Title: BBN, CMB and CNB probes of nonequilibrium neutrino
1BBN, CMB and CNB probes of nonequilibrium
- Daniela Kirilova
- Institute of Astronomy
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- Sofia, Bulgaria
- Neutrinos in the standard cosmological model and
in reality - Deviations from the equilibrium Fermi-Dirac
neutrino spectrum caused by different processes - Cosmological influence of nonequilibrium
processes involving neutrino during neutrino
decoupling, BBN and CMB epoch and on CNB - The effect of active-sterile oscillations on the
Universe dynamics and on the nucleon kinetics
during BBN - The effect of particle decays on BBN
- Cosmological constraints on the basis of
primordial abundance measurements, BBN and CMB
results -
3Neutrino in the standard cosmological model
- According to SCM our Universe is filled with
massless non-oscillating neutrinos (an
assumption). - There exist three neutrino flavours - ?e, ?m ?t
, (confirmed for weakly interacting species
lighter than MZ / 2 by LEP , however sterile
neutrino is allowed). - The lepton asymmetry is zero (an assumption).
- Neutrino spectra have the equilibrium
Fermi-Dirac distribution (an assumption).
4Relic Neutrino Background
At high temperatures neutrinos are in equilibrium
due to weak interactions with the particle of
the high temperature plasma. Around 3 MeV muon
and tau and at 2 MeV electron neutrino decouple
and since then they are free streaming, i.e.
cosmological neutrino background.
- After the electron-positron annihilation neutrino
temperature becomes lower than the temperature of
the photons Tn(4/11)1/3 Tcmb. The cosmological
neutrino background (CNB) today is expected with
an extremely low temperature 1.9 K, i.e. less
than the temperature of the CMB Tcmb2.7 K. - Precise calculation of decoupling accounts
for partial heating of neutrinos. Pastor et al,
2008 - Dolgov, Hansen Semikoz, NPB 503 (1997)
426 Mangano et al, PLB 534 (2002) 8 - Today relic neutrino (CNB) is expected to be the
most numerous particle after the CMB photons. - n n 3/11 ncmb n
n112 cm-3 ncmb 411 cm-3 - Still in contrast to CMB observations the
detection of the cosmological neutrino is very
difficult first, because it is an extremely
elusive particle due to its weak interactions and
second, because cosmological neutrinos are
expected to have today extremely low energy
density Tn4.
5Neutrino from experimental and observational data
- Standard model description does not match
reality - Flavour neutrino oscillations exist (solar,
atmospheric, terrestrial expts data). - Not all neutrino species are
massless! - Lepton flavor is violated.
- Mixing in the lepton sector
exists. - CPV?
- Sterile neutrino is allowed (not constrained by
LEP, predicted by GUT models, wellcomed by
cosmology LSS, DM, baryogenesis, astrophysics) - LA may be non-zero L lt 0.1 in all neutrino
sectors - Neutrino spectra n(E) may differ from the
equilibrium ones
6Neutrino Oscillations
Positive indications for oscillations of
neutrino were obtained at the greatest neutrino
experiments. Solar neutrino problem, atmospheric
neutrino anomaly and the positive results of
terrestrial experiments can be resolved by the
phenomenon of neutrino oscillations.
- Neutrino oscillations Mass eigenstates are
distinct from the flavor eigenstates - ?m Umf ?f, (f e, ?, ?)
- Transitions b/n different flavors are possible -
flavor composition changes with time. - Neutrino oscillations imply non-zero mass
differences and mixing ?m2 ? 0, at least 2
neutrino have mn ? 0. - Observational evidence for ? oscillations
- Solar neutrino anomaly Homestake, Kamiokande,
SuperKamioKa, Gallex, SAGE, SNO experiments - ?? ? ?? LMA ?m2? 7.2-9.2 .10-5 eV2
sin22? 0.3 - Atmospheric neutrino anomaly SuperKamioKa,
Macro, Soudan 2, IMB - ?? ? ??, ?m2? 2.6.10-3eV2 maximal ?
- Terrestrial experiments KamLAND, MINOS, K2K,
LSND ?? ? ?e, ?m2? O(1eV2) ? sin22?O(0.003) - alternative models with ?s give better agreement
with Homestake and explain the variation of the
flux with B. - Though neutrino anomalies are well described in
terms of flavor neutrino oscillations, - sub-leading sterile oscillations may provide
better fit (3 plus 2 schemes).
