Title: Head
1Head Neck Cancer Audit DAHNO
- An update from the DAHNO workshops
- Gaining Momentum
- April 2005
- About DAHNO
- Progress Highlights
- Roll Out Update
- System Releases
- Data Collection, Completeness, Quality
Submission - Frequent Clinical Questions
- Update on Deprivation
- Next Steps During 2005/06
- Helpful Hints How to Make DAHNO a Success
- Further Information Sources
3About DAHNO
- Aim to enhance the care of head neck cancer
patients through the continuous process of
reviewing and making changes to meet agreed
standards - Context
- Peer Review
- NICE Guidance
- Public Accounts Committee
- Delivered by the NHS Health Social Care
Information Centre - Joint working with NHS Connecting for Health,
professional organisations (BAHNO) and Cancer
Registries - Commissioned by the Healthcare Commission
4DAHNO Progress Highlights
- DAHNO Audit was rolled out during 2004
- The DAHNO Project Team uses a collaborative
approach project management clinical
leadership IT system user interface reporting - Participation and enthusiasm is increasing
- Working with the Information Standards Board
(ISB) to mandate the DAHNO minimum dataset - Helpdesk support user with technical and clinical
queries - Website recently redesigned (www.dahno.com)
5Network Summary of Connectivity to DAHNO as at
mid April 2005
71 of cancer sites have connected to DAHNO
All main or all sites connected
Approx 50 sites connected and making progress
Few or no sites connected
29 of cancer sites are still not connected to
6Network Summary of Data Submitted to DAHNO as at
mid April 2005
44 of cancer sites have submitted data to DAHNO
at least once
At least one data submission from all sites or
all main sites
56 of cancer sites have not submitted any data
At least one data submission from approx 50 sites
At least one data submission from few sites or no
1,052 patient records submitted as at mid March
7DAHNO System Releases National Data Analysis
- Available from 2 May 2005, including
- Demographics
- Diagnosis Staging, including cancer waiting
intervals - Patient Outcomes
- Provide a summary of the national statistics
- Enable comparison with local data
- Figures must be treated with caution until system
has bedded down and enough data has been gathered - Reports in subsequent releases will include
- Treatment larynx
- Treatment oral cavity
8Example Report - Demographics Report
9Data Collection
- The provision of accurate, complete and timely
data is inextricably linked to the quality of
care delivered in a patient episode - Graham Putnam, Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon,
North Cumbria Acute Hospitals NHS Trust - The challenge
- assimilating and incorporating disparate
information sources to accurately reflect the
care pathway and allow analysis of that episode
10Data Collection Considerations
- Mechanisms for data collection and entry
- Key levels of responsibility
- Single point of control
- Clinician involvement
- Clinical sign off
- Use of proforma or direct data entry
- Maximum or minimum data set
- Trigger event
- Histological conformation
- 2 week rule referral
- Corporate responsibility for the process
Audit clerk
Referral Site
Patient 1st seen
DAHNO Data Entry Flow
Diagnostic tests
Clinic visit patient given diagnosis
Register Carespell Diagnostic tests Imaging Diagno
stic summary
Register Carespell Diagnostic tests Imaging Diagno
stic summary
MDT discussion
Clinic care plan agreed
Surgical Info
Surgical Info
Radio or chemo
Radio or chemo info
MDT discussion
Any further information Including further care
plans, tests, treatment etc
Clinical status assessment
Clinical status assessment
Clinical governance meeting
Sign off
12Data Completeness
- Ideally 100
- Lack of data should not prevent record generation
- Process of data collection should be well defined
- The MDT forms a useful forum for
- Collecting data
- Resolution of queries
- Identify difficult to collect items
- Local strategy to ease collection
13Data Completeness for Meaningful Analysis
- It is important that clinicians ensure high
levels of data completion for - Clinical sign off of patient Care Spell records
- Staging
- Very variable levels of recording so far
- It is the responsibility of clinicians - ideal
time is at MDT - Help text/staging guide is available
- UICC version 5 at present
- Co-morbidity
- Co-morbidity co-existent disease
- Major role in outcome of cancer therapy
- Adult Co-morbidity Evaluation 27 index
- Applicable
- Accurate and reliable
- Impact on the outcome
- Overall grade simple integer by summation or
highest ranked ailment
14Data Quality
- Regular assessment
- Routine record check
- Dummy record for standardisation
- Comparison to national figures
