Title: Seeking The Lost
1Seeking The Lost
Part 2
2Seeking The Lost
Some things involved in the conversion of a
1. Sermons
- If it is possible, let the preacher know ahead
of time if someone you know will be here
- But if a person felt uncomfortable by the
lesson, or even offended, dont apologize for the
truth. Gal. 416, Rom. 116
3Seeking The Lost
Some things involved in the conversion of a
2. Tracts or other literature we have
- Many often say they arent even going to read
them, but when we visit them we find them
reading denominational material!
- If you give out some tracts or other material,
sooner or later someone will read it. Isa. 289-10
4Seeking The Lost
Some things involved in the conversion of a
3. Personal teaching
- If you study with someone personally, many times
you see that you only disagree with them perhaps
on a few points.
- It would take a long time before those specific
points are touched during the sermon.
5Seeking The Lost
In order to teach others we must have knowledge
of the bible
Remember, you can only teach that which you know.
2 Tim. 215, 2
Private studies at home are good, but there is
nothing like studying with a group of Gods
- Thus the need to attend to all services if
possible. 1 Pet. 21-3, Ps. 11-3
6Seeking The Lost
In order to teach others we must have knowledge
of the bible
Remember, you can only teach that which you know.
2 Tim. 215, 2
Private studies at home are good, but there is
nothing like studying with a group of Gods
- Worship and learn of Gods word is something to
look forward to. Ps. 1221
7Seeking The Lost
In order to teach others we must have knowledge
of the bible
Remember, you can only teach that which you know.
2 Tim. 215, 2
Private studies at home are good, but there is
nothing like studying with a group of Gods
- This will always promote growth in Gods word.
Heb. 61, 2 Pet. 318
8Seeking The Lost
In order to teach others we must have knowledge
of the bible
The bible is the sword of the spirit
(Eph. 617)
- No soldier would go out to battle without
knowing his weapon.
- Carrying our bibles around with you is good, but
we need to know how to use it. 1 Pet. 315
9Seeking The Lost
In order to teach others we must have knowledge
of the bible
Practice what you preach. Ps 5110-15
- There is nothing that will turn away faster
someone from the truth, than a hypocrite that
does not live out what he teaches others to do.
Rom. 21, 21-24, Titus 116
10Seeking The Lost
What should be our attitude as a teacher of Gods
We must be willing to sacrifice. 2 Cor. 83-5
- It takes time to prepare and teach
- Abilities, not only to use, but also to develop
- It takes a lot of our personal comfort
11Seeking The Lost
What should be our attitude as a teacher of Gods
We must therefore have great love for the truth
alone. John 832
- This truth comes through Gods word. John 1717
- But never compromise the truth.
- We can teach in several ways, but the harsh way
of doing it never gets to far. Matt 1016
12Seeking The Lost
What should be our attitude as a teacher of Gods
We must also have sincerity of heart.
Eph 624
- We must have a sense of individual
responsibility. Eph 415-16
- With this in mind, then other passages become
personal. Eze. 317-19
- We have that which many people dont, the
knowledge to be delivered from hell
13Seeking The Lost
What should be our attitude as a teacher of Gods
We must also have sincerity of heart.
Eph 624
- Always have love for lost souls.
- Remember that someone had enough love for us to
share the gospel message to us. 1Thes 27-8,
James 519-20
- God loved us greatly even though we were His
enemies. I Jn 419, Rom 59-10
14Seeking The Lost
How do you approach people?
Recognize your opportunities.
Acts 31-9, 826-31
Another good opportunity is when someone who is
in error tries to teach you. Acts
- Granted that not many are so willing to accept
the truth as Apollos was, yet dont be so quick
to through away the opportunity.