State of Affairs of the Families of Police Personnel A Study conducted for the Bureau of Police Rese - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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State of Affairs of the Families of Police Personnel A Study conducted for the Bureau of Police Rese


Further, out of 39 constables and Head Constables only 5% are having education ... Post graduate while the majority of the constable comprising of 47% are graduate. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: State of Affairs of the Families of Police Personnel A Study conducted for the Bureau of Police Rese

State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi,Nov.29, 2007) 
By Dr. Akhilendra Kumar Pandey Faculty of
Law Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005
Universe of Study
  • The study on State of Affairs of Police Families
    in Varanasi district of Uttar Pradesh was
    conducted at the Police Stations of the District
    Rural and Urban. The questionnaire was
    circulated at many Stations of urban and rural

Collection of Data
  • The questionnaire was circulated among the
    police personnel in general but in our survey
    emphasis was on the state of affairs of the
    families of the Constables in particular.
    However, responses were collected from
    Sub-Inspectors, Senior Sub-Inspectors, Station
    House Officers and Circle Officers as well. (See,
    Table No. 1) Approximately 180 questionnaires
    were distributed but response from 60 respondents
    only was received. The response has been
    collected from nine Police Stations of Urban and
    four from rural area. (See, Table No. 2) Forty
    five responses were collected from urban Police
    Stations and fifteen from rural area Police

Table No. 1Designation of Respondent
  • Designation No. of Respondents
  • Constable 32
  • Head Constable 07
  • Sub-Inspector 11
  • Senior Sub-Inspector 02
  • Station House Officer 06
  • Circle Officer 02
  • Total 60

Table No. 1Designation of Respondent
Table No. 2
  • Name of Police Stations Urban/Rural
  • Lanka Urban
  • Bhelupur Urban
  • Sigra Urban
  • Manduadeeh Urban
  • Dashashwamedh Urban
  • Chowk Urban
  • Gyanwapi Urban
  • Kotwali Urban
  • Mahila Mahanagar Urban
  • Rohania Rural
  • Badagaon Rural
  • Phulpur Rural
  • Chaubaypur Rural
  •  Total 13
  • Urban 09
  • Rural 04

Data Analysis
  • (i)Educational Qualification Out of 60
    respondents 44 are graduate, 24 are post
    graduate. 25 are having Intermediate level of
    education. It is interesting that only 4 are
    having High School education and 5 are having
    Professional Degree. Further, out of 39
    constables and Head Constables only 5 are having
    education of High School level, 38.6 are having
    education up to Intermediate level and 10 are
    Post graduate while the majority of the constable
    comprising of 47 are graduate. Out of 4 Senior
    Sub Inspectors all are Post Graduate and two of
    them have Professional qualification like Law,
    Education also. More than 50 of the Sub
    Inspectors are graduate about 20 are Post
    graduate and 30 are having Professional degree
    in their credit. Out of 6 Station House Officers
    while 33 are graduate and 67 are Post graduate.
    All the Circle Officers are having Post graduate
    level of education. (See, Table No.3)

 Table No 3. Educational Qualification of
Police Personnel
Table No 3. Educational Qualification of Police
(ii) Age
  • Out of 60 respondents 30 comprising of 50 are
    in the age group of 26-40 years. Between 41 and
    50 year about 28 and about 22 are above 50
    Years. (See, Table No. 4) This figure suggests
    that the Police department is not attracting
    young generation.

(iii) Marital Status
  • Out of 60 respondents 59 are married while one
    lady Sub Inspector is unmarried. (See, Table No.
    5) It is relevant to mention here that in our
    survey only one woman police personnel respond.
    However, it would be premature to make a
    conjecture that women in police face the problem
    in their marriage.
  • Table No. 5
  • Marital Status

(iv) Age of Spouse
  • About 47 of the wives of police personnel are
    between the age intervals of 21 to 35 years, 38
    are in the age group of 36-45 and 13 of the
    wives of police personnel are 46 years and above.
    Table No. 6
  • Age of Wife of Respondents

(v) Family Size
  • While the size of the family in 25 of the cases
    is below 4, 43 are having family members up to 7
    . 15 of the police personnel are having family
    size some where between 8 and 10 and about 17
    are having bigger family size consisting of above
    11 members and above in the family.
  • Table No. 7

Table No. 7Family Size
(vi)Number of son
  • Out of 60 respondents 28.3 are having one son.
    43.3 are having two sons, 13.3 are having three
    sons and 15 of the police personnel are without
    son. None has four sons.
  • Table No. 8
  • Number of Sons

(vii)Number of Daughter
  • Out of 60 only one police man is having four
    daughters. 6.66 are having three daughters, 29
    are having two daughters while the majority
    constituting 44 are having only one daughter.
    20 of the Police personnel do not have a single
    daughter. Table No.9
  • Number of Daughters

