Title: Quark Matter '08 Jaipur India
1Why does high-pt suppression persist at forward
- I.G. Bearden ( for the BRAHMS collaboration)
- Niels Bohr Institute, Københavns Universitet
- Introduction
- Experiment
- Results
- 200GeV AuAu
- 62GeV CuCu AuAu
- Model Comparisons
- Summary
3The BRAHMS Experiment
Two small solid angle spectrometers (FS and MRS)
provide excellent PID over broad range in y-pT
4Nuclear Modification
Quantified by
- yield relative to that from NN collisions,
scaled for the nuclear geometry (Nbin)
- Cronin Enhancement
- Shadowing/Saturation
- Jet-quenching
5Charged hadron pT spectra 200GeV AuAu
Nb filled are , open -, drawn lines are BRAHMS
pp data
6RAA for charged hadrons
- at high pT, the charged hadron yields produced in
most central 0-10 AuAu collisions are
suppressed compared to binary scaled pp yields - Little change in RAA as function of eta
BRAHMS Preliminary
7 RAA _at_ 62.4 GeV
BRAHMS Preliminary
BRAHMS Preliminary
8Caveat emptor!
9RAuCu0- 10 40-60
10RAuCu with same Ncoll at Midrapidity
11RAuCu mid vs. forward 62.4GeV (10)
Midrapidity Forward (3.1)
12RAuCu with same radius
13RAA for identified particles (200GeV)
- the charged pion yields are suppressed by a
factor of 2-3 as compared with binary scaled
pp pion yields. - RAA for pions is independent of rapidity
- the proton and antiproton yields in central AuAu
at 200 GeV do not show suppression, baryon meson
difference remains
14RAA at 62.4 GeV, y0
BRAHMS Preliminary
BRAHMS Preliminary
15RAA, ygt3, 62GeV, top 10 central
16HydroJet Interplay between Soft and Hard
- Calculation based on two models with CGC as
initial conditions - 3D hydrodynamic model (Hydro)?
- dynamics of high pT partons (Jet)?
- pT,cross is the point for YieldsoftYieldhard
- pT,cross moves toward high pT with mass of
particles because of the effects of radial flow.
PT, cross 1.8 GeV/c for ? 2.7 GeV/c for K 3.7
GeV/c for p
Interesting region ?Intermediate pT (2ltpTlt3.5
GeV/c)? Pion ?hard, Proton ?soft
17Model comparison I
- pT spectra for charged hadrons in 200 GeV AuAu
reasonably well described by the hydrojet model
calculation at ?3.2
18Model comparison II
Barnafoldi et al. hep-ph 0609023
opacity n L/l L effective length of
matter l mean free path less jet quenching
stronger initial effects at higher
rapidities maintain rapidity independent NMF
19Is RAA an appropriate measure?
Two rather different Models both reproduce RAA.
RAA only tells us that we only see particles
from near Hotdense surface?
Renk, Eskola, PRC 75, 054910 (2007)
Wicks,Horowitz,Djordjevic,Gyulassy NPA 784, 426
- At 200GeV, intermediate pT constant behavior vs.
y - For 62.4GeV, pronounced changes from mid to
forward rapidity. - ? suppressed for 62.4 y3.4, p suppressed but
not partonically - RAA flat for same mean radius (ltRgt). Why?
- Hydrojet looks good, but...
- RAA not a good model descriminator