7Neutrino Oscillations in the early Universe
- Cosmological influence of oscillations
- Active sterile oscillations corresponding to the
regions favored by the atmospheric and solar - neutrino data establish an equilibrium between
active neutrino species before BBN epoch. - No considerable influence on BBN, CMB, CNB.
- Neutrino active-sterile oscillations may excite
additional light particles into - equilibrium, i.e change the expantion rate
- distort the neutrino energy spectrum from the
equilibrium FD form -
- affect neutrino-antineutrino asymmetry of the
medium (suppress / enhance). - All these may play crucial role for neutrino
involved processes in the - early Universe during BBN, CMB, LSS, CNB.
- Cosmological constraints on oscillations
- From the allowed range of the observables of the
early Universe, like
8Neutrino from experimental and observational data
- Standard model description does not match
reality - Flavour neutrino oscillations exist (solar,
atmospheric, terrestrial expts data). - Not all neutrino species are
massless! - Lepton flavor is violated.
- Mixing in the lepton sector
exists. - CPV?
- Sterile neutrino is allowed (not constrained by
LEP, predicted by GUT models, wellcomed by
cosmology LSS, DM, baryogenesis, astrophysics) - LA may be non-zero L lt 0.07 in all neutrino
sectors - Neutrino spectra n(E) may differ from the
equilibrium ones
9Sterile Neutrinos
- Sterile neutrino is not constrained by LEP
- Required for producing non-zero neutrino masses
by most models - Predicted by GUT models
- Welcomed by oscillations data for better fit
(subdominant sterile oscillations channel
required by Homestake data, Holanda, Smirnov,
2004), Chauhan, Pulido, 2004, variation of the
flux with B, Caldwell D, Sturrock P.,2005 - required for explanation of LSND in combination
with other expts - Wellcomed by cosmology
- may be the particle accounting for all
DM (mlt3.5 KeV if MSM produced) - may play subdominant role as DM
component (eV, KeV) - Fast moving neutrinos do not play
major role in the evolution of structure in the
universe. - may play a role in LSS formation
(when constituting few of the DM it suppresses
small scale power in the matter power spectrum
and better fits the observational data from SDSS,
cluster abundance, weak lensing, Lyman Alpha
forest, CMB) Tegmark et al., 2004 - plays major role in natural
baryogenesis through leptogenesis - Wellcomed by astrophysics
- may explain pulser kicks Kusenko 2006
- explain r-process nucleosynthesis
- explain supermasive black holes
10Sterile Neutrinos
- The X ray photons from sterile neutrino decays
may catalize the production of molecular H and
speed up the star formation, causing earlier
reionization Kusenko 2007 - X ray photons from sterile neutrino
decays observational feature - Lyman alpha bound mgt10 KeV (of MSM
Dodelson-Widrow mechanism of production) - CMB feels the increase in the density due to
additional particles - Sterile neutrino is constrained by BBN, because
it increases the expansion rate and hence
dynamically influences He production, in case it
is brought into equilibrium Dolgov, 1981 - In case of oscillations with active neutrino it
exerts major effect on nucleons kinetics during
pre-BBN and its mixing parameters are constrained
by BBNCMB Dolgov, Villante. - In case of radiative decays its decay products
may distort CMB - In case of non-raditive decays, the decay poducts
may influence - nucleons kinetics and hence BBN
constraints on its decay time, mass and number
densities hold Dolgov, DK, 1986 - Et cetera..
11Neutrino from experimental and observational data
- Standard model description does not match
reality - Flavor neutrino oscillations exist (solar,
atmospheric, terrestrial expts data). - Not all neutrino species are
massless! - Lepton flavor is violated.
- Mixing in the lepton sector
exists. - CPV?
- Sterile neutrino is allowed (not constrained by
LEP, predicted by GUT models, wellcomed by
cosmology LSS, DM, baryogenesis, astrophysics) - LA may be non-zero L lt 0.1 in all neutrino
sectors - Neutrino spectra n(E) may differ from the
equilibrium ones
12Different processes leading to neutrino spectrum
- Electron-positron annihilation negligible
effect Dolgov et al. 1997 - The equivalent number of neutrino species
3.046 instead of 3. - Account for flavour oscillations Mangano
et al, 2005 - Number density of one neutrino species
113 per cubic cm instead 112 in SCM. -
- Neutrino-antineutrino asymmetry strongly
constrained - by BBN in all sectors because of flavour
oscillations - Active-sterile oscillations before neutrino
decoupling slightly influence active neutrino
disrbutions, because the active neutrino states
are refilled due to interactions with the plasma.
