1 CEI SUMMIT ECONOMIC FORUM 23-24 November 2005
2BSEC Members - Shareholders of BSTDB
Ukraine 13.5
Russia 16.5
Moldova 2
Georgia 2
Azerbaijan 2
Romania 13.5
Bulgaria 13.5
Armenia 2
Albania 2
Turkey 16.5
Greece 16.5
This map is for illustrative purposes only.
3BSTDB Today
- Well-established regional IFI
- Authorized Capital of SDR 1 billion (approx.
1,325 billion US dollars) - Baa 2 long-term investment rating from Moodys
This map is for illustrative purposes only.
4BSTDB Products
- Project and Corporate finance
- Medium-to-long term lending
- Equity and quasi-equity
- Guarantees
5Medium-to-long Term Lending
- Up to USD 23 million BSTDB participation
- Up to 35 of the total project costs
- Medium to long term maturity depending on type
and structure of project - Pricing and grace period subject to appraisal and
6Equity Investment
- Minority stake (generally less than 25 and not
more than 33 of total equity). - No direct participation in company management
- Probable seat on the Board of Directors
- Possible Put/Call option arrangement for BSTDB
- Stringent but quick approval process
- Ability to process small projects
- Team blending international and local expertise
- No political or macroeconomic conditionality
attached to the financing
8What is BSTDBs Project Cycle?
9 BSTDBs Energy Sector Operational Strategy
- Niche energy production opportunities both in oil
and gas production and electricity generation - Energy transportation infrastructure projects
(oil and gas pipelines, associated equipment,
high voltage electricity transmission lines,
etc.) - The Bank intends to give priority within the
energy sector to projects that will attract
commercial co-finance
10Sample Of BSTDB Energy Projects
11Sample Of BSTDB Energy Projects
12The Rompetrol Group B.V. Financing
- Guarantees
- Mortgage (Vega Refinery Assets)
- Pledge (Vega Refinery Assets)
- Accounts Receivables Pledge
- Floating charges
- Assignment of Insurances
- Additional Insurances
- Loss payee
Corporate Loan
The Rompetrol Group NV
OMV 25,16
Use of proceeds
Rompetrol Malta Ltd (Malta)
Rompetrol Holding S.A (Switzerland)
Lumbaquil Oil Ltd (Bahamas)
Petros S.A (Romania)
Rompetrol Oilfield Services BV (The Netherlands)
Rompetrol Azerbaijan Ltd (UK)
13Principal Terms and Conditions of the Project
14Financing Energy Projects Challenges?!
- Global Energy Trends
- Global Energy Demand will Continue to Grow
Inexorably - Resource are Ample, but Technologies and Supply
Patterns will Change - Rising Demand will Drive up Carbon Dioxide
Emissions - Providing Cost-Effective Energy to the Final
Consumer will be Unfinished Task - The Investment Challenge
- Massive Investment in Expanding Energy Supply
Capacity will be Required - Mobilising Investment will be Challenging
- Government Policies will be Critical
15Financing Energy Projects - Opportunities ?!
- Financing of Oil and Gas Exploration and
Independent Producers - Privatization and subsequent financing of power
and gas retailers in various states - Financing of pipe producers and tanker fleet
owners via trade-finance instruments and/or
direct investments
16Whom to contact?
Gueorgui Horozov Director Energy Infrastructure
Tel 30 2310 290 441 Fax 30 2310 290
432 e-mail ghorozov_at_bstdb.org Web site