Title: Escape
Who do you chose to be male or female?
2Sir Gallolot
You have chosen Sir Gallolot who is an extremely
fast swordsman and has great stamina. He has
been in trouble many times and is now the chosen
one to win the battle for Lanclolot his
Click on the picture to advance
3Joan Cardengular
You have chosen the fair and beautiful Joan
Cardengular of Kalkingholm. She is a master of
combat and a great sword handler. She is the
daughter of the king and now has been chosen to
be the one to save her kingdom, can you help her?
Click on the picture to advance
You have began your adventure and have come face
to face with three doors, which do you take?
Click the one when you are ready.
As you creep down the alleyway you hear a
You are confronted by a dragon and are fried. Oh
well start again.
You have chosen door one and have come to a lava
Get through without touching the lava.
You are screaming in pain as the lava covers you
are destroys your flesh and then all that is left
is ashes!
As you come out of the lava pit you see marines.
Say yes
Say no
Marines offer to give you a ride do you
Yes thanks. You are a great help.
Say no. You do not want to cause any trouble
You have chose door two and are shot by a evil
You are in need of blood due to a serious injury.
Your friend offers you blood do you take it?
10A chest!
Because you say no you run out of the battlefield
into a cave.
You see a chest make sure get through the maze
without touching the walls or you will trigger a
Click here to move on
You have found the legendary sword and shield of
Imotep the powerful warlord. You have also found
a health potion-no more wounds!
You see light and you approach
13The boss
As you open the door you are confronted by the
Its the boss defeat him! Click on the boxes to
14You got him in the head!
You have hit him click the box to finish him off!
15You got him in the neck
Click on the box to finish him off
16You got him in the right leg
17You got him in the left leg
18You got him in the tail
Click on the box to finish him off
19You have shot him in the stomach and he kills you
Click on the picture to advance
20You miss and he kills you
Click on the picture to advance
21He is dead thank goodness!
22Wrong blood type
Click on the picture to advance
You have keeled over and have died as he realises
he has the wrong blood type!
Which do you choose?
Go to a person shouting your name
Go to your family
You emerge victorious among clapping do you?
24You are congratulated by your family and taken
Click on the picture to advance
Well done!
25You have been shot by the boss keeper
Click on the picture to advance