Barbieri,Dolgov, 1991 - Active-sterile oscillations proceeding after
decoupling may strongly distort neutrino energy
spectrum DK, 1986 - Particles decay into neutrinos
13 -
- Deviations from the equilibrium FD caused by
different processes - Nonequilibrium neutrino spectrum caused by
oscillations - Nonequilibrium neutrinos due to particle
14Neutrino Oscillations Cosmological Influence
- Mixing b/n active neutrinos influence neutrino
spectra and BBN negligibly. - Oscillations b/n active and sterile neutrinos ?a
? ?s -
- and ?Nslt1 may distort ?e energy spectrum,
causing ?e depletion, - neutrino-antineutrino asymmetry and influences
the neutrino involved - processes in the Universe, like BBN Kinetics,
CMB, etc. - In case of oscillations effective after ?
decoupling provided that the sterile - state is not in equilibrium (?Nslt1), the
spectrum distortion effect is the major - one.
- Cosmological constraints on oscillations may be
derived - From the allowed range of the observables of the
early Universe, like baryonic - density, light elements abundances, expansion
rate, CMB spectrum, structure - characteristics of the Universe, etc., it is
possible to constrain the parameters of
15Oscillations effects
- Dynamical effect production of additional
neutrino species. - Additional degree of freedom enhances the energy
density - and drives expansion faster.
- Tf geff1/6 ? 4?? overproduction
Shvartsman, 1969
BBN constraints on ?Ns
- ?Yd 0.013 ?Ns
Dolgov ,1981 - ( 1 additional ? ? ?Yp/Yp 5 )
oscillations dynamical effect -
16 Effects of nonequilibrium ?a ? ?s
- Kinetic effect ? ?a
energy spectrum distortion,
- ? ?e depletion,
Barbieri,Dolgov, 1990 -
Enqvist et.al., 92 DK M.Chizhov, PLB
,1997 - ? energy threshold effect
? pre-BBN kinetics - ? neutrino-antineutrino asymmetry growth
Foot, Volkas,1996 DK M.Chizhov,1996 -
Dolgov et al., 2002 - In case of oscillations effective after ?
decoupling and - provided that the sterile state is not in
equilibrium (?Nslt1), - the spectrum distortion effect is the major one.
- Expressed in terms of effective number of
neutrinos - ?Nk,0 ?6 for resonant oscillations
- ?Nk,0 ?3 for non-resonant oscillations
DK , Astrop.Phys.,2003
17Oscillations medium influence
- Medium suppresses the oscillations amplitude
- Medium may enhance them
- Negligible spectrum distortion ?
- (work with particle densities and T shift one
momentum approximations.)
- -Fast oscillations equilize pre-existing
asymmetries - - Oscillations cause great spectrum
distortion, asymmetry growth - Persists, and is often the leading effect ,
hence it - should be precisely described !
18Evolution of neutrinos in the presence of
oscillations Approach follow the evolution of
neutrino for each momentum account for
oscillations, expansion and interactions with the
mediumsimultaneously DK 1988,
Chizhov, DK, 1997
Analytical solution for vacuum
neutrino oscillations (post BBN epoch)
DK 1988,
19The evolution of spectrum distortion
Numerical solutions for matter neutrino
- The distortion concerns first the low energetic
- part of the spectrum because the oscillations
- become effective first to low energy neutrinos
- Soon after, the whole spectrum is distorted
- from its equilibrium FD form.
- The non-equilibrium initial condition
- leads to considerable and continuous
- deviations from the equilibrium.
20Evolution of the distortionThe spectrum
distortion of the active neutrino for a wide
range of oscillation parameters persists during
the nucleons freezing period.
21Energy spectrum distortion evolution
22Spectrum distortion for non zero initial
popuation of ?s
Sterile neutrinos may be present at the onset of
BBN epoch -- may be produced in GUT models,
in models with large extra dimensions, Manyfold
Universe models, mirror matter models, or by
oscillations in 4-neutrino mixing schemes, etc.
The degree of population may be different
depending on the production model. The
distortion of the neutrino spectrum due to
active-sterile oscillations and the kinetic
effect caused ?Nk depends on the degree of
initial population of ?s. The biggest effect is
?Nk,0 at ?Ns0, the effect decreases with ?Ns
. DK,Int.J.M.P.D,2004, 2007 ?Nk ?Nk,0- ?Nk,0
?Ns Spectrum distortion for different initial
population of ?s. ?Ns0 the lowest curve,
?Ns0,5 and ?Ns0,8 the upper curve. The dashed
curve shows the equilibrium spectrum.
