-function method
Self-consistent Fortran Tracking Code (parallel
processing with MPI)
Separate File for Fields and Phase Space at each
Mesh Point
13CSRtrack Interfaces
- Provide Matlab (or Octave) routines to interface
the simple CSRtrack files and to other codes like
elegant and ASTRA
F. Stulle
- All necessary Interface routines exist in a basic
form - First calculations for S2E done. Performance on a
linux cluster with 20 cpus (900 MHz) - XFEL bc-3 with 50 mesh points, 200 field
generating particles, 200 test particles
distributed transversely to calculate slice
emittance growth and optics mismatch ca.5min - 200 field generating particles, 5000 test
particles ca.2.5h
15To be done
- Introduce Quadrupole Magnets
- Track vertical plane
- Improve Interface routines for comfortable S2E
simulations - ...