(viii) Age of Son
  • While 20 of the respondents have sons below the
    age of 5 year, about 25 are having sons between
    the age group of 6 to 10. Further, 20 are having
    the sons in the age group of 11 to 15 year while
    30 are having sons above the age of 16 but below
    20 year. 15 are having sons above the age of 21
  • Table No. 10
  • Age of Sons

(ix) Age of Daughter
  • About 27 of the respondents have daughters
    below 5 year and 15 of the respondents have
    daughters in the age group of 6- 10 years. 18.33
    respondents have daughters in the age group of 11
    to 15 years and the same percentage is
    discernable having daughters above 16 below 20
    years. However, 15 of the respondents have
    daughters of 21 year and above.

Table No.11 Age of Daughters
(x) Education of Children
  • Children of 40 of the respondents are taking
    education at Primary level. 35 of the
    respondents are providing Secondary level
    education and the same percentage of the
    respondent is giving education to their children
    at Higher Secondary level. 33 of the respondents
    are providing education at graduation level while
    about 7 of the respondents are providing
    professional courses to their wards.

Table No. 12 Education of Children
(xi)Accommodation on Police Station Campus
  • The facility of accommodation at the place of
    work is available to only to 22 of the police
    personnel but this accommodation facility is not
    available to more than 78 of the police

Table No. 13 Accommodation on Police Station
(xii) Stay with Family
  • Only 43 of the respondents stay with their
    family and 57 of the respondents are away from
    their family. It may be said that 57 of the
    respondent are deprived of the association of
    their family members.
  • Table No. 14

State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)
(xiii) Parents Stay
  • The survey reveals that only 8.3 of the parents
    stay with the respondents while the substantial
    number of parents comprising of 92 (app.) does
    not stay with the respondents. The respondents
    and the old parents both are deprived of each
    others association.
  • Table No. 15

State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)
(xiv) Stay of In- laws
  • Out of 60 respondents 59 are married and only
    one woman Sub- Inspector is unmarried. Only one
    respondent has reported that his parent in l

State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)
(xv) Job of Spouse
  • Out of 60 respondents only 5 wives comprising of
    less than 10 respondents are doing jobs while
    90 are engaged in house hold activities.
    Further, out of that 6, 5 were in government
    employment and only one was in teaching
    profession at a private School.
  • Table No. 17

State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)
Table No. 18Distance between Place of Posting
and Family Residence
State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)
Table No. 19Duration of Work in Normal
State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)
Table No. 20Duration of Work in Extra ordinary
While more than 90 of the police personnel are
pressed into the service for 24 hours in
extra-ordinary situation, 5 of the respondents
put in 20 hours in such extra ordinary situation.
Only one respondent has reported that in
extra-ordinary situation he renders services by16
hours and similarly only one has reported that in
extra-ordinary situation he may be asked to put
in 12 hours. Above data further suggests that in
extra-ordinary and abnormal situation majority of
the respondents are required to put in 24 hours.
State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)
(xix)Feel Over burden/Exhaustion
  • While more than 68 of the respondents reported
    that they feel over burdened and exhausted and
    approximately 28 have reported that they do not
    feel over burdened or exhausted. But more than 3
    refrained from responding.
  • Table No. 21

State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)
Table No. 22Pressure of Superior Officers
Table No. 23 Pressure of Political Person
State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)
Table No. 24Leave
More than 26 of the respondents have reported
that they get the leave as and when demanded but
approximately 74 of the respondents are
reporting that they do not get the leave on
demand despite having the leave in their credit.
State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)
 Table No. 25(xxiii) Frequency of Home Visit
While about 47 of the respondents visit their
home once in a month, 20 visit home once in a
year. About 11 of the respondents visit home
once in three month and 5 in two months. Only
one respondent has reported that she did not
visit her home as she is on probation, and one
respondent visits home once in a week.
State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)
Table No. 26Visit to School of Child
State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)