23Distortion evolution for non zero ?Ns
Spectrum distortion for different initial
population of ?s. ?Ns0 the lowest curve,
?Ns0,5 and ?Ns0,8 the upper curve. The
dashed curve shows the equilibrium spectrum. DK
, IJMPD2004,2007
24The depletion of active neutrinos(an integral
effect of the distortion) DK,
Chizhov 1997, 2004
25Role of flavor mixing
- Sterile state is filled for the sake of ?e
- CNB neutrinos may have the equilibrium
number density or be depleted depending on the
type of oscillations and their parameters. - 0.5 Neq lt Ne lt Neq
- Energy spectum strongly distorted from the
equilibrium Fermi-Dirac one. - Sterile state filles from ?e , while ?e
is partially refilled for the sake of muon and
tau neutrino - Flavor oscillations reestablish the
equilibrium between the - different neutrino flavors.
- Then CNB electron neutrinos will have
slightly depleted - number densities, at most 3/4 of the SCM
value, i.e 1123/484 per cubic cm. - Flavor mixing decreases the depletion and
spectrum - distortion
- 2 neutrino mixing
- 4 neutrino mixing
- ?Nk,4 lt ?Nk,2
26BBN - one of the most precision probes of
new neutrino physics
- BBN provides a unique information about the
physical conditions of our - Universe at the very early epoch (t 1 sec) and
thus allow to constrain - physics beyond the standard cosmological model
and the standard electroweak - model.
- We explored a modification of the standard
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis with neutrino
oscillations ne ? ns - effective after electron neutrino
27BBN with oscillations
- He-4 mass fraction is a strong function of the
effective number of light stable particles at
BBN epoch - It depends also on the ?e characteristics
- decrease ? n/p freezes earlier ? 4?? is
overproduced - BBN with fast ?a ? ?s
increase - effective before ?a decoupling
Dolgov ,1981 - BBN with ?a ? ?s ?e
spectrum - effective after ?a decoupling and ?Nslt1
28Evolution of nucleons in the presence of ?? ?
?sthe numerical approach
29The interplay b/n effects
?Nk,0 gt1
?N ?Nk,0- ?Nk,0 ?Ns ?Ns
?Nk,0 ?Ns gt?Ns
?m2 10-7 eV2 sin22? 1
30The role of additional light ?s
?Nk,0 lt 1
?N ?Nk,0- ?Nk,0 ?Ns ?Ns
?Nk,0 ?Ns lt ?Ns
31Maximum He-4 overproduction in BBN with
oscillations due to spectrum distortion
- Dependence of maximum
- overproduction on the mixing
- 0??Y/Y ?32 for resonant case
- 0??Y/Y ?14 for non-resonant
- Expressed in terms of effective
- number of neutrinos the kinetic
- effect due to ?e spectrum
- distortion
- ?Nk,0 ?6 for resonant osc
- ?Nk,0 ?3 for non-resonant osc
- DK , Astrop.Phys.,2003
32Maximum He-4 overproduction in BBN with
oscillations due to spectrum distortion
- Maximal overproduction
- dependence on mass difference
- BBN is very sensitive to neutrino
- spectrum distortion
- BBN constraints do exist
- if He-4 uncertainty is over 5 but
- for non-equilibrium oscillations.
- BBN with nonequilibrium ?e??s
- allows to constrain ? oscillation
- parameters for He-4 uncertainty
- up to32 (14) in resonant
- (non-resonant) case.
- DK , Astrop.Phys.,2003
334?? the preferred element
- BBN - the most early and precision probe for
physical conditions in the early Universe, - and for constraining new physics, relevant at
this E. - For a precise analysis of the oscillations effect
on BBN, He-4 is used because the most - reliable and abundant data now available are for
that element. - Observed in ??? low metalicity regions of dwarf
galaxies - Extrapolated towards zero metalicity
- Yp0,2421? 0,0021 Izotov, Thuan 2000
- Yp0,2429? 0,009 Izotov, Thuan 2004
- Yp0,2472? 0,0012 Izotov, Thuan 20007
(93 spectra of 86 low-metalicity HII regions) -
dispersion of the
determinations - Yp0,245? 0,013 Olive, Skillman 2004
- Yp0,2491? 0,0091 Olive, Skillman 2004
- Yp0,2384? 0,0025 Peimbert et al 2002
- Yp0,2474? 0,0028 Peimbert, Luridiana.
