Title: Essentials For Kingdom Growth
1Essentials For Kingdom Growth
- Worshiping God Through Giving
2Christian Giving
When? How? How Much?
Why? Who? Where?
3Why Should We Give?
To Support the Work Christ Authorized the Local
Church To Do Benevolence(Acts 434-35 1 Cor.
161-2) Evangelism(Phil. 414-16 1 Cor.
911-18) Edification/Assembly(Acts 207 1 Cor.
The work of the church is on-going. There is
always more that could be done.
4Who Should Give?
Let Each One of You 1 Cor. 162
Giving is the personal responsibility and
privilege of EVERY able Christian. Teach your
children to give.
5Where Should We Give?
NOT A Private Fund at Home as I directed the
churches of Galatia that there be no
collections when I come Regular giving each 1st
day into a church treasury.
6When Should We Give?
On the first day of every week
1 Corinthians 161-2
The local church has no authority to gather funds
for its work by any means other than the first
day of the week contribution.
7When Should We Give?
On the first day of every week
1 Corinthians 161-2
- No Carnal Methods
- Gambling raffle, bingo, casino night
- Entertainment concerts, plays, dances, movies,
carnivals, alcohol - Auction, yard sale
- Solicit from non-Christians
- Sell meals, candy, trinkets, etc.
- Business investments
8How Much Should We Give?
Old Covenant Tithes one tenth (Lev.
2730-32) New Covenant As we have prospered to
succeed, thrive (1 Cor. 162)
9How Much Should We Give?
People of Israel Robbed God (Mal 37-9) We
can rob God by not giving as we have
prospered! Christians have it better! Better law
(Heb 718) Better promises (Heb 86) Better
sacrifice (Heb 913f)
10How Should We Give?
2 Corinthians 812,1-5 97
As We Have Prospered 1 Cor. 162 According to
our Ability 2 Cor. 812 Liberally 82
(generously) Sacrificially 83 (Mark
1238-44) Purposefully 97 (planning) Do we
plan our giving like we plan our monthly
bills? Not Grudgingly 97 (no resentment) Not
of Necessity 97 (not forced to) Cheerfully
97 (heartily)
11Could it be that we are blinded to our own
12How Should We Give?
What we bring to God in our hands is a
reflection of what we bring to God in our hearts.
13Our Rights To Money Property
Sanctioned By Scripture Acts 54 Christians
were not required to give up their private
property. Acts 245 434-35 They had all
things in common they considered everything
they had as available to meet the needs of the
whole group.
14Our Rights To Money Property
Not to be Obtained Unrighteously How many of us
can truly say that everything we own has been
obtained by just means? Martin Luther It is
only the smallest number of thieves that are
hanged. If we were to hang them all, where would
we get enough rope?
15Our Rights To Money Property
Obtained Through Work Proverbs 211 He who
works his land will have abundant food, but he
who pursues vain things lacks judgment. Proverbs
204 A sluggard does not plow because of the
cold therefore he shall beg in harvest, and
have nothing.
16Our Rights To Money Property
Maintained Through Thrift, Saving and
Responsibility THRIFT Proverbs 2723-24 Be
sure you know the condition of your flocks give
careful attention to your herds, for riches do
not endure forever.
17Our Rights To Money Property
Maintained Through Thrift, Saving and
Responsibility SAVING Proverbs 2120 In the
house of the wise are stores of choice food and
oil, but a foolish man devours all he
has. Proverbs 1322 A good man leaves an
inheritance to this childrens children. Ephesian
s 428 in order that he may have something to
share with him who has need.
18Our Rights To Money Property
Maintained Through Thrift, Saving and
Responsibility RESPONSIBILITY Psalm 1913 Keep
back thy servant from presumptuous sins. The
American Way of modern society is to buy
everything we think we need, when we really
dont need it, and to spend money we think we
have, when we really dont have it.
To whom much is given, much is requiredLuke
1248 Takes a personal sacrificeMatthew
1624 God is interested in our motives2
Corinthians 87-8 Each will give an account2
Corinthians 510
Is CHRIST Really FIRST in My Life? (Col. 32)
20Will You Become A Christian?
Hear the Gospel (Rom. 1017) Believe that Jesus
is the Son of God (Mk. 1616) Repent of Your Sins
(Acts 1730) Confess Jesus as Lord (Rom.
109-10) Be Baptized for Forgiveness of Sins
(Acts 238) Live Faithfully until You Die (Rev.