Title: Selected Chapters in Pattern Recognition
1Selected Chapters in Pattern Recognition Prof.
Dr. Walter G.Kropatsch
Pyramids Topology Prof. Dr. Walter G.
Kropatsch krw_at_prip.tuwien.ac.at Helena
Molina-Abril habril_at_prip.tuwien.ac.at
2Selected Chapters in Pattern Recognition Pyramids
- Web page http//www.prip.tuwien.ac.at/teaching/ws
/AKME - Organisation
- VO Wednesday, 15.10.-10.12.2007 1600 - 1800
- UE December 2008 January 2009
- Discussion Student presentations
- Where Seminarraum 183/2, Favoritenstr.9-11, 4.
3Selected Chapters in Pattern Recognition Pyramids
Aim of the course To learn the concepts of
pyramids and topology, and how to extract
properties and features of digital images using
both of them.
4Selected Chapters in Pattern Recognition Pyramids
5Selected Chapters in Pattern Recognition Pyramids
6Selected Chapters in Pattern Recognition Pyramids
- Image Pyramids
- What are Image Pyramids?
- Image pyramids and discrete 2D images.
- Structure and types of Image Pyramids..
7Selected Chapters in Pattern Recognition Pyramids
- Topology
- What is Topology?
- Digital topology in 2D and 3D images.
8Selected Chapters in Pattern Recognition Pyramids
- Segmentation
- Segmentation with Pyramids.
- Pyramid Linking.
9Selected Chapters in Pattern Recognition Pyramids
- Graph Pyramids
- Graphs.
- Planar and Dual Graphs.
- Dual Image Graph.
- Dual Graph Pyramid
- Segmentation with Graph Pyramids
- Minimal Spanning Tree
10Selected Chapters in Pattern Recognition Pyramids
- Distance and Eccentricity Transform
- Distance Transform.
- Eccentricity Transform.
- Application and usages.
11Selected Chapters in Pattern Recognition Pyramids
- Topology preservation and Homology generators
- Topology preservation.
- Cell complex.
- Chain Complex.
- Homology and Homology generators.
- Integral Operators.
12Selected Chapters in Pattern Recognition Pyramids
- Kropatsch, W.G. Building Irregular Pyramids by
Dual Graph Contraction. Technical Report
PRIP-TR-35, Institute f. Automation 183/2, Dept.
for Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, TU
Wien, Austria, 1994. - Kropatsch, W.G., BenYacoub, S. A revision of
pyramid segmentation. In Walter G. Kropatsch,
editor, 13th International Conference on Pattern
Recognition, volume II, pages 477481. IEEE
Comp.Soc., 1996. - Brun, L., Kropatsch, W.G. Introduction to
Combinatorial Pyramids. In Gilles Bertrand,
Atsushi Imiya, and Reinhard Klette, editors,
Digital and Image Geometry, volume Vol. 2243 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 108128.
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2001. - Haxhimusa, Y., Kropatsch, W.G. Segmentation
Graph Hierarchies. In Ana Fred, Terry Caelli,
Robert P.W. Duin, Aurelio Campilho, and Dick de
Ridder, editors, Structural, Syntactic, and
Statistical Pattern Recognition, Joint IAPR
International Workshops on SSPR 2004 and SPR
2004, volume LNCS 3138 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 343351, Lisbon,
Portugal, August 2004. Springer, Berlin
Heidelberg, New York. - Haxhimusa, Y. The Structurally Optimal Dual
Graph Pyramid and its Application in Image
Partitioning. AKA and IOS Press, ISBN
978-1-58603-743-7. June 2007.
13Selected Chapters in Pattern Recognition Pyramids
Topology and Digital Images
- Lohmann, G. Volumetric Image Analysis. Wiley
Sons, 1998. - Kong, T.Y., Rosenfeld, A. Topological Algorithms
for Digital Image Processing. Elsevier, 1996. - González-Díaz, R., Real, P. On the Cohomology of
3D Digital Images. Discrete Applied Math, vol.
147 (2-3), 245-263 (2005). - Gonzalez-Diaz, R., Medrano, B., Sánchez-Peláez,
J., Real, P. Reusing Integer Homology
Information of Binary Digital Images. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4245, 199-210
(2006). - Gonzalez-Diaz, R., Jimenez, M.J., Medrano, B.,
Molina-Abril, H., Real, P. Integral Operators
for Computing Homology Generators at Any
Dimension, 2007. -
14Selected Chapters in Pattern Recognition Pyramids
Distance and Eccentricity Transform
- http//www.cee.hw.ac.uk/hipr/html/distance.html
- Klette, Rosenfeld Digital Geometry, 2004
- Ion, A., Kropatsch, W.G, Andres, E. Euclidean
Eccentricity Transform by Discrete Arc Paving. In
David Coeurjolly and Isabelle Sivignon, editors,
Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, volume
4992 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages
213224, Lyon, France, 2008. Springer, Berlin
Heidelberg. - Ion, A, Peltier, S.,Haxhimusa, Y., Kropatsch,
W.G. Decomposition for Efficient Eccentricity
Transform of Convex Shapes. In A. Hanbury W.
Kropatsch, M. Kampel, editor, The 12th
International Conference on Computer Analysis of
Images and Patterns (CAIP07), volume LNCS 4673 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 653660,
Vienna, Austria, August 2007. Springer, Berlin