Peimbert 2007, new atomic data - Determinations indicate 3-5 uncertainty
(systematic errors). Sasselov, 95 - Possibly it is related with the evaluation of
ionization level, stellar absorption, ..
Luridiana, 2002
34BBN constraints on oscillationsBBN with
neutrino oscillations between initially empty
ns and ne
Observational data on primordial He- 4 was
used to put stringent limits on the allowed
oscillation parameters. BBN constraints on ?? ?
?s Barbieri, Dolgov 91 depletion
account Dolgov 2000 dashed curve DK, Enqvist
et al. 92 one p approx. DK.,Chizhov 2001
distortion and asymmetry growth account Dolgov,
Villante, 2003 - spectrum distortion
35Spectrum distortion reflected in neutrino
oscillations constraints from BBN
- The distortion leads to a decrease of the
- weak rates to an increase of the n/p
- freezing T and He overproduction.
- Correspondingly the account of spectrum
- distortion leads to strengthening of BBN
- constraints at large mixings.
- The account of the neutrino-antineutrino
- asymmetry growth caused by resonant
- oscillations leads to relaxation of the
- constraints for small mixings.
36Role of the initial population of ?s BBN
constraints relaxed or strengthened?Additional
?s population may lead to stonger or weaker
BBN constraints on oscillation parameters.
There exist an interplay b/n the effects of
non-zero initial population of ?s on BBN in
case the dynamical effect dominates, He-4
overproduction is enhanced and BBN constraints
strengthen, in case the kinetic effect
dominates He-4 overproduction decreases and BBN
constraints relax. The dotted blue (red) contour
presents ?Yp/Yp3 (?Yp/Yp5.2 ) for ?Ns0,
the solid blue (red) contour presents ?Yp/Yp3
(?Yp/Yp5) for ?Ns0,5.
DK, Panayotova, 2006, DK, 2007
37Spectrum distortion and BBN constraintsFor
nonequilibrium oscillations the constraints are
strengthened by orders of magnitude
Dolgov A., F.Villante ,2003 ?m2gt10-6 eV2, i.e.
kinetic equilibrium constraints for non-resonant
At smaller ?m2 re-population of active neutrino
becomes slow, spectrum distortion is
considerable. Chizhov M., DK, 2001 D.K.
2007 BBN is a very sensitive probe of
neutrino spectrum distortion caused by
- In case neutrino masses are in the eV range they
can constitute several of the DM, they can
influence matter clustering (suppressing
small-scale power of the matter power spectrum)
providing better correspondence between models
and observational data (from SDSS, cluster
abundance, weak lensing, Lyman Alpha forest,
CMB). Tegmark et al., 2004 - CMB anisotropy spectrum feels energy density
increase caused by additional - particles, hence it may constrain the fast
active-sterile oscillations before decouling. - For the oscillations effective after active
neutrino decoupling the total energy density of
neutrinos remains unchanged. - BBN is a sensitive probe both to additional
species and to distortions - in the energy distribution of neutrinos.
39BBN - one of the most precision probes of
new neutrino physics
- BBN with decaying particles
- We explored a modification of the standard
Big Bang with decaying particles X during or
before n-p feezing. The presence of such
particles increases the expansion rate and their
decay products change nucleons kinetics. -
- Depending on its mass, density and life
time, n-p ratio may be shifted in either
direction. This allows relaxation of the BBN
bounds on the number of relativistic species.
40At high E (big X masses)
increase of n density, while
at low E (small masses) n
decreases The precise analysis of BBN with
decaying X reveals the possibility to achieve
either overproduction or underproduction of
primordial He-4
41Evolution equations of decaying X and its decay
42Evolution of neutrons
BBN may provide a sensitive probe to additional
non-radiatively decaying particles, due to the
kinetic effect of the decay products on n/p
freezing, and hence on He production.
43 For m lt 7 MeV and in case
He underproduction is
possible The possibility for a considerable
underproduction allows to weaken the BBN bounds
on neutrino species BBN with decaying MeV
particles may resolve the discrepancy b/n LSSCMB
constraints on N (based on WMAP3 power spectrum
and galaxy clustering power spectrum of SDSS, L
alpha data, 2dF, HST, SN, etc.) pointing to a
higher than 3 value of N (in case it persists).
Seljak et al., JCAP, 2006 In a non-standard BBN
with more than 3 neutrino species, the dynamical
effect of these may be compensated by the effect
of the decay products on nucleons kinetics during
44CNB, BBN and CMB constraints
- For oscillations parameters corresponding to the
regions favored by the atmospheric and solar
neutrino data flavor equilibrium between active
neutrino species is established before BBN epoch.
