Title: AntiPing Security Demo
1Anti-Ping Security Demo
- Active Networks Seraphim Security
- Roy Campbell and Dennis Mickunas
- University of Illinois at Urbana
2Gnip pesky pings...
Gnipper Active Network Application
3Tasks Goals
- Demonstrate the advantages of active network
security - Change security dynamically
- Fine grain security control
- Security reconfiguration as the packet hops
- Show security provisions for Classic examples
Unwanted ping packets and traceroutes require
active defense from Gnipper Software
- What does an AN security application look like?
- Enforcement Application level versus Security
System level - Authorization, Domain interaction, Granularity,
Revocation - Interoperability, Backward Compatibility,
Conformance with Architecture
6The Ping Problem
7Ping Traverses Network
8Response travels back
9Source of Pings?
10Gnipper App. removes unwanted pings
11Restructured ANTS
12Innoculate the network
13A new ping arrives
14Gnipper revokes permission to reply
15Gnipper traces ping, if permitted installs
16Only one hop - no further info
17Classic Anet has no security assurance
18Classic Anet lacks hop source security
Security identification
19Another pesky ping
20No permission to reply
21Gnipper traverse Classic Anet to node with
22Now Pings stopped close to source
23Broadcast Gnipper
24Multicast Gnipper
25Issues Exemplified
- Masquerading-Can a extra node insert pings?
- Impersonation- ping like another?
- Replay- Can a node replay a valid ping?
- Authorization-When can a principal ping?
- Revocation- Can ping rights be removed?
- Can security be dynamically reconfigured?
- Is Gnipper correct?
26Advanced Issues
- Identifying capsules and capsule intent?
- Functionality -- capability (for method call)
versus application code (interpretation of
actions) - Non-repudiation of capsule changes and code
transformations in routing network - Trust model for network architecture
27Status of Project
- 1st Draft Active Network Security API conforming
to Node Architecture and Security Architecture - Prototype reference monitor complete
- Policy enforcement engine
- Application Security Insights
- Seraphim Active Network Security Demo
28Next Steps
- Trust Model
- Roles and Domains
- Approved Security Active Network API
- Formal Verification
- Demo of Security for Reliable Multicast
29News Item
SERAPHIM Project at University of Illinois
Announces Secure ANTS Roy H. Campbell M. Dennis
Mickunas Seraphim announces the availability of
a secure ANTS execution environment for the
ABONE. Secure ANTS incorporates the Seraphim
security reference monitor and conforms to the
Active Network Node OS and Active Network
Security Architectures. It provides a wide range
of security functions and security policies
including discretionary access control and active
capabilities. "Gnipper", an authenticated
security program written for secure ANTS counters
ping ANTS programs by revoking the specific user
privileges required to perform ping. Gnipper
produces a dynamic firewall that advances towards
the source of a selected ping activation,
preventing ping packets from penetrating beyond
the dynamic firewall. Current active network
research efforts propose novel network
architectures to enable fast protocol and service
deployment. However the dynamic and proactive
nature of these active networks adds a new
dimension to the security risks, and increases
the of possibility of attacks by malicious user
code. The goal of the Seraphim project is to
build security architecture for active networks
that is dynamic, reconfigurable, extensible and
interoperable. We plan to extend our suite of
dynamic security policies using roles and address
issues of interoperability across administrative
domains. Future security applications are being
designed for multicast and to counter a variety
of security attacks.