- Difficult areas include
- Staging
- Interpretation of operative records
- Maintenance of quality
15Data Submission
- DAHNO application direct data entry
- At sign off
- At addition of subsequent events
- Database replication will deal with populating
DAHNO server - CSV upload
- Monthly
- Good database housekeeping to prevent duplicates
16Clinical Helpdesk
- Categories of clinical enquiries
- Errors
- Data manual errors e.g. incorrect statement
- Transcription errors e.g. missed item in code
list - Translational errors e.g. incorrect attribution
code - Mandatory field prevents progression
- Negative value calculation
- Maximum v Minimum Dataset
- Coding Knowledge
- Patient Pathway issues
- Desirability changes
17Frequent Clinical Questions
- Maximum v minimum dataset
- Minimum fields requested for PHASE I of audit
- Maximum optional extension assisting broader
collection - Searching for fields in minimum which are part of
maximum - Some confusion on sites bordering oral cavity and
larynx - E.g. base of tongue or tonsil - oropharynx
partial laryngectomy as part of tonsil tumour
treatment procedure - Coding knowledge
- Consultant code e.g. adding a new consultant
- Consultant code is C followed by GMC number
- i.e. Joe Bloggs C 1234567
- Operation codes
- codes included match National Cancer Dataset head
and neck - mapped to OPCS and Reed - limitation of what is available which hopefully
will be improved in the future
18Frequent Clinical Questions
- Patient Pathway
- Difficulties faced where referring trust does not
enter information to prime pathways data
sharing agreements - Recognise that all patient transfers are
initiated as a referral - Review of rule base
- Time intervals and negative values
- Desirable changes
- Adjusting screen design to make system a closer
match a full clinical system - Have to balance against prime function as an
audit system - Future network-based comprehensive cancer
information systems from which Secondary Uses
Service (SUS) has the potential to seamlessly
extract cancer and other audit data
19Update on Deprivation
- How will it be done?
- Cant do for every home
- Use census super output area average 1500
people - An index IMD (index of multiple deprivation) is
calculated as an average of the elements of
geographic location by postcode - IMD is not a linear score so tend to use IMD rank
- (1 most deprived to 32482 least deprived)
- DAHNO will assign by each individual postcode IMD
rank to each patient record - Based on national census data
- Reflects
- Income
- Employment
- Crime
- Health and disability
- Living environment
- Education, Skills and Training
- Housing and social services
- Find out more about deprivation at www.DAHNO.com
20Next Steps During 2005/06
- Focus
- Providing support to sites not yet connected,
i.e. site visits - Escalating sites unwilling to connect/non
responsive sites to the Healthcare Commission - Data quality, quantity, completeness submission
frequency - Developments
- Compliance and data monitoring
- Full set of analysis reports on the DAHNO system
- First Annual Report to be published during last
qtr 2005/6 - Mandating the minimum dataset
- Working on the (Secondary Uses Service) migration
- Developing browser view
- Considering Cancer Waiting Times (CWT) linkage
21Helpful Tips How to Make DAHNO a Success?
- Where possible have a full time staff member to
manage the audit - Plan sign off and integrate with clinical
governance - Agree data sharing and transfer at network level
- Understand the local process for data collection
- Feedback and compare with national norms
- Manage the data collection process
- Agree trigger for record generation
- Involve 2nd trust and agree data flows
- Capture late events
- Have network wide MDTs with good representation
- Success comes from everyone involved
understanding the process of data collection
- Plan the implementation carefully
- Minimise the amount of time the clinician is
involved in routine data collection - Not necessary for clinicians to record referral
or admin details, but input invaluable for
clinical items - Enable clinicians to supplement data collection
without placing entire burden upon them - Engage clinical teams and encourage clinical
ownership of the audit - Include consultants, dieticians, speech
language therapists, clinical nurse specialists - Allocate and define key roles/responsibilities
- Build relationships with opposite number at other
sites/trusts to share best practice and
coordinate the data flow
22Secondary Uses Service (SUS)
Further Information Sources
- www.dahno.com
- Helpdesk Gary Sargent or Sandy Garrity
- Helpdesk_at_dahno.com
NHS Health Social Care Information Centre