- In case of fast active-sterile oscillations
before decoupling of active neutrinos, leading to
additional species into equilibrium, CBM and BBN
constraints hold. - Due to oscillations the sterile state is
filled for the sake of the electron neutrino,
which - is refilled by the plasma. Thus the total
energy density in neutrino sector increases,
hence - CMB constraints (sensitive to the total
energy density) can be obtained. - Stringent BBN constraints on oscillation
prameters exist. - In case of active-sterile oscillations after
decoupling of active neutrinos only BBN
constraints hold. - Due to oscillations the sterile state is
filled for the sake of the electron neutrino,
which - is not refilled by the plasma. Thus the
total energy density in neutrino sector does not
change - hence CMB constraints cannot be obtained.
- Stringent BBN constraints on oscillation
prameters exist. -
- The number densities of CNB neutrinos are
reduced, the spectrum differs from FD. - CNB neutrinos may have the equilibrium number
density or be depleted - depending on the type of oscillations and
their parameters. - 0.5 lt
?Ns lt 1
45- In 2 neutrino oscillation case CNB is
considerably influenced - relic electron neutrino can be expected in
the extreme about twice less numerous than in
SCM, and considerably less energetic with an
energy spectum strongly distorted from the
equilibrium Fermi-Dirac one. - In 4 neutrino case it should be expected that
when flavor oscillations are taking - place they will tend to reestablish the
equilibrium between the different neutrino
flavors. - Then CNB electron neutrinos will have
slightly depleted number densities, - around 3/4 of the SCM value, i.e 1123/484
per cubic cm. - The depletion of the electron neutrino and,
correspondingly, the kinetic effect of
oscillations is - reduced. Hence, the cosmological constraints
on oscillation parameters, corresponding - to 4-neutrino mixing case will be less
stringent than the ones calculated for 2-neutrino
case. - BBN provides stringent constraints on
nonequilibrium decays of additional particles,
leading to deviations of the electron neutrino
spectrum, which reflects in changes in the
kinetics of nucleons.
46????????? ?? ??????????!Thanks for the
47- D. Kirilova, More General BBN Constraints
on Neutrino Oscillations - Parameters Relaxed or Strengthened, IJMPD
16 (2007) 7, 1-14. -
- D.K.,M.Panayotova, Relaxed constraints on
neutrino oscillation parameters, - JCAP 2006, 12, 014 astro-ph/0608103
- D.K., astro-ph/0511231 I.J.M.P.D 2004,13,831
- Kirilova D.,Overproduction of helium-4 in the
presence of neutrino oscillations, - Astropart. Phys. v.19, pp. 409-417, 2003
astro-ph/0109105 - Kirilova D., Chizhov M., Neutrino Degeneracy
Effect on Neutrino - Oscillations and Primordial Helium Yield,
preprint ICTP IC/98/61, - Trieste 1998, pp.17 hep-ph/9806441 Nucl.
Phys. B 534, p. 447-463, - 1998.
- Dolgov A.,Kirilova D.,Nonequilibrium Decays of
Light Particles - and Primordial Nucleosynthesis,
Int.J.Mod.Phys.A3, p.267-277, 1988 - Preprint JINR E2-87-32, Dubna, 1987
- Kirilova D., Baryon Density in alternative BBN,
ICTP preprint
48- Universe Constituents
- WMAP measured the density of baryonic
- and non-baryonic matter to an accuracy
- of better than 5.
- WMAP determined that the universe is flat
- the mean energy density is equal to the
- critical density (within a 2 margin of error),
9.9 x 1030 g/cm-3 (5.9 protons per cubic - meter). It consists of 4 Atoms, 23 Cold Dark
Matter, 73 Dark Energy. - Fast moving neutrinos do not play any major role
in the evolution of structure in the - universe, massive neutrinos are less than 5 .
They would have prevented the early clumping of
gas in the universe, delaying the - emergence of the first stars, in conflict with
the new WMAP data.
49Constraints on neutrino oscillations
BBN with electron-sterile neutrino oscillations
4?? depends on the nucleon kinetic, which
depends on ?e characteristics ?e decrease ?
n/p freezes earlier ? 4?? is overproduced .
DK, 88 Chizhov, DK, 97,00 4?? depends
on the dynamics of the Universe g increase ? n/p
freezes earlier ? 4?? is overproduced .
Dolgov 81, Barbieri, Dolgov 90
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