Title: Media As Linkage Institution
1Media As Linkage Institution
2The Mass Media
- A free press is not a privilege but an organic
necessity in a great society. Without criticism
and reliable and intelligent reporting, the
government cannot govern. - Walter Lippmann, Journalist/Scholar
3The Role of the Mass Media in Democracy A
Linkage Institution
- Linkage Institution Link people with government
and its policies - How? . . .
- Informational Role
- Watchdog Over Government
- Clarifying Electoral Choices
- Providing Policy Information
- From People in Government to the Public
- From the Public to People in Government
4It provides information but HOW WELL DOES IT DO
- Informational Role
- Watchdog Over Government
- Clarifying Electoral Choices
- Providing Policy Information
- From People in Government to the Public
- From the Public to People in Government
5Garbled Information Why?
- Intentional Bias
- Usually ideological in nature
- The distortion of information caused by
intentional (liberal or conservative) bias is
limited by different types of participants - Ex Liberal Reporters and Conservative Owners
they balance either other out
6Garbled Information Why?
- Structural Bias
- The distortion of information caused by
structural bias is much more severe than that
caused by intentional bias - Numerous aspects of structural bias
- 1. Profit Motives
- Widest Possible Audience
- Limited Geography of Political News
- Episodic Foreign Coverage
- Beats and Routines
7- Structural Bias (continued)
- 2. Professional Norms of Journalists
- Reliance on Official Sources
- Nationalism
- Preference for Conflict
8- Structural Bias (continued)
- Professional Norms of Journalists
- Negativity Bias
- Emphasis on Scandal
- Hooks and Newspegs
- Pack Journalism
- Objectivity and Refraining from Interpretation
- Limited and Fragmented Information
- 3. Corporate Structure
9Corporate Structure Consolidation and Monopolies
Newspapers Gannett (USA Today, New York Times,
Washington Post), Knight-Ridder, Newhouse
Television General Electric, Westinghouse,
Disney, Time Warner
Book Publishing Six Corporations make more than
50 of all book publishing revenues
Magazines Time Warner (40 of all magazine
revenue), Gannett, News Corporation
ABC/Capitol Cities
Timer Warner
General Electric
MTV, Nickelodeon, Showtime, Paramount Pictures,
Simon and Schuster, Blockbuster Video, CBS TV an
CNN Turner Broadcasting
11Structural bias unintentionally shapes news
content in ways that damages the ability of the
media to fulfill its linkage function its
informational role.
- 4. Uniformity News Services
- 5. Constraints of the Format
- Sound bites, video, column inches they are
require a certain type of content