Title: What is a foundation
- What is a foundation?
- Types of foundation
- Types of soil
- The purpose of a Site Investigation
- What to do and when
2What Is A Foundation?
- A foundation is a system which transfers the load
of a structure to a suitable bearing stratum
below ground, while taking into account the
settlement characteristics of that stratum and
the possible effects of ground heave, subsidence,
creep or negative skin friction that may be
imposed on the system.
Piled Foundation Traditional Trench
Fill Raft Foundation
3Traditional Trench Fill Foundations
Typical Section
- Advantages
- Technically easier (advised by building
inspector) - Economical for depths up to 2.0m
- Disadvantages
- Very expensive even impossible in some ground
conditions - Expensive and slow for depths greater than 2.0m
- Health and Safety implications
- Expensive on a contaminated site
- Severs tree roots
4Traditional Pile And Ring Beam
Pile and Beam Typical Section
Pile and Beam Layout
5Traditional Pile and Ring Beam
- Advantages
- Well known system most groundworkers are
capable - Economic for depths greater than 2.0m
- Disadvantages
- Pile positions are relatively fixed (problematic
for tree roots or other obstructions) - Excavations generate risks of collapse, water
ingress and - Not good for contaminated sites due to production
of spoil - Takes longer than Proprietary Systems
- Takes more management than Proprietary Systems
6Housedeck vs Traditional Pile Beam
7Types Of Ground
8Site Investigation - 1
- A Site Investigation is an exploration of the
conditions you are likely to encounter in the
ground when constructing the foundations to your
- Walk Over Study
- Have a look Trees, flora, fauna, water courses,
elevation, condition of nearby buildings, place
names (eg. Gravel Pit Rd., Pond St., Spring Lane
etc) - Local knowledge
- Desk Study
- Maps dating back to when records were taken. Can
include searching records of previous uses of
site and mining records - Geological survey maps
- Planning departments Local Libraries
- On-site Groundbreaking Work
- Trial pits by hand or excavator
- Lightweight and Heavyweight boring and
testing equipment - Laboratory soil testing (eg. plasticity of Clays)
- N.B.
- Ground conditions can change over very short
distances so a Site Investigation is not a
guarantee of the ground conditions that will be
encountered. The risk of encountering unforeseen
conditions is reduced with a more extensive
investigation. - You pay for your Site Investigation whether you
have it or not!
9Site Investigation - 2
- According to the NHBC standards chapter 4.1, all
sites must be assessed by a Desk Study and
Walkover Survey (Clauses D1-D3). - When hazards are not suspected a basic
investigation must be undertaken (Clause D4). At
a minimum this will involve
- Geotechnical Investigation
- Trial pits
- Boreholes if necessary
- Physical tests such as Clay Plasticity
- Contamination Investigation
- The use of sight and smell to identify
contaminants - Sampling of soil from trial pits
- Laboratory testing of samples for example for
- This testing must be undertaken by an
appropriately qualified person to the
satisfaction of the NHBC.
10What To Do And When
Make sure you know the build costs before making
an offer. (With the exception of foundations,
most developers know the costs of the whole build
to the nearest penny allow some contingency)
Make an offer for the plot subject to planning
approval and site investigation
If accepted, undertake some form of site
Satisfied that traditional foundations will
suffice and knowing the cost, proceed subject to
planning approval
Unsure as to foundation cost and type
More Site Investigation
Severe ground conditions withdraw offer
Traditional foundations are the most cost
Piled foundations are the only way forward,
possibly reduce your offer for the plot
Approach builder for firm prices and build-in
contingency know where any additional costs may
Appoint an Engineer to design scheme and obtain
quotations for piling, beams, substructure
brickwork and flooring
Approach specialist foundation provider eg. Abbey
Pynford for a One-Stop Foundation Solution