Title: Review game
1Review game chapter 3 India
21. In what continent would you find India?
3Answer ASIA
42. Name One OF the Rivers of India
5Answer Indus River or Ganges River
63. What are the highest mountains in the world
found in India?
7Answer Himalayan Mts.
84. Name the two religions that began in India.
9Answer Hinduism Buddhism
105. What were Harappa Mohenjo-Daro?
11Answer 2 ancient cities in India
126. What is the name of the people who invaded
India brought the caste system?
13Answer The Aryans
147. What was the term for trade between India
and the Romans?
15Answer The Silk Road
168. What is the return for the structure that
holds relics of Buddha?
17Answer Stupa
189. What is the term travelers to a religious
19Answer pilgrim
2010. What is the major priestly caste of India?
21Answer Brahman
2211. What is the name of the greatest ancient
ruler of India?
23Answer Asoka
2412. What was the other name for Gautama
25Answer Buddha
2613. What is the major geographic feature of
27Answer Monsoon (big wind)
2814. What is the term for religious writings
of Hinduism?
29Answer The Vedas
3015. What is the term for a state of being
one with the universe?
31Answer nirvana
3216. What was the term for the writing system of
the Aryans?
33Answer sanskrit
3417. What worried Siddhartha?
35Answer the material world
3618. The epics of the Aryans were dealing with
what ideas?
37Answer good and evil
3819. What was the term for Buddhas principles
to help people?
39Answer 8 Fold Path
4020. How is Buddhism different than Hinduism?
41Answer Hinduism worships many gods.
4221. What was Aryabhata famous for?
43Answer Indian mathematician
4422. What group is the lowest, but not really a
part of the caste system?
45Answer Untouchables
4623. What religion are most people in
India today?
47Answer Hinduism
4824. In Hinduism, what determines your next
49Answer karma
5025. What is the major crop of India grown to
51Answer cotton