Title: Conceptual Design of Mixed-spectrum Supercritical Water Reactor
1Conceptual Design of Mixed-spectrum Supercritical
Water Reactor
- T. K. Kim
- Argonne National Laboratory
2Challenges of SCWR design in Neutronics
- Axial power shape control
- Large coolant density variation axially
- Smaller control rod worth
- Radioactive waste control
- Fast spectrum of SCWR can burn higher actinides
- Neutronics code system
- Multi-group, 3 dimensional, T/H coupling system
- HTC correlation in supercritical conditions
- Other issues
- Proliferation resistance and economy
3Mixed Spectrum SCWR Concept
- Advanced spectrum control is needed to maximize
merits of SCWR - Mixed-spectrum supercritical water reactor
- Separation fast and thermal spectrum radially
- Smaller power peaking factor and easier
reactivity control - Multi-purposed reactor
- Maximize thermal efficiency and economy of SCWR
concept without additional design features - Electric production and actinide Burning in fast
spectral core
4MS2 core
5Comparison of SCWR Assemblies
MS2 assembly
6Comparison of SCWR Designs
SCLWR-H 1) SCFR-H 1) INEEL 2) Inner core Outer core PWR
Thermal power, MW 3586 3893 3022 3400 3400 3411
Number of fuel assembly Active height, cm Power density, MW/m3 Fuel material Cladding material Fuel radius, cm Cladding thickness, cm Fuel pitch, cm P/D of fuel cell Assembly Shape Number of fuel rods Assembly pitch, cm 211 420.00 102.58 UO2 Ni-Alloy 0.4000 0.0400 0.9500 1.08 hexagonal 258 21.34 278 320.00 206.02 MOX Ni-Alloy 0.4400 0.0520 1.0100 1.03 hexagonal 198 15.66 121 427.00 69.07 UO2 ODS steel 0.4470 0.0630 1.1000 1.08 square 300 29.10 73 280.00 131.75 MOX Ni-Alloy 0.4400 0.0400 1.0000 1.04 hexagonal 378 20.71 204 280.00 113.15 MOX Ni-Alloy 0.4095 0.0572 1.2000 1.29 hexagonal 252 20.71 193 366.00 104.00 UO2 Zr 0.4095 0.0572 1.2500 1.34 square 264 21.50
Inlet temperature (in/out), oC 280/508 280/526 280/500 387/553 280/387 300/332
Coolant mass flow rate, kg/s 1816 1694 1561 1900 1900 17222
Coolant velocity (in/out) ,m/sec 2.5 / 2.1 3.2 / 29.5 1.4 / 12.5 12.6 / 41.6 0.7 / 2.0 4.6 / 5.2
- High Temperature Supercritical thermal reactor
(O. Oka, "Design Concept of Once-Through Cycle
Supercritical-Pressure Light Water Reactors,"
SCR-2000, Tokyo (2000) - INEEL design (tentative)
7WIMS8/SOLTRAN Code System
- WIMS8 used for lattice calculations
- Zonal cross sections are functionalized by state
parameters, - SOLTRAN used for core calculations
- Interface current nodal formulation of diffusion
and simplified P2 equation in multi-dimensional
hex-Z and X-Y-Z geometry - Multi-group, microscopic depletion
- Single-phase heat balance equation for T/H
feedback - HTC is updated by DB-, Modified DB-, and
Jacksons correlations
8MS2 Core Analysis (1)
- Burner
- Inner core MOX
- Th/TRU/U 32.5/15/32.5
- Fissile fraction 11
- Outer core MOX
- Th/Pu/U 3/8/89
- Fissile fraction 6.5
- Converter
- Inner core MOX
- Th/Pu/U 3/8/89
- Fissile fraction 6.5
- Outer core MOX
- Th/Pu/U 3/8/89
- Fissile fraction 6.5
9MS2 Core Analysis (2)
HTC Jacksons correlation
10Comparison of Axial Power and Temperature
Axial cladding surface temperature distribution
Axial power distribution
Axial coolant temperature distribution
11Comparison of MS2 Cores
- Burner
- Heterogeneous core (higher TRU and fissile
content in inner core) - 40/60 power sharing in inner/outer cores
- Higher power peaking factor in inner core due to
higher fissile content - Cladding temperature of outer core is much lower
than criteria due to lower power peaking factor - Converter
- Homogeneous core (same fuel composition of inner
and outer cores) - 25/75 power sharing in inner/outer cores due to
coolant density difference - Higher power peaking factor in outer core, which
causes higher cladding surface temperature
12Conclusions and Future Works
- Conceptual design of MS2 core was performed
- WIMS/SOLTRAN code system was developed for
supercritical water reactor core analysis - Feasibility of burner and converter with
mixed-spectrum SCWR was evaluated, but design
optimizations are necessary - Future works
- Optimize the core design for burner and converter
- Fuel cycle analysis
- Evaluation of waste and economics