Title: Overview of U'S' Treasury Debt Management
1Overview of U.S. Treasury Debt Management
Karthik RamanathanDirector Office of Debt
ManagementJune 2008
- Overview and Objectives
- Composition of Portfolio
- Determinants of Borrowing Needs and Policy Tools
- International Investments
- Overview of TIPS Program
3I. Overview and Objectives
- Size of Operations is Hard to Grasp
- 4.4 trillion issued in 219 auctions in FY 2007
- 238 billion paid in net interest in FY 2007
- represented 8.7 of Government expenditures
- More than 1 trillion moved between accounts on
NBES daily - More than 565 billion traded daily (primary
dealers) - For comparison total global equity trading is
under 420 billion daily - 4.6 trillion in marketable debt outstanding as
of May 31, 2008 - represents roughly a quarter of U.S. credit
markets - includes holdings by the Federal Reserve
4Treasury Issuance Objectives and Constraints
- Our Objective
- Lowest cost of financing over time
- Constraints
- Uncertainty Forecast errors, legislation, etc.
all create uncertainty in deficit forecasts, debt
limit problems - Size Treasury is too large to behave
opportunistically - Fluctuations in non-marketable debt Savings
Bonds, State and Local Government Securities - Short-term balances Adequate cash balances to
cover expenses
5Flexibility is Key as a Result of Large Swings in
the Deficit
6Lowest Cost over Time Implies a Diversified Debt
- Spread debt across maturities to
- Reduce risk
- Diversify the investor base
- Improve cash management
- Facilitate regular and predictable issuance
7Deep, Liquid Markets Promote Capital Flows
- Promote market transparency
- Provide a structured framework for investor
participation - Be available to customers for feedback and
guidance - Listen and be credible
- Ensure regulation
- Broadly speaking, to protect investors
- Establish consistent, fair practices across
markets - Create a level playing field
- Instill investor confidence in markets
- But dont over regulate
- Dont interfere with price discovery
- Let bond market participants develop trading
practices - Let market participants work through
problemsdont overreact. - Encourage solutions and innovation through
market based, private working groups
8Treasury Issuance Outcomes
- Policy Outcomes
- We are regular market participants, not market
timers -- Regular and predictable - We dont react to interest rate levels
- We need flexibility
- We strive for transparency
9Transparency and PredictabilityLeads to Greater
Investor Participation over the Long Run
Average 2007 Daily Trading Volume 565 Billion
Source FRB-NY
10II. Composition of Portfolio
- Marketable Debt
- 4.6 trillion outstanding, can be traded in the
secondary market - Sold at auction, rates set via competitive
bidding - Non-Marketable Debt
- 515 billion outstanding
- Can only be sold to Treasury
- Sold by subscription, rates set administratively
- Savings bonds, State and Local Government Series
(SLGS) - Government Account Series
- Approximately 4.2 trillion (mostly special
non-marketables) in 135 funds - Federal Old Age Survivors Fund 2.1 trillion
- Civil Service Retirement Fund 679 billion
- Hospital Insurance Trust Fund 323 billion
11Non-Marketable Treasury Securities
- State and Local Government Series (SLGS)
- 280 billion outstanding
- Special securities issued to municipalities to
assist them with compliance on arbitrage-rebate
regulations - U.S. Savings Bonds
- 195 billion outstanding
- Both Series E and Series I (inflation protected)
- Targeted at small retail investors
- Foreign Government Series and Other (ex Govt
Acct) - 40 billion, (e.g., Brady bond zeros)
12Composition of Marketable Debt
13Composition of Non-Marketable Debt
14Composition of Total Debt Outstanding
9.4 trillion outstanding
15Interest Costs on Marketable Debt
16III. Determinants of Borrowing Needs and Policy
- Changes in Cash Balance
- Budget Deficit/Surplus
- Economic Outlook
- Volume of Maturing Issues (rollover of existing
17And, Volatility in Cash Balances
Key Outlay Dates 1st of each month Medicare,
SSI, VA, CSRDF 3rd of each month Main Social
Security payments 2nd/3rd/4th Wed of each month
Soc. Sec. cycle payments Feb. 15, May 15, Aug.
15, Nov. 15 Interest payment dates Feb 1 - April
15 Individual tax refunds
Key Receipt Dates 1st of Month Individual
withheld taxes Mar. 15, Jun. 15, Sept. 15, Dec.
15- Corporate Taxes Jan. 15, Apr. 15, Jun. 15,
Sept. 15 Individual Non-withheld Taxes
18Estimating Financing Needs
- Each morning, the Office of Fiscal Projections
(OFP) updates its forecasts for government
financing using the latest available data
(Deficit)/ Surplus
Defense Spending Education Expenses Social
Security Medicare/Medicaid Federal employee
payroll ETC
Corporate Taxes Individual Taxes Excise
Taxes Estate and Gift Taxes Customs Duties
FY2008 2.52 trillion
FY2008 (2.93 trillion)
FY2008 (410 billion)
Based on OMBs Budget of the United States
Government FY2009
19Average Absolute Federal Budget Forecast
ErrorsFY 1997-2006
Average Error for FY 1997 2006 based on
forecasts by CBO, OMB, and Primary Dealers
20Debt Management Policy Tools
- Auction Sizes
- Auction Frequency
- Security Offering Menu
- Auction Regulations
- Market monitoring, consultation, and surveillance
21IV. International Investments
22Foreign Holdings as a Percent of Total Marketable
23V. Overview of TIPS Program
- First TIPS were issued in January 1997. Treasury
now is the largest issuer of inflation linked
bonds globally. - 26 issues ranging from 2009 to 2032. The TIPS
curve is complete out to 10 years. - To date only three TIPS issues have matured in
July 2002, January 2007, and January 2008. - As of May 31, 2008 TIPS market capitalization
totaled over 494 billion or about 11 of
marketable Treasuries outstanding. - Average daily trading volume in 2008 is near 10
billion according to primary dealer estimates . - There is a higher concentration of dealer volume
relative to nominal Treasuries. TIPS ownership is
also more concentrated.
24Additional Information
- Office of Debt Management
- http//www.treas.gov/offices/domestic-finance/debt
-management/ - Federal Reserve Information
- http//www.newyorkfed.org/
- http//www.federalreserve.gov/