Title: Engineering Optimization
1Engineering Optimization
- Concepts and Applications
Fred van Keulen Matthijs Langelaar CLA
H21.1 A.vanKeulen_at_tudelft.nl
2Recap / overview
Special topics
Linear / convex problems
Sensitivity analysis
Topology optimization
Solution methods
Unconstrained problems
Constrained problems
Optimality criteria
Optimality criteria
Optimization algorithms
Optimization algorithms
3Summary optimality conditions
- Conditions for local minimum of unconstrained
4Stationary point nature summary
Definiteness H Nature x Positive
d. Minimum Positive semi-d. Valley Indefinit
e Saddlepoint Negative semi-d. Ridge Negati
ve d. Maximum
5Complex eigenvalues?
- Question what is the nature of a stationary
point when H has complex eigenvalues?
- Answer this situation never occurs, because H is
symmetric by definition. Symmetric matrices have
real eigenvalues (spectral theory).
6Nature of stationary points
- Nature of initial position depends on load
7Nature of stationary points (2)
8Unconstrained optimization algorithms
- Single-variable methods
- 0th order (involving only f )
- 1st order (involving f and f )
- 2nd order (involving f, f and f )
- Multiple variable methods
9Why optimization algorithms?
- Optimality conditions often cannot be used
- Function not explicitly known (e.g. simulation)
- Conditions cannot be solved analytically
100th order methods pro/con
- Strengths
- No derivatives needed
- Work also for discontinuous / non-differentiable
functions - Easy to program
- Robust
11Minimization with one variable
- Why?
- Simplest case good starting point
- Used in multi-variable methods during line search
12Termination criteria
- Stop optimization iterations when
- Solution is sufficiently accurate (check
optimality criteria) - Progress becomes too slow
- Maximum resources have been spent
- The solution diverges
- Cycling occurs
13Brute-force approach
- Simple approach exhaustive search
- Disadvantage rather inefficient
14Basic strategy of 0th order methods for
single-variable case
- Find interval a0, b0 that contains the minimum
(bracketing) - Iteratively reduce the size of the interval ak,
bk (sectioning) - Approximate the minimum by the minimum of a
simple interpolation function over the interval
aN, bN
- Sectioning methods
- Dichotomous search
- Fibonacci method
- Golden section method
15Bracketing the minimum
Starting point x1, stepsize D, expansion
parameter g user-defined
- Bracketing and sectioning methods work best for
unimodal functionsAn unimodal function
consists of exactly one monotonically increasing
and decreasing part
17Dichotomous search
Main Entry dichotomousPronunciation
dI-'kät--ms also d-Function adjective
dividing into two parts
- Conceptually simple idea
- Try to split interval in half in each step
18Dichotomous search (2)
- Interval size after 1 step (2 evaluations)
19Dichotomous search (3)
20Sectioning - Fibonacci
- Situation minimum bracketed between x1 and x3
- Test new points and reduce interval
21Optimal sectioning
- Fibonacci method optimal sectioning method
- Given
- Initial interval a0, b0
- Predefined total number of evaluations N, or
- Desired final interval size e
22Fibonacci sectioning - basic idea
- Start at final interval and use symmetry and
maximum interval reduction
IN-1 2IN
23Sectioning Golden Section
- For large N, Fibonacci fraction b converges to
golden section ratio f (0.618034)
24Sectioning - Golden Section
25Comparison sectioning methods
- Conclusion Golden section simple and near-optimal
26Quadratic interpolation
- Three points of the bracket define interpolating
quadratic function
- For minimum a gt 0!
- Shift xnew when very close to existing point
27Unconstrained optimization algorithms
- Single-variable methods
- 0th order (involving only f )
- 1st order (involving f and f )
- 2nd order (involving f, f and f )
- Multiple variable methods
28Cubic interpolation
- Similar to quadratic interpolation, but with 2
points and derivative information
29Bisection method
- Optimality conditions minimum at stationary
point? Root finding of f
- Similar to sectioning methods, but uses
30Secant method
- Also based on root finding of f
31Unconstrained optimization algorithms
- Single-variable methods
- 0th order (involving only f )
- 1st order (involving f and f )
- 2nd order (involving f, f and f )
- Multiple variable methods
32Newtons method
- Again, root finding of f
- Basis Taylor approximation of f
33Newtons method
- Best convergence of all methods
34Summary single variable methods
- Bracketing
- Dichotomous sectioning
- Fibonacci sectioning
- Golden ratio sectioning
- Quadratic interpolation
- Cubic interpolation
- Bisection method
- Secant method
- Newton method
0th order
1st order
2nd order