Title: DependencyBased Automatic Evaluation for Machine Translation
1Dependency-Based Automatic Evaluation for Machine
- Karolina Owczarzak, Josef van Genabith, Andy Way
- National Centre for Language Technology
- School of Computing
- Dublin City University
- Automatic evaluation for Machine Translation
(MT) BLEU, NIST, GTM, METEOR, TER - Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) in language
processing parsing to simple logical forms - LFG in MT evaluation
- assessing level of parser noise the adjunct
attachment experiment - checking for bias the Europarl experiment
- correlation with human judgement the MultiTrans
experiment - Future work
3Automatic MT evaluation
- Automatic MT metrics fast and cheap way to
evaluate your MT system - Basic and most popular BLEU, NIST
- John resigned yesterday vs. Yesterday, John
quit - 1-grams 2/3 (john, yesterday)
- 2-grams 0/2
- 3-grams 0/1 Total 2/6 n-grams 0.33
- String comparison - not sensitive to legitimate
syntactic and lexical variation - Need large test sets and/or multiple references
4Automatic MT evaluation
- Other attempts to include more variation into
evaluation - General Text Matcher (GTM) precision and recall
on translation-reference pairs, weights
contiguous matches more - Translation Error Rate (TER) edit distance for
translation-reference pair, number of insertions,
deletions, substitutions and shifts - METEOR sum of n-gram matches for exact string
forms, stemmed words, and WordNet synonyms - Kauchak and Barzilay (2006) using WordNet
synonyms with BLEU - Owczarzak et al. (2006) using paraphrases
derived from the test set through word/phrase
alignment with BLEU and NIST
5Lexical-Functional Grammar
- Sentence structure representation
- c-structure (constituent) CFG trees, reflects
surface word order and structural hierarchy - f-structure (functional) abstract grammatical
(syntactic) relations
John resigned yesterday vs. Yesterday, John
triples SUBJ(resign, john) PERS(john, 3)
NUM(john, sg) TENSE(resign, past) ADJ(resign,
yesterday) PERS(yesterday, 3) NUM(yesterday,
sg) triples preds only SUBJ(resign,
john) ADJ(resign, yesterday)
6LFG Parser
- Cahill et al. (2004) LFG parser based on Penn II
Treebank (demo at http//lfg-demo.computing.dcu.ie
/lfgparser.html) - Automatic annotation of Charniaks/Bikels output
parse with attribute-value equations, resolving
to f-structures - Evaluation of parser quality comparison of
dependencies produced by the parser with the set
of dependencies in human annotation of same text,
precision and recall - Our LFG parser reaches high precision and recall
7LFG in MT evaluation
- Parse translation and reference into LFG
f-structures rendered as dependency triples - Comparison of translation and reference text on
structural (dependency) level - Calculate precision and recall on translation and
reference dependency sets - Comparison of two automatically produced outputs
- how much noise does the parser introduce?
John resigned yesterday SUBJ(resign,
john) PERS(john, 3) NUM(john, sg) TENSE(resign,
past) ADJ(resign, yesterday) PERS(yesterday,
3) NUM(yesterday, sg)
Yesterday, John resigned SUBJ(resign,
john) PERS(john, 3) NUM(john, sg) TENSE(resign,
past) ADJ(resign, yesterday) PERS(yesterday,
3) NUM(yesterday, sg)
8The adjunct attachment experiment
- 100 English Europarl sentences containing
adjuncts or coordinated structures - Hand-modified to change the placement of the
adjunct or the order of coordinated elements, no
change in meaning or grammaticality -
- Schengen, on the other hand, is not organic. lt-
original reference - On the other hand, Schengen is not organic. lt-
modified translation - Change limited to c-structure, no change in
f-structure - A perfect parser should give both identical set
of dependencies
9The adjunct attachment experiment - results
10The Europarl experiment
- N-gram-based metrics (BLEU, NIST) favour
n-gram-based translation (statistical MT) - Owczarzak et al. (2006)
- BLEU Pharaoh gt Logomedia (0.0349)
- NIST Pharaoh gt Logomedia (0.6219)
- Human Pharaoh lt Logomedia (0.19)
- 4000 sentences from Spanish-English Europarl
- Two translations
- Logomedia
- Pharaoh
- Evaluated with BLEU, NIST, GTM, TER, METEOR
(-WordNet), dependency-based method (basic,
predicate-only, -WordNet, -bitext-generated
paraphrases) - WordNet paraphrases used to create new
best-matching reference for the translation, then
evaluated with dependency-based method
11The Europarl experiment - results
Europarl 4000 Logomedia vs Pharaoh
12The MultiTrans experiment
- Correlation of dependency-based method with human
evaluation - Comparison with correlation of BLEU, NIST, GTM,
METEOR, TER - Linguistic Data Consortium Multiple Translation
Chinese Parts 2 and 4 - multiple translations of Chinese newswire text
- four human-produced references
- segment-level human scores for a subset of the
translations - total 16,800 translation-reference-human score
segments - Pearsons correlation coefficient
- -1 negative correlation
- 0 no correlation
- 1 positive correlation
13The MultiTrans experiment - results
Correlation with human judgement of translation
- Dependency-based method sensitive to grammatical
structure of the sentence more grammatical
translation more fluent translation - Different position of a word different local
(and global) structure the word appears in
dependency triples that do not match the
14Future work
- Use n-best parses to reduce parser noise and
increase number of matches
- Generate a paraphrase set through word alignment
from a large bitext (Europarl), use instead of
WordNet - Create weights for individual dependency scores
that contribute to segment-level score, train to
maximize correlation with human judgement
- New automatic method for evaluation of MT output
- LFG dependency triples simple logical form
- Evaluation on structural level, not surface
string form - Allows legitimate syntactic variation
- Allow legitimate lexical variation when used with
WordNet or paraphrases - Correlates higher than other metrics with human
evaluation of fluency -
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