Title: Guerino Mazzola U Minnesota
1The Rubato Collaboratory for Music
Guerino Mazzola U Minnesota ZürichGérard
Milmeister U ZürichKarim Morsy TU
MünchenFlorian Thalmann U Bern www.rubato.org
Rubato NEXTSTEP (Guerino Mazzola, Oliver
Zahorka), OS X (Jörg Garbers), Java (Stefan
Göller, Stefan Müller)
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3- Art of collaboration is characterized by
- the flow of a distributed identity
- that is built on gestural communication
- within a collaborative space (collaboratory)
4- Art of collaboration is characterized by
- the flow of a distributed identity
- that is built on gestural communication
- within a collaborative space (collaboratory)
5- Flow (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)is being described
as being completely involved in an activity for
its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies.
Every action, movement, and thought follows
inevitably from the previous one, like playing
jazz.Jazz improvisation as flow...the music
will work itself...goes into
autopilot...stream of consciousnessB..J.
Kenney M. Gellrich Improvisation. In R.
Parncutt and G.E. McPherson (eds.) The science
and psychology of musical performance. Creative
Strategies for teaching and learning. New York
OUP 2002
6Flow Flow is typical in jazz as a distributed
identity. Listen a moment to flow in the
Geisser-Mazzola-Kato-Saga quartet Live at
Airegin (Yokohama), ayler records aylDL-056Yuki
Saga, voc.Takayuki Kato, egt.Heinz Geisser,
perc.Guerino Mazzola, p.
7- Art of collaboration is characterized by
- the flow of a distributed identity
- that is built on gestural communication
- within a collaborative space (collaboratory)
The body is in no way supposed to get involved in
Western music. I try to imitate on the piano the
leaps in space a dancer makes.
Fouriers Formula fF(t) ? n an ei2?nFt
11Fouriers Ballet
12ET-Dance Gesture
13The Oniontologie of Embodiment
14Axis of Embodiment
15- Art of collaboration is characterized by
- the flow of a distributed identity
- that is built on gestural communication
- within a collaborative space (collaboratory)
16- Computer scientist Bill Wulf defines (1989)
- A Collaboratory is a 'center without walls' in
which the nation's researchers can perform their
research - without regard to geographical location,
- interacting with colleagues,
- accessing instrumentation,
- sharing data and computational resources,
- and accessing information in digital libraries.
17The Rubato Composer Space
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20 how to represent grace notes? e.g. in MuseData
Schenker analysisGTTMComposition
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25presto (Atari) 1988 -
26grid of translations ? grid diagram of morphisms
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32Rubato Composer Gérard Milmeister, Karim
Morsy, Florian Thalmann, Carlos Agon, Moreno
Andreatta, Yun-Kang Ahn (IRCAM)
33The Rubato Composer Space
34The marks are made, and you survey the thing like
you would a sort of graph. And you see within
this graph the possibilities of all types of fact
being planted..D. Sylvester Interview with
Francis Bacon The Brutality of Fact. Thames and
Hudson, New York 1975