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starter activity


During the second interval we had just left the box, as it was so hot, when we ... Wager on the strong' creation of new prosperous class of peasants ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: starter activity

? starter activity
Peter Stolypin, Russian Prime Minister (replacing
Witte) from 1906-11 when he was assassinated at
Kirov Opera House.
Tsar Nicholas IIs account of Stolypins murder
  • During the second interval we had just left the
    box, as it was so hot, when we heard two sounds
    as if something had been dropped. I thought an
    opera glass might have fallen on somebody's head
    and ran back into the box to look. To the right I
    saw a group of officers and other people. They
    seemed to be dragging someone along. Women were
    shrieking and, directly in front of me in the
    stalls, Stolypin was standing. He slowly turned
    his face towards me and with his left hand made
    the sign of the Cross in the air. Only then did I
    notice he was very pale and that his right hand
    and uniform were bloodstained. He slowly sank
    into his chair and began to unbutton his tunic.
    People were trying to lynch the assassin. I am
    sorry to say the police rescued him from the
    crowd and took him to an isolated room for his
    first examination.

Did Stolypin get his just desserts?
? Aims
  • To assess Stolypins achievements
  • Explain why he might have been assassinated

? Your task
  • You are going to evaluate the successes and
    failures of Stolypin. As you work through each
    section record information in the appropriate
    section of your scales chart.
  • Read Oxley, p.70-71 and
  • Explain why Stolypin made land reform a priority
  • Summarise the key reforms he introduced

Land reform
  • Strengthen support for regime bringing liberals
    peasants on board
  • Peasant support esp. important largest
    proportion of population, numbers growing

Land reform
  • State Crown lands made available to Peasants
    Land Bank for sale to peasants (kulaks)
  • Peasants could withdraw from their commune (mir)
    set up on their own
  • End to land redistribution land passed
    automatically to head of family
  • Peasants had more incentive to improve their land
  • 3 million received govt. aid to est. farms in

? Your task
  • Read the first 2 paragraphs on p.72 and list
    other reforms or policies Stolypin successfully

Other reforms
  • Primary schools doubled (1905-14)
  • Spending on health, poor relief, aid for farmers
    doubled (1906-12)

? Your task
  • Read the remainder of p. 72 and list negative
    reactions to Stolypins reforms.

  • Attempts to introduce greater religious
    toleration for Jews
  • Plan to extend zemstva into non-Russian areas
    rejected by State Council (appointed upper
    chamber of Duma)proposals for lower level of
    zemstva rejected

? Your task
  • Now Read Lynch, p.27-8 and add any further
    evidence of successes or failures for Stolypin

  • Successes
  • Wager on the strong creation of new
    prosperous class of peasants
  • Fostered good working relationship with duma
    last opportunity for peaceful reform under Tsars
  • Failures
  • Land reforms took time Stolypin spoke of
    needing 20 years, but was killed after 5
  • Conservatism of Russian peasants by 1914 only
    10 of land taken out of mirs
  • Ministry of Agriculture lost confidence in reforms

? Plenary
  • On balance do you think Stolypins successes
    outweighed his failures?
  • Some historians believe the Tsar and his
    government conspired with the Socialist
    Revolutionaries to kill Stolypin. Do you believe
    this conspiracy theory?

Stolypins grave, Kiev
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