Title: eSTAR: Distributed peertopeer scheduling
1eSTAR Distributed peer-to-peer scheduling
- Allan, T. Naylor, E.S. Saunders
- School of Physics, University of Exeter, Stocker
Road,Exeter, U.K.
2The eSTAR concept
- Its an ad-hoc peer-to-peer network of
heterogeneous resources utilising a collaborative
agent paradigm for decision making - But the aim is to disguise complexity, users hate
3eSTAR in a nutshell
4What is an agent anyway?
- An agent is just software not magic
- Loosely, an agent is a computational entity which
- Acts on behalf of another entity in an autonomous
fashion - Performs its actions with some level of
proactively and/or responsiveness - Exhibits some level of the key attributes of
learning, co-operation and mobility
5Agents as architecture
- From a developers perspective there are five
major trends which are evident from the history
of computing. - These are,
- ubiquity
- interconnection
- intelligence
- delegation
- human-orientation
- Agent architectures are the next paradigm shift
following these trends
6Multi-agent systems
- A multi-agent system is one that consists of a
number of agents, which interact with one another - limited intelligence
- emerging complexity
- cooperate, coordinate negotiate
- In the most general case, agents will be acting
on behalf of users with different goals and
- Agents operate in a peer-to-peer manner and can
make use of these interconnections between people
and data. - We tend to impose hierarchical structures on
systems where it is not appropriate because it
lets us grasp the system as a whole. - Carrying out intelligent resource discovery could
mean that your agent looks to your collaborators
agent for data and expertise before it looks to
central sources.
8How does it work?
CREDIT Liverpool John Moores University
User Agent
Embedded Agent
The Grid
9Observing with eSTAR
- Importantly, the users doing science dont have
to care which telescope takes their observation. - observe at the best telescope
- optimally schedule the observations
- hand-off between distributed telescopes
10Scheduling with eSTAR
- Complicated telescope schedules are built by
humans using a multi-pass approach - traveling salesman problem
- However by allowing access to your telescope you
do not (have to) give up local control - local scheduling at telescope
- distributed scheduling through the agent software
11eSTAR as a meta-network
- eSTAR is not Robonet-1.0
- schedules observations onto the LT, FTN FTS
- eSTAR is not JACH
- schedules observations onto UKIRT JCMT
- generates event notifications
- eSTAR is not the HTN
- autonomous decision making
- distributed scheduling
12The eSTAR network
Embedded Agents
Embedded Agents
- GRB rapid follow-up programme
- Search for exo-planets
- All aspects of an observation programme at the
JAC are either software readable or software
controllable. - To the agent its irrelevant thats there is a
human in the loop. - Agent software has now been running successfully
for a year on UKIRT doing GRB follow-up.
14GRB 050716
- Successfully responded to the SWIFT XRT position
alert and queued observations into the UKIRT
queue by 48 seconds. - Time to target should be around 5 minutes, or
The candidate afterglow is indicated by red bars,
and the XRT error circle in green.
15eSTAR and Robonet-1.0
- Searching for extra-solar planets using
gravitational microlensing events in the galactic
bulge. - About to move from queued to live scheduling of
observations. - Live anomaly detection and autonomous follow-up.
CREDIT Liverpool John Moores University
- TALONS system very different architecturally than
eSTAR - A more traditional hierarchical architecture with
a central node - Gateway now operational
- event notification
- observing requests
CREDIT Los Alamos National Laboratories
17Reacting to events
- Part of the emerging global event network
- GRB follow-up triggered by Swift alerts (via GCN)
- Events from the TALONS gateway will be feed back
into the GRB programme on UKIRT - Microlensing first look triggered by OGLE EWS
- Native event streams
- Robonet-1.0
- UKIRT (and eventually JCMT?)
- ltWhogt Author Identification
- ltWhatgt Event Characterization
- ltWhereWhengt Space-Time Coordinates
- ltHowgt Instrument Configuration
- ltWhygt Initial Scientific Assessment
- ltCitationsgt Follow-up Observations
- ltDescriptiongt Human Oriented Content
- ltReferencegt External Content
19The eSTAR network
20VOEvent Network
CREDIT Roy Williams, Rob Seaman, Alasdair Allan,
Andrew Drake, Robert White, Matthew Graham,
Philip Warner
21First light
- The first ever autonomous observation triggered
by a OGLE EWS VOEvent message took place on the
15th June 2006 around 1800 BST. - event picked up by remote client
- passed to exo-planet user agent
- observations queued on Robonet-1.0
- We have therefore, for the first time ever,
closed the loop for autonomous observations based
on the VO's new VOEvent event messaging standard.
22User buy-in
- 92 lines of Perl, including
- ACK messages
- IAMALIVE messages
- error handling
- re-connection
- message parsing
23RSS feeds
- eSTAR native feed (includes OGLE III feed)
- http//www.estar.org.uk/voevent/eSTAR/eSTAR.rdf
- RAPTOR/TALONS feed (includes GCN translation)
- http//www.estar.org.uk/voevent/RAPTOR/RAPTOR.rdf
- Caltech feed (re-published GCN translation)
- http//www.estar.org.uk/voevent/Caltech/Caltech.rd
See the eSTAR website http//www.estar.org.uk/
24Where now for eSTAR?
- Battle hardened systems
- software designed for survivability and
self-healing - Ubiquitous computing, or astronomy everywhere
- prototyping client software
- Grid markets in telescope time
- More science programmes
- supernova follow-up programme from Sept./Oct.
- collaborative science programme with LANL
- More telescopes, more of the time
25Future deployment
- Moving out of beta mode at the JAC
- will now be provided as a common user facility
- probably available from next semester
- still to decide which types of observation
- Handshake agreements for interoperability/deployme
- Others?
- Event driven observing
- IVOA standard VOEvent messaging
- HTN standard RTML messaging
- eSTAR represents a turn-key system
- Real science
- GRB and exo-planet observing programmes
- See www.estar.org.uk/ for more information