Iterative Solvers for Coupled FluidSolid Scattering - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Iterative Solvers for Coupled FluidSolid Scattering


The matrix of substructure matrices is no longer block diagonal, which is needed ... Eliminate substructure dofs, keep Lagrange multipliers and the duplicated primal ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Iterative Solvers for Coupled FluidSolid Scattering

Iterative Solvers for Coupled Fluid-Solid
  • Jan Mandel
  • Work presentation
  • Center for Aerospace Structures
  • University of Colorado at Boulder
  • October 10, 2003

  • The coupled scattering problem
  • the PDEs
  • the discrete 22 matrix form
  • Solving the discrete equations
  • Simply proceed as usual on the matrices, or
  • Preconditioner to ignore weak coupling between
    fluid and the solid blocks, or
  • Couple existing separate FETI-type methods in the
    fluid and in the solid

Model coupled problem
Radiation b.c.
Coupled equations
  • On the wet interface
  • The value of the solid displacement u provides
    load for the Helmholtz problem in the fluid
  • The value of the fluid pressure p provides load
    for the elastodynamic problem in the solid
  • There are no equality constraints on the wet
    interface, for this choice of variables

Existence of solution
  • Solution exists
  • Solution is unique up to non-radiating modes in
    the solid vibrations of the solid that have no
    effect on the outside

Only bodies with certain symmetries (such as
sphere) have non-radiating modes almost all
bodies have no non-radiating modes
Variational formulation
  • Find such that

Discrete problem
  • 2x2 block system of equations
  • Coupling matrix is like a boundary load

About the discrete system
  • Coupled problem with vastly different scales,
    easily by 10 orders of magnitude
  • scaling is essential
  • what is the meaning of the residual?
  • Algorithms should be invariant to change of
    physical units
  • assured when physical units match
  • Coupling between fluid and solid is weak (details

Scaling of the discrete problem
  • Multiply 2nd equation to make the off-diagonal
    blocks same then,
  • Symmetric diagonal scaling to make both diagonal
    blocks of the same magnitude O(1)

The fluid and the solid are coupled only weakly
  • Scaling the fields reveals that the fluid and the
    solid are numerically decoupled when
  • (Mandel 2002)
  • Completely decoupled in the limit for a stiff
    solid scatterer
  • Numerically almost decoupled for practically
    interesting problems (aluminum, water)

Solving the discrete equations
  • Just go ahead on the matrices with no change in
    method, align method interfaces with wet
    interface (or not?)
  • Multigrid (known to work)
  • Substructuring (requires apportioning the matrix
    T to substructures in some cases not tested
  • Ignore the weak coupling in a preconditioner
  • Block diagonal preconditionining (known to
  • Needs regularization in solid to avoid resonance
  • FETI-type substructuring
  • What multipliers on wet interface?
  • Couple FETI for fluid FETI for solid
  • Known not good enough for unstructured 3D meshes
  • Maybe FETI-DP will be better

Multigrid for the coupled problem
  • Coarse nodes on wet interface
  • Coarse problem needs to be fine enough to express
    waves, albeit crudely
  • Krylov smoothing (e.g., GMRES) allows
    significantly coarser coarse problems (Elman 2001
    for Helmholtz Popa 2002 thesis, for coupled)

wet interface
Multigrid performance
Decreasing h, k3h2 const, adding coarse levels,
10 smoothing steps, k10 for h1/32, average
residual reduction smoothing step, domain 1x1
with 0.2x0.2 obstacle in the middle (Popa, 2002)
Substructuring is based on subassembly of the
block diagonal matrix of Schur complements
  • T couples dofs across wet interface
  • The extra coupling spoils the subassembly
    property decomposition of global matrix into
    independent local substructure matrices
  • The matrix of substructure matrices is no longer
    block diagonal, which is needed for parallelism

Building a substructuring method
  • The matrix of substructure Schur complements
    needs to be block diagonal to get parallelism.
    Some possible approaches
  • Keep decomposition into substructures, add dofs
    of the other kind to substructures adjacent to
    the wet interface and apportion the matrix T
  • Primal only ignore T in the preconditioner, same
    as block diagonal preconditioner
  • Or, duplicate dofs on wet interface, T works
    between the duplicates, and enforce equality of
    duplicates at converged solution
  • by Lagrange multipliers
  • add new equations to the system

Substructuring choices
  • Respect wet interface as substructure boundary?
    If so,
  • Interiors of substructures get only their
    respective fluid or solid dofs
  • The reduced problem has both fluid and solid dofs
    for substructures adjacent to the wet interface
  • The interface matrix T becomes part of the global
    Schur complement
  • To have global matrix equal to assembly of local
    matrices (subassembly property), T needs to be
    apportioned to substructures

Apportioning the interface matrix T
  • Fluid substructures get additional solid dofs on
    the interface
  • The local interface matrix is added to the local
    matrix of the fluid substructure
  • Assembled system remains same

Interface matrix

Eliminate interiors
Solid substructures
Fluid substructures
Apportioning the interface matrix T
  • Solid substructures get additional fluid dofs on
    the interface
  • The local interface matrix is added to the local
    matrix of the fluid substructure
  • Assembled system remains same

Interface matrix

Eliminate interiors
Solid substructures
Fluid substructures
Apportioning the interface matrix T
  • Fluid substructures get additional solid dofs,
    AND solid substructures get fluid dofs both
    shared by substructures adjacent across the wet
  • Part of the local interface matrix is added to
    the local matrix of the fluid substructure, part
    to the solid substructure
  • The assembled system remains same

Interface matrix

Eliminate interiors
Solid substructures
Fluid substructures
Substructuring that ignores the wet interface
  • Respect wet interface as substructure boundary?
    If not
  • Substructures can have both fluid or solid dofs
  • The interface matrix T becomes part of the global
    Schur complement
  • But T still needs to be apportioned every time
    more than one substructure have a common segment
    of the wet interface
  • Efficient iterative substructuring when the
    substructures may have both types of dofs?

