Title: R
1RD needs for the protection of first responders
against catastrophic terror attacks
- Div. of Physics and Biophysics
- University of Salzburg
- Risk due to international terrorism
- Interdisciplinary risk management
- RD needs for risk minimisation
31. Risk due to international terrorism
4Peter GRIDLING, Head,Counter-Terrorism Unit,
EUROPOL, Sept. 2002
- It is now only a matter of time before the
offer meets the demand in such lethal substances
(i.e., for nuclear material). Possibly the
question is not if, but when the first attempt
will occur
Div.of Physics Biophysics
5The war on terrorism is not over. It is just
the beginning. And unfortunately we must prepare
for the worst to come.
- Jim LEACH,
- Chairman,
- Asia-Pacific and International Terrorism
Subcommittees, - Washington, D.C.,
- October 23, 2003
Div.of Physics Biophysics
6In Germany we have an Islamic scene which is
willing to carry out such (catastrophic) terror
- August HANNING,
- President,
- Bundesnachrichtendienst,
- Germany,
- 21 Nov. 2003
Div.of Physics Biophysics
7 1. Muslim jihadists are increasing in both
number and geographic dispersion2. New
jihadists networks and cells are increasingly
likely to emerge3. Veteran foreign jihadists
might focus their efforts on operations outside
- US National Intelligence Estimate
- April 2006
- consensus of 16 US intelligence agencies
Div.of Physics Biophysics
8New Dimension of TerrorCatastrophic Terrorism
- Suicide terrorism
- Weapons of mass killing
- Weapons of mass destruction
- Parallel attack on IT system
- Intentional environmental contamination
Total energy release 50 trucks with TNT
Div.of Physics Biophysics
9Increasing brutalitySuicide terrorism
- Period 2000-2003
- No. of suicide attacks 354
- No. of persons killed
- 3 125
- Increasing no. of first responders among victims
Div.of Physics Biophysics
102. Interdisciplinary risk management
11Main risks for first responders due to
catastrophic terrorismCBRNE IT
- Chemical (Sarin)
- Biological (Anthrax)
- Radiological (Dirty Bomb)
- Nuclear (Crude device)
- Explosive (Truck bomb)
- Information Technology (Cyber-attack)
123. FE Needs for Risk Minimisation
- NATO - Emergency Preparedness After a Major
Terror Attack (2006) - EU Ass. of the Vulnerabilities of Modern
Societies to Terrorist Acts (2004)
13EU First Responders and CBRNEIT
- Military special units will arrive after 12 hours
- No uniform recommendations about decontamination
procedures for first responders - Slow/complicated/costly sampling procedures
- EU-Average
Div.of Physics Biophysics
14EU-Emergency management and CBRNEIT
- No common operational concept
- No standardised CBRNE-training
- Outdated training material (e-learning,
Div.of Physics Biophysics
15CBRNEIT Scenarios
- Only few terror scenarios have been modelled
sufficiently (no data on concentration, dose, no.
different casualties, etc) - No sensitivity analysis for most terror attack
modelling - No account for 2nd and 3rd order effects
Div.of Physics Biophysics
16Secondary effects of CBRNE terror attacks
- Inadequate data on socio-economic effects of
society under attack - No training of first responders on psychological
stress in view of mass killings
Div.of Physics Biophysics
17B-Terror and the EU
- No early warning system
- Inadequate detection methods for agro-terror
attack - Moderate degree of automated measuring methods
Div.of Physics Biophysics
18CBRNE-personal protection equipment (PPE) for
first responders
- Inadequate PPE for medical professionals
- Inadequate PPE for public servants
- Inadequate cooling capability
- Inadequate communication capabilities
- Inadequate gas masks for special tasks
Div.of Physics Biophysics
19There is no little nuclear weapon...
Div.of Physics Biophysics
20Failure of first responders...
Div.of Physics Biophysics
21E mailfriedrich.steinhaeusler_at_sbg.ac.at
Div.of Physics Biophysics