Title: Data Modeling Using EntityRelationship Diagrams ERDs
- Data Modeling Using Entity-Relationship Diagrams
2N-ary relationship types
- We have suppliers (entity type) supplying
specific quantities of parts (entity type) for
projects (entity type)
3(No Transcript)
4ER Modeling Tools
- Believe it or not MS Word will do a good job
- gtgtClick on the Insert Tab
- gtgtOn the Illustrations sections, Click on Shapes
- gtgt Between Basic Shapes and FlowCharts,
youve got everything you need - MS Visio also works fine even though its diagrams
look different than what we saw in class - HOMEWORK NEXT TUESDAySCHEDULE CHANGE
5COMPANY ER Schema Diagram
- What if we need to record the salary
- for full-time employees and hourly
- rate for part time ones?
- Only Record dependents of full timers
- Is there a better way to model the
- fact that only some employees are
- managers?
6Problems with ER notation
- What if we have different types of entities
within the same entity type each with a number of
- Distinct features?
- Distinct relationships?
- University Database
- Faculty Employees (Rank, Tenure, Department,
Classes, etc ) - Administration Employees (Office Registrar,
Admissions) - Other Employees (Janitors, Lawn Care, etc )
- Extended Entity-Relationship (EER or E2R) Model
7Enhanced-ER (EER) Model Concepts
- Includes all modeling concepts of basic ER
- Additional concepts
- Subclasses/superclasses
- Specialization/generalization
- Attribute/relationship inheritance
- Object-oriented concepts
- Others
- More complete and accurate modeling
1- Subclass ? Superclass ? 2- Superclass ?
Subclasses? 3- Subclass_A ? Subclass_B ??
Superclass/Subclasses or IS-A relationships OOP
Attributes and relationships inheritance
9Instances of a specialization
10Subclasses and Superclasses
- Member of a subclass member of the superclass
- The subclass member is the same entity in a
distinct specific role - Can belong to more than 1 subclass
- A salaried employee who is also an engineer
belongs to the two subclasses ENGINEER and
SALARIED_EMPLOYEE - An entity of a subclass inherits all attributes
and relationships of the superclass
- Is the process of defining a set of subclasses of
a superclass - Based upon some distinguishing characteristics of
the entities in the superclass - SECRETARY, ENGINEER, TECHNICIAN is a
specialization of EMPLOYEE based upon job type - Can have multiple sets of subclasses
- Attributes of a subclass are called specific
attributes - TypingSpeed of SECRETARY
12Several Specializations - JobType- MethodOfPay
- ManagementResponsibilities
Disjointness Constraint (d/o) (disjoint/overlappin
g next slide)
Completeness Constraint
No need to be inclusive! (non-managers)
Specific Attributes
Specific Relationships
13 O
- We may have several specializations of the same
superclass - Based on method of pay is SALARIED_EMPLOYEE,
HOURLY_EMPLOYEE - The subclass can participate in specific
relationship types - For example, BELONGS_TO of HOURLY_EMPLOYEE
15Constraints for Generalization and Specialization
- Disjointness Constraint
- Specifies that the subclasses of the
specialization must be disjointed (an entity can
be a member of at most one of the subclasses of
the specialization) - Specified by d in EER diagram
- If not disjointed, overlap that is the same
entity may be a member of more than one subclass
of the specialization - Specified by o in EER diagram
- Completeness Constraint
- Total specifies that every entity in the
superclass must be a member of some subclass in
the specialization/ generalization - Shown in EER diagrams by a double line
- Partial allows an entity not to belong to any of
the subclasses - Shown in EER diagrams by a single line
- The reverse of the specialization process
- Several classes with common features are
generalized into a superclass - Original classes become its subclasses
- CAR, TRUCK generalized into VEHICLE
- Both CAR, TRUCK become subclasses of the
superclass VEHICLE - We can view CAR, TRUCK as a specialization of
VEHICLE - Alternatively, we can view VEHICLE as
generalization of CAR and TRUCK
18(No Transcript)
20(No Transcript)
21- Hierarchy vs. lattice
- Exercise 4.20 in book p. 135