Eliminate interiors
Apportioning needed
Solid substructures
Fluid substructures
Interface matrix

Substructuring with apportioned T
  • Once the problem is written as subassembly of
    local substructure matrices, all existing
    substructuring methods can proceed (primal BDD,
    or dual, Lagrange multipliers FETI)
  • Basis for futher developments
  • But specific methods not tested

Block diagonal preconditioning
Precond. Scaling

  • Preconditioner can use existing solvers for fluid
    and solid separately
  • The 2nd diagonal block (solid) will be singular
    at resonance frequences
  • Damping for solid provided via only
  • Need to provide artificial damping without
    changing the solution

Avoiding resonance for block diagonal
  • Regularization Add to the equations in solid a
    complex linear combination of equations in fluid,
    coefficients determined by analogy with
    radiation boundary conditions in solid (Mandel,
    Popa 2003)
  • Needed also for FETI-type methods when there is
    only one substructure for solid (Mandel 2002)

Regularization of the matrix of the solid for
block diagonal preconditioning
The form of the coefficient follows from analogy
with a radiation condition that does not reflect
normal shear waves and from the requirement of
correct physical units (Mandel 2002).
The effect of the regularization of the solid in
block diagonal preconditioning
  • Residual reduction by 3 GMRES iterations with
    block diagonal preconditioning by independent
    solvers in the fluid and in the solid, mesh

Dual approachesFETI
  • Apportion T and Tt to local matrices and simply
    use FETI on the subassembled system
  • Not tested
  • Note cannot have multipliers to enforce equality
    of fluid pressure and solid displacement at wet
    interface nothing needs to equal there
  • Substructure adjacent to wet interface will have
    both fluid and solid dofs
  • Goal To use methods known to work for solid and
    fluid separately
  • duplicate dofs on wet interface to have only
    substructures that have only fluid or only solid
  • Enforce equality of the duplicates by Lagrange
    multipliers or additional equations
  • The matrix T forms other blocks in the system

Variant 1 FETI with interface segments as new
  • Duplicate dofs on wet interface just like dofs
    are duplicated on substructure interfaces in
    standard subassembly create new substructures
    with the duplicate dofs on the wet interface
  • Have 3 types of substructures solid, fluid, wet
  • Enforce equality of duplicated dofs by Lagrange
  • Eliminate dofs, keep Lagrange multipliers.get

Lagrange multipliers
But this did not work very well maybe missing
coarse for interface?
Variant 2 FETI with system augmentation
  • Goal exploit the numerically weak coupling
    between the fluid and the solid a method that
    converges like fluid and solid separately
  • Inspired by FETI-DP, leave something primal
  • Duplicate dofs on wet interface
  • Keep duplicates in the system
  • Keep equations enforcing equality of duplicated
    dofs in the system
  • Eliminate substructure dofs, keep Lagrange
    multipliers and the duplicated primal dofs on the
    wet interface

Interface matrix

Eliminate interiors
Lagrange multipliers
Fluid substructures
Wet interface substructures
Solid substructures
Augmented system

Original equations
Duplicate dofs on wet interfaces equal
select wet interface dofs
Now eliminate the original variables
Reduced system after eliminating original primary

Feti operators for fluid and solid
In the limit for stiff obstacle, the reduced
system becomes triangular. The diagonal blocks
are FETI operators for fluid and solid, and
identity. The spectrum of the reduced operator
becomes union of the spectra of the two FETI
operators, and the number one.
Coarse problem
  • Variational coarse correction in the usual way,
    using plane waves or eigenfunctions
  • For better convergence the wet interface
    components also need have coarse space functions
  • Setup and solution of the coarse problem is a
    dominant cost
  • Coarse space needs to be large enough for

  • OK in 2D, structured meshes
  • About same as max of iterations for solid or
    fluid separately
  • Not so good in 3D unstructured meshes
  • About as sum of the iterations for fluid and
    solid separately

Convergence of GMRES
  • GMRES convergence depends on
  • clustering of the spectrum
  • Estimates exist for spectrum on one side of
  • Convergence better when eigenvalues are clustered
    away from origin bad when eigenvalues scattered
  • condition of the matrix of eigenvectors
  • But there is no reason why the convergence of
    GMRES for a block diagonal matrix should be
    rigorously bounded by a formula involving
    iteration counts when GMRES is applied to the
    blocks separately
  • Even if the spectrum of the matrix is the union
    of the spectra of the blocks

Preconditioning by coarse problem with waves
focuses the spectrum
2d reduced operator, fluid only
Same, preconditioned by coarse problem from plane
Preconditioning by coarse problem with waves
focuses the spectrum
2d reduced operator, elastic only
Same, preconditioned by coarse problem from plane
Spectrum of preconditioned reduced augmented
system, 2d structured mesh
Coupled only
Coupled overlaid by fluid and solid
Bluefluid, greensolid, redcoupled
Spectrum of preconditioned reduced augmented
system, 3d unstructured mesh
Coupled only
Coupled overlaid by fluid and solid
Bluefluid, greensolid, redcoupled
Conclusions for coupled FETI
  • Spectrum of the coupled problem is almost exactly
    the union of the spectrum of the fluid and the
    solid, because the coupling is weak
  • For the 3d unstructured problem, the union is not
    well clustered away from origin
  • While for 2d structured the spectra fit well
  • Unknown if the culprit is 3d or unstructured
  • This problem will be shared by every method that
    runs FETI-H for fluid and for solid together
  • For FETI-DP the situation may be different
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