Title: A short introduction to epidemiology Chapter 10: Interpretation
1A short introduction to epidemiologyChapter 10
- Neil Pearce
- Centre for Public Health Research
- Massey University, Wellington,
- New Zealand
2Chapter 10Interpretation
- Appraisal of a single study
- Appraisal of all of the available evidence
3Interpretation of EvidenceFrom Epidemiological
- Populations do not randomize themselves by
exposure status - They do not always respond to requests to
participate in epidemiological studies - They may supply incomplete exposure information
- They cannot be asked about unknown risk factors
- It is not possible to do perfect studies, and we
have to make decisions based on imperfect
4Summary of Study Design Issues
- Reduce random error by making the study as large
as possible and through appropriate study design - Minimize selection bias by having a good response
rate (and selecting controls appropriately in a
case-control study) - Ensure that information bias is non-differential
and keep it as small as possible - Minimize confounding in the study design and
control for it in the analysis
5Appraisal of a Single Study Random Error
- What is the magnitude and precision of the effect
estimate? - Are the study findings consistent with those of
previous studies?
6Cohort Studies of Shipyard Welding and Lung Cancer
7Appraisal of a Single StudySystematic Error
- What are the likely strengths and directions of
possible biases?
8Selection Bias
- Selection bias is any bias arising from the way
that study participants are selected (or select
themselves) from the source population - If selection bias cannot be avoided or
controlled, then it may still be possible to
assess its likely strength and direction
9Healthy Worker Effect in a Longitudinal Study of
FEV1 and Exposure to Granite Dust
10Information Bias
- May occur when there is misclassification of
exposure or disease - If misclassification of exposure (or disease) is
unrelated to disease (or exposure) then the
misclassification is non-differential - If misclassification of exposure (or disease) is
related to disease (or exposure) then the
misclassification is differential
11Information Bias
- Is information bias likely to be differential or
non-differential? - If it is non-differential, then a positive
findings unlikely to be explained by
misclassification, but a negative finding may be
a false negative
- Occurs when the exposed and non-exposed groups in
the source population are not comparable, because
of inherent differences in background disease
risk - If there is the potential for uncontrolled
confounding, then it is important to attempt to
assess its likely strength and direction
13Assessment of Possible Confounding by Smoking in
a Study of Lung Cancer and Occupation
14Appraisal of a Single Study
- The two most common criticisms of epidemiological
studies are the possibility of uncontrolled
confounding misclassification of exposure or
disease (information bias) - Uncontrolled confounding is often weaker than
might be expected - Non-differential information bias will usually
produce false negative findings
15Chapter 10Interpretation
- Appraisal of a single study
- Appraisal of all of the available evidence
16Appraisal of All of the Available Evidence
Criteria for Assessing Causality (Bradford-Hill)
- Criteria based on epidemiological evidence
- Temporality
- Specificity
- Consistency
- Strength of association
- Dose-response
17Meta-Analysis Benefits
- Meta-analysis may reduce the possibility of false
negative results because of small numbers in
specific studies - It may enable the effect of exposure to be
estimated with greater precision
18Cohort Studies of Shipyard Welding and Lung Cancer
19Meta-Analysis Limitations
- Strikingly different results can be obtained
depending on which studies are selected - Meta-analysis reduces random error but does not
necessarily reduce systematic error, and may even
increase it - Meta-analysis therefore involves the same issues
as in a report on a single study, and both
quantitative and narrative elements are required
20Meta-Analysis Assessment of Possible Biases
- An advantage of meta -analyses is that possible
biases can be addressed using actual data rather
than hypothetical examples - For example, if smoking information is not
available in all studies, the extent of
confounding by smoking can be assessed in those
studies in which smoking information is available - Similarly, the possibility of information bias
can be assessed by contrasting particular studies
21Case-Control Studies of Phenoxy Herbicides and STS
22Case-Control Studies of Phenoxy Herbicides and NHL
23New Zealand Case-Control Study of Phenoxy
Herbicides and NHL
24Appraisal of All of the Available Evidence
Criteria for Assessing Causality (Bradford-Hill)
- Criteria based on comparing epidemiological
evidence with evidence from other sources - Plausibility
- Coherence
25Biological Plausibility
- Many major epidemiological findings (e.g. on
occupational carcinogens) were not biologically
plausible at the time they were first discovered - In many instances it has taken many years in the
laboratory to ascertain the mechanism involved in
established epidemiological findings - Biological implausibility should not, by itself,
be used to dismiss epidemiological findings
26Interpretation of EvidenceFrom Epidemiological
- The most common criticisms of epidemiological
findings are - There may be uncontrolled confounding
- Information on exposure and/or disease is not
perfect - The findings lack biological plausibility
27Interpretation of EvidenceFrom Epidemiological
- None of these considerations are sufficient in
themselves to dismiss the findings of an
epidemiological study - Assessment of epidemiological findings should be
based on all of the available evidence - It is important to assess the likely strength and
direction of possible biases
28A short introduction to epidemiologyChapter 10
- Neil Pearce
- Centre for Public Health Research
- Massey University, Wellington,
- New Zealand