Table No. 27Reason for not visiting
School of the Child
State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)
Table No. 28Book Purchase
More than 36 of the respondents have never
purchased the books etc. for their children,
about 33 have been regular in this exercise, 15
have reported that only once they purchased the
books for the children, 5 have purchased on a
few occasions only.
State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)
Table No. 29Sick Member in family
Table No. 30Patient Care
State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)
Table No. 31Visit to Doctor
State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)
Table No. 32Meal With Family Members
Not a single respondent had occasion to take
lunch with the family members, unless he is on
leave. 60 of the respondents have neither taken
break fast, nor lunch or dinner with the family
members. Approximately 8 of the respondents have
all the break fast, lunch, dinner, with the
family members. About 11 on some occasion have
taken either the break fast of the dinner with
the family members.
State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)
Table No. 33Attend Family Functions
While 50 of the respondents could not attend the
family function. On the other hand, more than 36
of the respondents get opportunity to attend the
family function regularly. However, 14 of the
respondents sometimes get the opportunity to
attend the family function.
State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)
Table No. 34Attend Friends Party
State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)
Family Function VS. Friends Party
State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)
Table No. 35Mode of Entertainment in family
35 of the respondents have no source of
entertainment. Neither they have Television,
transistor or radio nor they watch movie or enjoy
the picnic. More than 11 of the respondents
entertain their family by watching movie and same
number of respondents entertains themselves and
the family by joy ride. Only 5 on some occasions
have gone for picnic.
State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)
Table No. 36Job Satisfaction
State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)
Special Observation of Respondents
State of Affairs of the Families of Police
Personnel (A Study conducted for the Bureau of
Police Research and Development, Govt. of India,
New Delhi)

  • 78 of the personnel do not have accommodation
    facility on the police station campus.
  • About 22 have their family at a distance beyond
    150 km.
  • The family of 57 of the personnel does not stay
    with them.
  • About 92 of the parents do not stay with the
    police personnel.
  • Only 10 wives are doing jobs.

47 visit home once in a month. 45 have
never visited to school in which child is
getting education. 36 have never purchased
stationary for their child while 33 have done
this exercise regularly.
32 have a long sick person.
  • The conditions in which the police personnel are
    discharging their duties are hostile and adverse.
  • The conditions of work is neither humane nor up
    to the standard.
  • The basic freedoms and legal guarantees are not
  • Consequently, it affects the atmosphere in the
    family. Emotional deprivation may lead to
    delinquency among the children of police
    personnel leading to menace in the society.
  • The old and aged parents are not being looked
    after and thus their human rights will remain an
    empty slogan.
  • The wives are not in public domain.  

  • Highlights of Questionnaire

Highlights of Questionnaire
  • To understand the State of Affairs of the
    Families of Police Personnel, a structured
    questionnaire is framed and divided in to FOUR
  • 1. Personal Data
  • 2. Family Details
  • 3. Working Conditions
  • 4. General Behavior
  • This questionnaire contains 37 questions in all,
    and for the ease of the respondents there are 23
    closed ended questions and 14 open ended

1. Personal Data
  • Name
  • Designation
  • Name of the Police Station (Presently Posted)

  • Urban/Rural
  • 4. Educational Qualification
  • 5. Age
  • 6. Marital Status Married/Unmarried
  • 7. Age of Wife/Husband

2. Family Details
  • No. of family members
  • No. of son, age and class in which they are
  • (i)
  • (ii)
  • (iii)
  • 3. No. of daughter, age and class in which
    they are studying
  • (i)
  • (ii)
  • (iii)
  • 4. Do you have accommodation on Police
    Station campus Yes/No
  • 5. Do you stay with your family Yes/No
  • 6. Whether your parents stay with you
  • 7. Whether your in-laws stay with you
  • 8. Is your spouse working Yes/No
  • If yes, what is the nature of job
  • Govt./Autonomous./Private Company/other

3. Working Conditions
  • What is the distance between your place of work
    and the residence of your family members
  • Duration of duty during ordinary/normal
  • Duration of work during extra-ordinary situation
  • Do you feel over burdened Yes/No
  • Do you feel pressure from your superior officers
  • (a) A little bit (b) No (c) High
  • 6. Do you feel any political pressure in
    discharge of your duties Yes/No
  • 7. Do you get leave as and when desired
  • 8. Do you visit to your family
  • (a) Weekly (b) Fortnightly (c) Monthly (d)
  • 9. Do you visit to the school of your children
  • (a)
    Regularly (b) Sometimes (c) Not at all
  • 10. If not at all, what is the reason
  • 11. Is any member in your family sick since long

4. General Behavior
  • Do you take your meal with your family members
    Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner/ All
  • Is any one sick since long. If yes, who looks
    after the patient
  • (a) Yourself (b) Your wife (c) Your children (d)
    Your relatives /Friends(e) Any other person
  • Are you satisfied with your job Yes/No
  • If no, what is the reason/reasons
  • Do you attend all the family functions organized
    at your home Yes/No
  • Do you attend party hosted by your friend with
    family members Yes/No/Sometimes
  • How do you entertain your family members
  • By organizing picnic (i) Frequently (ii)
  • By watching movie (i) Frequently (ii)
  • TV/Video (i) Frequently (ii) Sometimes
  • By having joy ride (i) Frequently/
  • 8. Have you purchased books/note books for
    your son/ daughter
  • (a) Once (b) Regularly
    (c) Never
  • 9. Do you visit a doctor when you
    son/daughter/wife/husband is sick
  • Yes/No/Sometimes
  • 10. Do you have anything special to mention about
    your family or job

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